Works from 2001
Does Strength of Phonological Representations Predict Phonological Awareness in Preschool Children?, Judith G. Foy and Virginia A. Mann
Effects of perceived discrimination on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and grievances, Ellen A. Ensher
Evolution Is Opportunistic, Not Directional - Response, Timothy Shanahan
Expression of MsLEC1- and MsLEC2-antisense genes in alfalfa plant lines causes severe embryogenic, developmental and reproductive abnormalities, Laurence M. Brill, Cory J. Evans, and Ann M. Hirsch
Fair and Square: The Four Sides of Distributive Justice, James Konow
Fetal Research and Consent, Christopher Kaczor
Four Recent Books on Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple
Gender And The Decision To Run For Office, Richard L. Fox
Hinduism and Deep Ecology, Christopher Key Chapple
Incommensurable, Supersensible, Sublime, Jeffrey Wilson
Jainism and Buddhism, Christopher Key Chapple
Johannes Bronkhorst. Karma and Teleology: A Problem and Its Solutions in Indian Philosophy. In Religious Studies Review, Volume 27, Number 4, October 2001, pp. 431-432., Christopher Key Chapple
Korean Americans and the Crisis of the Liberal Coalition: Immigrants and Politics in Los Angeles, Edward J.W. Park and John S.W. Park
Listening, Reading, Praying: Orality, Literacy and Early Christian Monastic Spirituality, Douglas E. Christie
Measurement of the Gluon Parton Distribution Function at Small x with Neutrino Telescopes, Gabriele U. Varieschi
Mentoring Experiences of Women City Managers: Are Women Disadvantaged?, Richard L. Fox
Methodological and Contextual Factors in the Dawkins/Gould Dispute Over Evolutionary Progress, Timothy Shanahan
Moral Absolutism and Ecotopic Pregnancy, Christopher Kaczor
Nicholas F. Gier. Spiritual Titanism: Indian, Chinese, and Western Perspectives. In Religious Studies Review, Vol. 27, No. 1, January 2001, p. 47, Christopher Key Chapple
On the existence of finite type link homotopy invariants, Blake Mellor and Dylan Thurston
Pathways relating soil moisture conditions to future summer rainfall within a model of the land-atmosphere system, Jeremy S. Pal and Elfatih A. B. Eltahir
Political Participation Of The Urban Poor, Richard L. Fox
Prayers and Dreams: Power and Diaspora Identities In the Social Setting of the Daniel Tales, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Progress – A Philosophical Analysis, Timothy Shanahan
Pushing the Boundaries of Personal Ethics: The Practice of Jaina Vows, Christopher Key Chapple
Quaestio Disputata: Catholic Theology and the History of Exegesis, Marie Anne Mayeski
Religions of India and Ecology, Christopher Key Chapple
Review of Koreans in the Hood: Conflict with African Americans, Edward J.W. Park
Review of Lewis V. Baldwin and Amiri YaSin Al-Hadid, Between Cross and Crescent: Christian and Muslim Perspectives on Malcolm and Martin, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Priscilla Pope-Levison and John R. Levison, Return to Babel: Global Perspectives on the Bible, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Sugar-binding activity of pea lectin enhances heterologous infection of transgenic alfalfa plants by Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, Nancy Fujishige
`That was then…’: Textual Defenses of Nonviolence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
The Books of Ezra-Nehemiah, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
The Electoral Fortunes Of Women Candidate For Congress, Richard L. Fox
The Hadamard Core of the Totally Nonnegative Matrices, Alissa Crans
The Impact of Mainstream Political Mobilization on Asian American Communities: The Case of Korean Americans in Los Angeles, 1992-1998, Edward J.W. Park
The Living Cosmos of Jainism: A Traditional Science Grounded in Environmental Ethics, Christopher Key Chapple
Theological Pluralism as Repressive Tolerance, James L. Fredericks
The Power of the American Presidency : 1789-2000, Michael A. Genovese
'The Rock of the Nightingale': Kinship Diplomacy and Sophocles' Tereus, Katerina Zacharia
The role of mentoring support and self management strategies on reported career outcomes, Ellen A. Ensher
Thomas Aquinas on the Development of Doctrine, Christopher Kaczor
Trace fields of twist knots, Patrick Shanahan
What makes the Rhizobia-legume symbiosis so special?, Michelle Lum
What to Do on Your Summer Vacation, Alissa Crans
Women and Their Mothers: Rejecting and Reclaiming the Tradition of the Saints, Marie Anne Mayeski
Works from 2000
-, Christopher Key Chapple
Apocalyptic Visions, Amir Hussain
Book Review of `If the Gods Had Meant Us To Vote They Would Have Given Us Candidates,' by Jim Hightower, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of "If the Gods Had Meant Us to Vote They Would Have Given Us Candidates" by John Hightower, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of 'In Praise of Public Life,' by Joseph I. Lieberman and Michael D'Orso, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of 'Inventing Al Gore: A Biography,' by Bill Turque, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of "Presidential Greatness" by Marc Landy and Sidney M. Milkis, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of Reflections in the Mirror of Religion, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review of Renewing Presidential Policies: Campaigns, Media, and the Public Interest by Bruce Buchanan, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of "Shrub: The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush" by Molly Ivers and Lou Dubose, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of `The Presidency of George Bush,' by John Robert Greene, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of "The Prince of Tennessee" by David Maraniss and Ellen Nakashima, Michael A. Genovese
Catholics and Evangelicals: Do They Share a Common Future?, Thomas P. Rausch
Choices made in balancing work and family: following two women on a seventeen-year journey, Ellen A. Ensher
Christ in Ten Thousand Places: Cultivating the Art of Attention, Douglas E. Christie
Community, Violence, and Peace: Aldo Leopold, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Gautama the Buddha in the Twenty-First Century, Christopher Key Chapple
Consumer Privacy and Name Removal Across Direct Marketing Channels: Exploring Opt-in and Opt-out Alternatives, Andrew Rohm
Cyclic Dehn surgery and the A-polynomial, Patrick Shanahan
Dg93, a nodule-abundant mRNA of Datisca glomerata with homology to a soybean early nodulin gene, Nancy Fujishige
Disciplinary Identities: On the Rhetorical Paths between English and Communication Studies, Steven J. Mailloux
Effects of Peer Mentoring on Types of Mentor Support, Program Satisfaction and Graduate Student Stress: A Dyadic Perspective, Ellen A. Ensher and Elisa J. Grant-Vallone
“El molino de la Escuelita,” “Respuesta,” and “Lección de español”, Alicia Partnoy
Evolutionary Progress?, Timothy Shanahan
Fair Shares: Accountability and Cognitive Dissonance in Allocation Decisions, James Konow
Finite Type Link Concordance Invariants, Blake Mellor
Finite Type Link Homotopy Invariants II: Milnor's invariants, Blake Mellor
Gender And The Role Of The City Manager, Richard L. Fox
Gender Dynamics And Judicial Behavior In Criminal Trial Courts: An Exploratory Study, Richard L. Fox
Hidden Inflation: An Estimate of the Cost of Living Inflation Rate, James Devine
Hinduism and Ecology: The Intersection of Earth, Sky, and Water, Christopher Key Chapple
Impeachment Work in the Menendez Brothers’ Murder Trial, Stacy Lee Burns
Interaction of Translation Initiation Factor IF1 with the E. coli Ribosomal A site, Kam D. Dahlquist and Joseph D. Puglisi
Interactive Software for Generation and Visualization of Structured Findings in Radiology Reports, John David N. Dionisio, Usha Sinha, Benjamin Dai, Ricky Taira, Greg Tashima, Michael Golamco, and Hooshang Kangarloo
Into the Empty Places, Douglas E. Christie
Introduction, Christopher Key Chapple
Jainism and Nonviolence, Christopher Key Chapple
Life Force in Jainism and Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple
Longitudinal examination of mentoring relationships on organizational commitment and citizenship behavior, Ellen A. Ensher
Making Comparisons: First Contact, Ethnocentrism, and Cross-Cultural Communication, Steven J. Mailloux
Making Settlement Work: An Examination of the Work of Judicial Mediators, Stacy Lee Burns
Mechanisms of convergence and extension by cell intercalation, Maxellende Ezin
Mentoring and Self-Management Career Strategies For Entrepreneurs, Ellen A. Ensher, Susan E. Murphy, and Charles M. Vance
Metaphysical Questions in Sartre’s Phenomenological Ontology, Jeffrey Wilson
Multiracial Collaborations and Coalitions, Edward J.W. Park
Ninian Smart. Reflections in the Mirror of Religion. In Faith and Philosophy. Vol. 17, No. 2, April 2000, pp. 271-273., Christopher Key Chapple
Notes on the Islamic Calendar, Amir Hussain
On Local Objects Attached to Theta- and Zeta-Functions, Michael C. Berg
Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics Predictions for Very High Energy Atmospheric Neutrinos and Muons, Gabriele U. Varieschi
Priesthood in the Context of Apostolic Religious Life, Thomas P. Rausch
Prompt Atmospheric Neutrinos and Muons: Dependence on the Gluon Distribution Function, Gabriele U. Varieschi
Prompt Atmospheric Neutrinos and Muons: NLO versus LO QCD Predictions, Gabriele U. Varieschi
Proportionalism For and Against, Christopher Kaczor
Reclaiming an Ancient Story: Baudonivia's Life of St. Radegund (circa 525-587), Marie Anne Mayeski and Jane Crawford