Works from 2005
Review of Bruce E. Johansen, ed., Enduring Legacies: Native American Treaties and Contemporary Controversies, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Daniel Friedmann, To Kill and Take Possession: Law, Morality, and Society In Biblical Stories, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of David Boonin, A Defense of Abortion, Christopher Kaczor
Review of James Doig, Aquinas's Philosophical Commentary on the Ethics, Christopher Kaczor
Review of Muslim Britain: Communities Under Pressure, Amir Hussain
Review of Natural Law Reconsidered: The Ethics of Human Liberation, by Stephen Theron, Christopher Kaczor
Review of Oded Borowski, Daily Life in Biblical Times, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of The Indian Imagination: Critical Essays on Indian Writing in English, Amir Hussain
Review of Women and Confucian Cultures in Premodern China, Korea, and Japan, Robin Wang
Simplicity, or the Terror of Belief: The Making and Unmaking of the Self in Early Christian Monasticism, Douglas E. Christie
Teaching Inside-Out: On Teaching Islam, Amir Hussain
The Coming Era of ‘Brand in the Hand’ Marketing, Andrew Rohm
The coupling of the Common Land Model (CLM0) to a regional climate model (RegCM), A. L. Steiner, Jeremy S. Pal, F. Giorgi, R. E. Dickinson, and W. L. Chameides
The Edge of Life, Christopher R. Kaczor
The Edge of Life: Human Dignity and Contemporary Bioethics, Christopher Kaczor
The Effects Of Temperature, Humidity, And Barometric Pressure On Short-Sprint Race Times, Jonas R. Mureika
The Future of Teacher Education and The Politics of Resistance, P. McLaren and Marta Baltodano
The One Flower Slippers, Alicia Partnoy
The Presidency and the Constitution, Michael A. Genovese and Robert J. Spitzer
The Tribological Role of Energy Efficiency within Society, Matthew Siniawski
To Run Or Not To Run For Office: Explaining Nascent Political Ambition, Richard L. Fox
Towards a Truly Catholic Church: An Ecclesiology for the Third Millennium, Thomas P. Rausch
Toy Blocks and Rotational Physics, Gabriele U. Varieschi and Isabel R. Jully
Transgenic mouse model of tau pathology in astrocytes leading to nervous system degeneration, Deepa V. Dabir
Unlikely Signs: Hope in a Culture of Optimism, Brett C. Hoover
Using Traditions: A Gadamerian Reflection on Canons, Contexts and Rhetoric, Steven J. Mailloux
Volando bajito (Little Low Flying): Poems, Alicia Partnoy
What Happened to the Linguistic Rights of Second Language Learners in California?, Marta Baltodano
What Was Old is New Again: Markedness and Photography, Marie Kennedy
Wncyclopedia Articles for “Buddha,” “Jainism,” and “Yoga and Ecology”, Christopher Key Chapple
Yoga and the Gita: Isvara-Pranidhana and Bhakti, Christopher Key Chapple
Zhou Dunyi's Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate Explained ("Taijito Shuo"): A Construction of the Confucian Metaphysics, Robin R. Wang
Works from 2004
Abrasiveness Control of a Thin Boron Carbide Coating Through Counterpart Tempering, Matthew Siniawski
A Confucian Defense of Gender Equity, Robin Wang
A formula for the A-polynomial of twist knots, Patrick Shanahan
A Group-Administered Timeline Followback Assessment of Alcohol Use, Joseph W. LaBrie, Eric R. Pedersen, and Mitch Earleywine
A molecular switch created by in vitro recombination of nonhomologous genes, Sarah F. Mitchell
A New Proof of a Theorem of Phan, Curtis Bennett and Sergey Shpectorov
An Orderly Retreat from the Big Deal: Is it Possible for Consortia?, Jeffrey Gatten and Tom Sanville
Answer, Alicia Partnoy
A Typology of Online Shoppers Based on Shopping Motivations, Andrew Rohm
Autobiography as Critique in Thoreau’s Walden, Jeffrey Wilson
Balancing, Alicia Partnoy
Bioethics in Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review: Museums and the Interpretation of Visual Culture, Jeffrey L. Wilson
Book Review of "America's Lawyer-Presidents: From Law Office to Oval Office," edited by Norman Gross, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of "Character: Profiles in Presidential Courage," by Chris Wallace, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order," by Mark Crispin Miller, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of "Had Enough?: A Handbook for Fighting Back," by James Carville and Jeff Nussbaum, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of "High Noon in the Cold War: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the Cuban Missile Crisis," by Max Frankel, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of "The Presidential Nominating Process: A Place for Us" by Rhodes Cook, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of "The Two Americas: Our Current Political Deadlock and How to Break It" by Stanley B. Greenberg, Michael A. Genovese
Bounds on Relic Neutrino Masses in the Z-burst Model, Gabriele U. Varieschi
Capital Punishment and the Catholic Tradition: Contradiction, Change in Circumstance, or Development of Doctrine, Christopher Kaczor
Christian Life Communities for Jesuit University Students?, Thomas P. Rausch
Consistency of recent European summer precipitation trends and extremes with future regional climate projections, Jeremy S. Pal, Filippo Giorgi, and Xunqiang Bi
Consumers’ Protection of Online Privacy and Identity, Andrew Rohm
Creative Works: “Pregunta semiculinaria” and “Experimento”, Alicia Partnoy
Customer-focused online exchange strategies: Does one size fit all?, Andrew Rohm
Defending Society from the Abnormal: The Archaeology of Bio-Power, Brad E. Stone
Design by Nature, Timothy Shanahan
Dialogue with Alaíde Poppa, Alicia Partnoy
Disclaimers in Thomas’s Commentary on the Ethics? A Reconsideration, Christopher Kaczor
Does the Right to Life Begin with Conscious Desires?, Christopher Kaczor
Effects of Thickness and Roughness Variations on the Abrasiveness of a Thin Boron Carbide Coating, Matthew Siniawski
End of the Millennium Latina (a song), Alicia Partnoy
Entering The Arena? Gender And The Decision To Run For Office, Richard L. Fox
Estrogen and Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity, Michael R. Foy, Michael Baudry, and Richard Thompson
Evangelizing America, Thomas P. Rausch
Expression of MsLEC1 transgenes in alfalfa plants causes symbiotic abnormalities, Nancy Fujishige
Ezekiel in Abu Ghraib: ReReading Ezekiel 16:37-39 in the context of Imperial Conquest, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Fermat's Last Theorem for Rational Exponents, Curtis D. Bennett, A. M. W. Glass, and Gábor J. Székely
Gender-based vicarious sensitivity to disempowering behavior in organizations: Exploring an expanded concept of hostile working environment, Ellen A. Ensher
George W. Bush and Presidential Leadership: The Un-Hidden Hand Presidency of George W. Bush, Michael A. Genovese
Gianismo e Nonviolenza, Christopher Key Chapple
Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa, Juan Mah y Busch
Higher Dimensional Algebra VI: Lie 2-Algebra, John C. Baez and Alissa S. Crans
Humor Works: Communication Style and Humor Functions in Manager/Subordinate Relationships, Diane M. Martin, Craig Rich, and Barbara Mae Gayle
In the Middle of Nowhere, Alicia Partnoy
Introduction: Critical pedagogy--revitalizing and democratizing teacher education, Magaly Lavadenz
Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
“K.S. Bud Adams,” “American Indian Athletic Association,” “Arthur Lee Daney,” “Gary Sargent,” and “The Urban Experience”, Nicolas Rosenthal
Labor Organizing Beyond Race and Nation: The Los Angeles Hilton Case, Edward J.W. Park
Latino Immigrant Parents and Hegemony of Proposition 227, Marta Baltodano
Lean Product Development Flow, Bohdan W. Oppenheim
Mean, interannual variability and trends in a regional climate change experiment over Europe II: Climate change scenarios (2071-2100), Filippo Giorgi, Xunqiang Bi, and Jeremy S. Pal
Mean, interannual variability and trends in a regional climate change experiment over Europe I Present-day climate (1961-1990), F. Giorgi, X. Bi, and Jeremy S. Pal
Movement and activity patterns of eastern coyotes in a coastal, suburban environment, Eric G. Strauss
Muslims in Canada: Opportunities and Challenges, Amir Hussain
On the Topology of Celtic Knot Designs, Gwen Fisher and Blake Mellor
On the Very Problem of the Problem of God in Zubiri and Unamuno, Brad E. Stone
Optimizing the Compression Stress Relief Process for 7050AL Forgings, K. Escobar, B. Gonzales, J. Ortiz, P. Nguyen, C. Iskandar, P. Tiscareno, M. Castro, J. Gutierrez, J. Foyos, J. Ogren, Omar S. Es-Said, D. M. Bowden, and E. W. Lee
Organization Development and Change Interventions: A Seven Nation Comparison, Ellen A. Ensher
Plasmaspheric Plumes: Crres Observations Of Enhanced Density Beyond The Plasmapause, Jeff Sanny, M. B. Moldwin, J. Howard, J. D. Bocchicchio, H. K. Rassoul, and R. R. Anderson
Polls and Politics : the Dilemmas of Democracy, Michael A. Genovese and Matthew J. Streb
Recovering (From) Janet Jackson's Breast: Ethics and the Nexus of Media, Sports, and Management, Lawrence A. Wenner
Reflections on Exile, Amir Hussain
Reform Structures, Focus on the Evidence, Thomas P. Rausch
Religious Dissonance and Reconciliation: The Haribhadra Story, Christopher Key Chapple