Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Date



Libraries have always tried to uphold the Library Bill of Rights but are we just a neutral bridge to information or something more? In an era increasingly defined by socioeconomic and educational inequalities, resurgence of white supremacy, and “fake news”, we as information workers must challenge how we have understood our roles in the library. In response to this charge, the William H. Hannon Library staff development committee created and facilitated a day-long examination of social justice for librarians and library staff at Loyola Marymount University. Our presentation will reflect on this day including the development of materials and active learning activities, immediate staff response, issues that emerged, and actions taken because of this session. Attendees will take part in two activities examining unconscious biases and their effects on library services and the library as a collective space, unsettling the assumption that all patrons are middle class, white Christians.
