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The 2020 Police and Community Relations Survey conducted by StudyLA involved 20-minute telephone sessions and online and face-to-face surveys with 1,753 adults living in the city of Los Angeles. The survey was conducted in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Korean from August 31st to October 25th, and respondents were asked a range of questions concerning policing in Los Angeles.
Survey results are presented in two sections:
(1) toplines, or total responses for each question, and (2) crosstabs, or all questions crossed by major demographics.
The following report presents data pertaining to all substantive questions. Note that all questions were asked of the entire sample (n=1,753) except for the three questions on the most impactful experience with the LAPD. These three questions were asked only of those respondents who indicated that they had previous experiences with the LAPD (n=1,127). The survey also asked three open-ended questions, allowing residents to put their thoughts into their own words. These answers were thematically coded by StudyLA researchers to create answer category, and each response could be coded with multiple such categories. Thus, the sum of response categories may not add up to 100% on the tables for open-ended questions. If a respondents' answer was off topic and did not address the question asked, it was coded as "not a response" and not included in further analysis. Additionally, only open-ended responses that were mentioned by at least 8% are included in the crosstabs. Lastly, note that full question wording is presented on pages 2-3 of the data brief, while the data tables might show condensed wording due to space.
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Recommended Citation for Data Brief
Police Data Brief: 2020 Police and Community Relations Survey. Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California.