Works from 1995
Interpretation, Steven J. Mailloux
Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Kavis or Rishis: The Legacy of Radhakrishnan and the Discipline of Hindu Studies, Christopher Key Chapple
Kendall Folkert. Scripture and Community: Collected Essays on the Jains. Edited by John E. Cort. In Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Vol. LXIII No. 3, 1995. Pp. 646-647., Christopher Key Chapple
“Making waves” with burke: Surf Nazi culture and the rhetoric of localism, Dean Scheibel
Michael Carrithers and Caroline Humphrey. The Assembly of Listeners: Jains in Society. In Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Vol. LXIII No. 3, 1995. Pp. 644- 645., Christopher Key Chapple
Natural History of the Spider Genus Lutica (Araneae, Zodariidae), Martina G. Ramirez
On the Reuse of Bolts Which Have Been Torqued to Yield, Dal B. Lee, Joseph Foyos, Martin L. Smith, Omar S. Es-Said, and Otto Kossuth
Organizing Jainism in India and England, Christopher Key Chapple
Para-Educators: A source for remedying the shortage of teachers for limited English proficient students, Magaly Lavadenz
Persuasions Good and Bad: Bunyan, Iser, and Fish on Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Literature, Steven J. Mailloux
Phylogeny and Historical Biogeography of the Spider Genus Lutica (Araneae, Zodariidae), Martina G. Ramirez
Review of Five Innovative Egyptian Short Stories, Amir Hussain
Review of Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historìcal Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith, Douglas E. Christie
Review of Mervin Breneman, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Wings of Lead: A Modern Egyptian Novella, Amir Hussain
Rise and Fall of the New West, Chuck Rosenthal
Rock Music Scholarship: An Interdisciplinary Bibliography, Jeffrey Gatten
Scripture and Community: Collected Essays on the Jains, Christopher Key Chapple
Text and Experience: Toward a Cultural Exegesis of the Bible, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
The Assembly of Listeners: Jains in Society, Christopher Key Chapple
The effect of fluctuating substrate salinity on the yield and flag leaf photosynthesis of wheat, Philippa M. Drennan
The Judean Desert Monasteries in the Byzantine Period by Yizhar Hirschfeld (Review), Douglas E. Christie
The Letters of St. Antony: Origenist Theology, Monastic Tradition and the Making of a Saint by Samuel Rubenson (Review), Douglas E. Christie
The Unfinished Agenda of Vatican II, Thomas P. Rausch
The Widowed Women of Santa Fe: Assessments on the Lives of an Unmarried Population, 1850-1880, Deena J. Gonzalez
We Already Have All That We Seek: Prayer as Radical Simplicity, Douglas E. Christie
Works from 1994
An experimental exercise for illustrating gender bias in career and other human resource management decisions, Ellen A. Ensher
Aphorisms on Spiritual Method: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in Light of Mystical Experience, Christopher Key Chapple
A simple description of coherence, William Moebs and Jeff Sanny
Book Review of Paths to the Power of Myth: Joseph Campbell and the Study of Religion, Christopher Key Chapple
Contemporary Jaina and Hindu Responses to the Ecological Crisis, Christopher Key Chapple
Cultures of Letters: Scenes of Reading and Writing in NineteenthCentury America. By Richard H. Brodhead., Steven J. Mailloux
Daniel C. Noel, ed. Paths to the Power of Myth: Joseph Campbell and the Study of Religion. In Horizons. Vol. 21, No. 2. Fall 1994. P. 38, Christopher Key Chapple
Ecological Prospects: Scientific, Religious, and Aesthetic Perspectives, Christopher Key Chapple
Gender and Salvation, Christopher Key Chapple
Graffiti and “film school” culture: Displaying alienation, Dean Scheibel
Hindu Environmentalism: Traditional and Contemporary Resources, Christopher Key Chapple
India's Earth Consciousness, Christopher Key Chapple
Lattice-Ordered Algebras That Are Subdirect Products of Valuation Domains, Melvin Henriksen, Suzanne Larson, Jorge Martinez, and R. G. Woods
Mapping the Sacred Landscape: Spirituality and the Contemporary Literature of Nature, Douglas E. Christie
Medium PRF set selection: an approach through combinatorics, Michael C. Berg and A. G. Thomas
Newcomer Schools: First impressions, Magaly Lavadenz
Reading Patañjali Without Vyàsa: A Critique of Four Yoga Sutra Passages, Christopher Key Chapple
Review of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ, Douglas E. Christie
Teleological Reasoning in Robert Boyle's Disquisition about Final Causes, Timothy Shanahan
The Assumption as a Monastic Celebration: Ælred of Rievaulx' s Homilies for the Feast, Marie Anne Mayeski
The Book of Daniel, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
The Cause of the 1929-33 Great Collapse: A Marxian Interpretation, James Devine
The effects of war trauma in Central American immigrant children, Magaly Lavadenz
The Far Side of Nothingness: Reading Mitchell's Spirituality and Emptiness, James L. Fredericks
The Literature of Nature and the Quest for the Sacred, Douglas E. Christie
The Mixed Marriage Crisis in Ezra 9-10 and Nehemiah 13: A Study of the Sociology of the Postexilic Judean Community, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
The Promise of the New Ecumenical Directory, Thomas P. Rausch
The Stream of Someone Else’s Memory, Sarah Maclay
Thomas Merton: Twenty-Five Years After, Thomas P. Rausch
Works from 1993
“A feeling for the natural world”: spirituality and contemporary nature writing, Douglas E. Christie
Book Review of World Religions: A Story Approach, Christopher Key Chapple
Flexible Fundamentalism: A Jaina Approach to Interreligious Dialogue, Christopher Key Chapple
Founders of India's Civilization: Lives of Ten Great Pre-Buddha Men of India, Christopher Key Chapple
Jaideva Singh. The Yoga of Delight, Wonder, and Astonishment: A Translation of the Vijñāna-Bhairava. In Religious Studies Review. Vol. 19, Number 2 (1993), p. 182., Christopher Key Chapple
Leaf anatomy, chloroplast organization and photosynthetic rate of hyperhydric Eucalyptus saligna Sm. material, Philippa M. Drennan
Leonard J. Biallas. World Religions: A Story Approach. In Horizons. Vol. 20, No. 1, 1993. Pp. 191-192., Christopher Key Chapple
Measurement of the microwave dielectric constant for low‐loss samples with finite thickness using open‐ended coaxial‐line probes, G. Q. Jiang, W. H. Wong, E. Y. Raskovich, W. G. Clark, W. A. Hines, and Jeff Sanny
Misreading as a Historical Act: Cultural Rhetoric, Bible Politics, and Fuller's 1845 Review of Douglass' Narrative, Steven J. Mailloux
Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in Asian Traditions, Christopher Key Chapple
On A Generalization of Hecke ϑ-Functions and the Analytic Proof of Higher Reciprocity Laws, Michael C. Berg
P.L. Bhargava. Founders of India's Civilization: Lives of Ten Great Pre-Buddha Men of India. In Religious Studies Review. Vol. 19, No. 4 (1993), p. 372., Christopher Key Chapple
Present State of Anglican-Roman Catholic Relations: An Assessment, Thomas P. Rausch
Responses to the US Lutheran-Roman Catholic Statement on Justification: Introduction to the Responses, Thomas P. Rausch
Review of Discordant Harmonies: A New Ecology for the Twenty-First Century, Douglas E. Christie
Review of For the Love of the World: Essays on Nature Writers, Douglas E. Christie
Review of Ingeborg Gabriel, Friede über Israel: Eine Untersuchung zur Friedenstheologie in Chronik 1:10-2:36, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Robert B. Coote, In Defense of Revolution: The Elohist History, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story, Douglas E. Christie
Review of The Wilderness of God, Douglas E. Christie
Self-Baptizing the Wicked Esperanza: Chicana Feminism and Cultural Contact in The House on Mango Street, Juan Mah y Busch
Teaching undergraduate community psychology: Integrating the classroom and the surrounding community, Michael J. O'Sullivan
The 3-4/4-3 MMPI code type in an offender population: An update on levels of hostility and violence, Michael J. O'Sullivan
The Career Paths of Minority Elected Politicians: Resemblances and Differences, Fernando Guerra
The College Student’s Introduction to Theology, Thomas P. Rausch
The Grace of Unknowing, Douglas E. Christie
The IMF and the South: The Social Impact of Crisis and Adjustment, by D. Ghai, Zaki Eusufzai
The Jesuit Tradition in Education and Missions: A 450-Year Perspective, Christopher Key Chapple
The Law of Value and Marxian Political Ecology, James Devine
Theology and the World Religions, Christopher Key Chapple
The Presidency in an Age of Limits, Michael A. Genovese
The Vision of Buddhism, Christopher Key Chapple
The Yoga of Delight, Wonder, and Astonishment: A Translation of the Vijñana-Bhairava, Christopher Key Chapple
Thrombin-binding DNA aptamer forms a unimolecular quadruplex structure in solution, James A. Roe, Roman F. Macaya, Peter Schultze, Flint W. Smith, and Juli Feigon
Two Traditional Indian Models for Interreligious Dialogue: Monistic Accommodationism and Flexible Fundamentalism, Christopher Key Chapple
Women as National Leaders, Michael A. Genovese
Works from 1992
Book Review: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple
Breathing Fire, Chuck Rosenthal
Church, Hierarchy, and Churches: Popular Catholic Misconceptions, Thomas P. Rausch
Community mental health services for Hispanics: A test of the culture compatibility hypothesis, Michael J. O'Sullivan
Conditions Not Met: California Elections and the Latino Community, Fernando Guerra
Criminalizing the mentally ill, Michael J. O'Sullivan
Dharmakirti's Theory of Hetu-Centricity of Anumana, Christopher Key Chapple
Economic Crisis and Policy Choice: The Politics of Adjustment in the 3rd World, by J.M. Nelson, Zaki Eusufzai