Benson Center, Williman Room
Start Date
11-8-2014 11:05 AM
End Date
11-8-2014 11:50 AM
This session is a case study describing our exploration of community engagement and information literacy over four quarters in LIBY1210: Introduction to Information Literacy. Our module introduces students to new ways of viewing the production of knowledge by asking them to participate in a community-based participatory action research scenario. Typically, unless librarians can attach instruction activities to existing service learning courses, we are not able to assign such projects. However, if we shift our focus from a service learning/volunteerism paradigm to a broader community engagement model, there are opportunities to expand into a more social justice based approach.
Short bio of the presenter(s)
Gretchen Keer is Online Learning & Outreach Librarian at CSU East Bay in Hayward, CA. Their research interests include critical information literacy and research justice.
Jeffra Diane Bussmann is STEM/Web Librarian at CSU East Bay in Hayward, CA. Her research interests include information literacy in the sciences and exploring the application of new teaching pedagogies.
Community Engagement & Information Literacy: A Case Study
Benson Center, Williman Room
This session is a case study describing our exploration of community engagement and information literacy over four quarters in LIBY1210: Introduction to Information Literacy. Our module introduces students to new ways of viewing the production of knowledge by asking them to participate in a community-based participatory action research scenario. Typically, unless librarians can attach instruction activities to existing service learning courses, we are not able to assign such projects. However, if we shift our focus from a service learning/volunteerism paradigm to a broader community engagement model, there are opportunities to expand into a more social justice based approach.