"Academic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP) and Accreditation: When As" by Jeffrey Gatten

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



A new university accreditation system in the U.S. is known as the Academic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP), developed in 1999 by the North Central Association. AQIP is designed to offer an alternative to current re-accreditation procedures, engaging institutions in a continuous quality improvement process. Kent State University has been selected as one of thirteen initial institutions to participate. All academic units, including the libraries, are required to develop assessment plans that focus on student learning outcomes. Of particular challenge for the libraries is building meaningful assessments that demonstrate direct impacts on student learning.

Publisher Statement

Gatten, Jeffrey N. “Academic Quality Improvement Project (AQIP) and Accreditation: When Assessment is Not Optional.” In Proceedings of the 4th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 2002.
