Works from 2000
Reconciling Faith and Reason: Apologists, Evangelists, and Theologians in a Divided Church, Thomas P. Rausch
Responses of CAM species to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, Philippa M. Drennan
Review of Fernando F. Segovia and Mary Ann Tolbert, Teaching the Bible: The Discourses and Politics of Biblical Pedagogy, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Jay Wood, Becoming Intellectually Virtuous, Jason Baehr
Review of The Butterfly Healing: A Life Between East and West, Amir Hussain
Simulation of regional-scale water and energy budgets: Representation of subgrid cloud and precipitation processes within RegCM, Jeremy S. Pal, Eric E. Small, and Elfatih A. B. Eltahir
Sources for the Study of Jaina Philosophy: A Bibliographic Essay, Christopher Key Chapple
Species, Timothy Shanahan
Teleradiology as a Foundation for an Enterprise-wide Health Care Delivery System, John David N. Dionisio, Ricky K. Taira, Usha Sinha, David B. Johnson, Benjamin Y. Dai, Gregory H. Tashima, Stephen Blythe, Richard Johnson, and Hooshang Kangarloo
The Fourier-Analytic Proof of Quadratic Reciprocity, Michael Berg
“The Immense Call of the Particular” Czeslaw Milosz on Nature, History, and Hope, Douglas E. Christie
The Intersection Graph Conjecture for Loop Diagrams, Blake Mellor
The Next Step, Benjamin Y. Dai, Lynn Thompson, John David N. Dionisio, Hooshang Kangarloo, and Ricky K. Taira
The tyrosine kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways mediate multiple effects of estrogen in hippocampus, Ruifen Bi, Greg Broutman, Michael R. Foy, Richard F. Thompson, and Michel Baudry
What Have You Done For Me Lately?, Michael A. Genovese
Zero estimates for polynomials in 3 and 4 variables using orbits and stabilisers, Curtis Bennett, Lisa K. Elderbrock, and Andrew M. W. Glass
Works from 1999
-, Christopher Key Chapple
Advising Young Women of Color: Cultural Considerations for Increasing Effectiveness, Ellen A. Ensher, Susan E. Murphy, and Sharon G. Goto
A Mystery Still, Timothy Shanahan
A New American Dilemma?: Asian Americans and Latinos in Race Theorizing, Edward J.W. Park and John S.W. Park
A Sense of Place, Douglas E. Christie
Book Review of 'Dead Center: Clinton-Gore Leadership and the Perils of Moderation,' by James McGregor Burns and Georgia J. Sorenson, with Robin Gerber and Scott W. Webster, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of `First Son: George W. Bush and the Bush Family Dynasty,' by Bill Minutaglio, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of Lee, K.H., Euripides’ Ion. Translation and Commentary., Katerina Zacharia
Book Review of `Presidential Machismo: Executive Authority, Military Intervention, and Foreign Relations,' by Alexander DeConde, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of Sahaja Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review of 'Sound and Fury: The Making of the Punditocracy,' by Eric Alterman, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of `The Reagan Effect: Economics and Presidential Leadership,' by John W. Sloan, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of `The Road to the White House, 2000: The Politics of Presidential Elections,' by Stephen J. Wayne, Michael A. Genovese
Book Reviews of 'John F. Kennedy and Europe,' edited by Douglas Brinkley and Richard T. Griffiths, Michael A. Genovese
Ecclesiology: A Second Revolution: The Church and In Its Ordained Ministry, Thomas P. Rausch
Effect of mutations in the A site of 16 S rRNA on aminoglycoside antibiotic-ribosome interaction, Michael I. Recht, Stephen Douthwaite, Joseph D. Puglisi, and Kam D. Dahlquist
Entitlement Fever, Janie Steckenrider
Ethical Vegetarianism: From Pythagoras to Peter Singer, Christopher Key Chapple
Evolutionary Progress from Darwin to Dawkins, Timothy Shanahan
Finite Type Link Homotopy Invariants, Blake Mellor
Friends or Enemies?: Generational Politics in the Korean American Community in Los Angeles, Edward J.W. Park
GC 34 and Theology: ‘Dialogue is a New Way of Being Church', Thomas P. Rausch
Gender And Local Government: A Comparison Of Women And Men City Managers, Richard L. Fox
Gene flow among habitat patches on a fragmented landscape in the spider Argiope trifasciata (Araneae: Araneidae), Martina G. Ramirez and Kirsten E. Haakonsen
“If your roommate dies, you get a 4.0”: Reclaiming rumor with Burke and organizational culture, Dean Scheibel
Into the Body of Another: Eros, Embodiment and Intimacy with the Natural World, Douglas E. Christie
Is the 'medical management' of ectopic pregnancy by the administration of methotrexate morally acceptable?, Christopher Kaczor
Judith Cooney. Sahaja Yoga. In International Journal of Hindu Studies. Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 93-95., Christopher Key Chapple
Justice Between Generations: The Growing Power of the Elderly in America, Janie S. Steckenrider
Krishnamurti: Reflections on the Self, Christopher Key Chapple
Language, Priestly Identity, and Ordination, Thomas P. Rausch
Mach’s Principle in a Mixed Newton-Einstein Context, Evert Jan Post and Michael Berg
Measuring the diameter of your blind spot, Jeff Sanny
Nietzsche and Buddhism: A Study in Nihilism and Ironic Affinities, by Robert G. Morrison, James L. Fredericks
Proportionalism and the Pill: How Developments in Theory Lead to Contradictions to Practice, Christopher Kaczor
Racial Ideology and Hiring Decisions in Silicon Valley, Edward J.W. Park
Reading Typos, Reading Archives, Steven J. Mailloux
Religion, Economics, and Ecology: A Hindu Response, Christopher Key Chapple
Returning to the Sources: The Hebrew Bible, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Reverence for All Life: Animals in the Jain Tradition, Christopher Key Chapple
Review of Conversion to Islam: A Study of Native British Converts, Amir Hussain
Review of John A. Wood, Perspectives on War in the Bible, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of On My Own: Korean American Businesses and Race Relations in America, Edward J.W. Park
Review of The Korean American Dream: Immigrants and Small Business in New York City, Edward J.W. Park
Review of William R. Farmer, The International Bible Commentary: A Catholic and Ecumenical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Rhetorical Pragmatism and the Uses of Literature, Steven J. Mailloux
The Doctrine of Karma: Its Origin and Development in Brahmanical, Buddhist, and Jaina Traditions, Christopher Key Chapple
The Land of Plenitude, Christopher Key Chapple
The Polish Church Examines Its Conscience, Bohdan W. Oppenheim and Thomas P. Rausch
The Polish Church Examines Its Conscience., Bohdan W. Oppenheim and Thomas P. Rausch
The Presence of the Paradigm: Immanence and Transcendence in Plato’s Theory of Forms, Eric Perl
The Watergate Crisis, Michael A. Genovese
Total Quality Requires Serious Training, Bohdan W. Oppenheim
Women Candidates In Kenya: Political Socialization And Representation, Richard L. Fox
Wrestling with the Ox: A Theology of Religious Experience, by Paul Ingram, James L. Fredericks
Works from 1998
Archbishop Quinn’s Challenge: A Not Impossible Task, Thomas P. Rausch
A statistical study of the magnetic signatures of FTEs near the dayside magnetopause, Jeff Sanny, C. Beck, and D. G. Sibeck
Book Review of Absent Lord: Ascetics and Kings in a Jain Ritual Culture, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review of `A Tangled Web: The Making of Foreign Policy in the Nixon Presidency,' by William Bundy, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of The Broken World of Sacrifice: An Essay in Ancient Indian Ritual, Christopher Key Chapple
Cohomology of Polynomials Under an Irrational Rotation, Lawrence W. Baggett, Herbert A. Medina, and Kathy D. Merrill
Competing Visions: Political Formation of Korean Americans in Los Angeles, Edward J.W. Park
Divisions, Dialogue, and the Catholicity of the Church, Thomas P. Rausch
Double-Effect Reasoning: From Jean Pierre Gury to Peter Knauer, Christopher Kaczor
Excluded by the Logic of Control: Women in Medieval Society and Scholastic Theology, Marie Anne Mayeski
Faith and Reason and Physician Assisted Suicide, Christopher Kaczor
Haribhadra's Analysis of Patañjala and Kula Yoga in the Yogadṛṣṭisamuccaya, Christopher Key Chapple
Interreligious Friendship: A New Theological Virtue, James L. Fredericks
J.C. Heesterman. The Broken World of Sacrifice: An Essay in Ancient Indian Ritual. In Religious Studies Review, Vol. 24, No. 3, July 1998. P. 326., Christopher Key Chapple
Living on the Edge of Eternity, Douglas E. Christie
Losing Your Religion, Finding Your Faith: Spirituality for Young Adults, Brett C. Hoover
MacIntyre and Emotivism: Gaps Between the Meaning and Use of Words, Christopher Kaczor
Mate location, population growth and species extinction, Eric Strauss
Old Wisdom in the New World: Americanization in Two Immigrant Theravada Buddhist Temples, Christopher Key Chapple
One Earth Many Religions: Multifaith Dialogue and Global Responsibility, by Paul F. Knitter, James L. Fredericks
Review of Blue Dreams: Korean Americans and the Los Angeles Riots, Edward J.W. Park
Review of Dianne Bergant, Israel's Wisdom Literature: A Liberation-Critical Reading, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Fragments of the Spirit: Nature, Violence, and the Renewal of Creation, Douglas E. Christie
Review of Justo L. Gonzalez, Santa Biblia:The Bible Through Hispanic Eyes, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Poetry and Mysticism in Islam: The Heritage of Rumi, Amir Hussain
Review of Struggling to Surrender: Some Impressions of an American Convert to Islam, Amir Hussain
Root growth dependence on soil temperature for Opuntia ficus-indica: Influences of air temperature and a doubled CO2 concentration, Philippa M. Drennan