Works from 2006
Pope Gregory XV: Alessandro Ludovisi: The First Jesuit-Educated Pope, Tony Amodeo
Projected changes in mean and extreme precipitation over the Mediterranean region from a high resolution double nested RCM simulation, Xuejie Gao, Jeremy S. Pal, and Filippo Giorgi
Rat poison kills a pack of Eastern Coyotes, Canis latrans, in an urban area, Eric Strauss
Reducing heavy drinking in college males with the decisional balance: Analyzing an element of Motivational Interviewing, Joseph W. LaBrie, Eric R. Pedersen, Mitch Earleywine, and Hutson Olsen
Regional model simulation of summer rainfall over the Philippines: Effect of choice of driving fields and ocean flux schemes, R. V. Francisco, J. Argete, F. Giorgi, Jeremy S. Pal, X. Bi, and W. J. Gutowski
Retrieving ‘Asian Spirituality’ in North American Contexts: An Interfaith Proposal, Tracy Tiemeier
Revealing the Sacred: The Icon of Christ in the Sancta Sanctorum, Rome, Kirstin Noreen
Review of Alfonso Gomez-Lobo, Morality and the Human Goods: An Introduction to Natural Law Ethics, Christopher Kaczor
Review of Duncan Pritchard, Epistemic Luck, Jason Baehr
Review of Jean Porter, Nature as Reason: A Thomistic Theory of Natural Law, Christopher Kaczor
Review of Jordi Corominas and Joan Albert Vicens, Xavier Zubiri: La soledad sonora, Brad E. Stone
Review of Me and the Mosque, a film by Zarqa Nawaz, Amir Hussain
Review of Michael DePaul & Linda Zagzebski, Intellectual Virtue: Perspectives from Ethics and Epistemology, Jason Baehr
Review of Muslim Britain: Communities Under Pressure, edited by Tahir Abbas, Amir Hussain
Review of Renée Ann Cramer, Cash, Color, and Colonialism: The Politics of Tribal Acknowledgement, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Sierra S. Adare, “Indian” Stereotypes in TV Science Fiction: First Nations’ Voices Speak Out, Nicolas Rosenthal
Richard Nixon and the Quest for a New Majority, by Robert Mason, Michael A. Genovese
Risky Decision Making Assessed With the Gambling Task in Adults with HIV, David J. Hardy, Charles H. Hinkin, Steven A. Castellon, Andrew J. Levine, and Mona N. Lam
Roscoe’s Horrible Day, Chuck Rosenthal
Selfless Offspring: Filial Children and Social Order in Medieval China by Keith Nathaniel Knapp (Review), Robin R. Wang
Simulation of West African monsoon using the RegCM3 Part I: Model validation and interannual variability, E. A. Afiesimama, Jeremy S. Pal, B. J. Abiodun, W. J. Gutowski Jr., and A. Adedoyin
Standard and routine metabolic rates of juvenile sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus), including the effects of body mass and acute temperature change, W. Wesley Dowd, Richard W. Brill, Peter G. Bushnell, and John A. Musick
St. Antony’s Fire, Douglas E. Christie
Teaching about Hindus and Muslims in the USA: ‘And all they will call you will be deportee’, Amir Hussain
The Accreditation of Schools of Education and the Appropriation of Diversity, Marta Baltodano
The Azusa Street Revival and the Historic Churches, Thomas P. Rausch
The Blueberry Field, Sarah Maclay
The Bush paradox, Michael A. Genovese and Thomas E. Cronin
The Effect of Thermal Exposure on the Mechanical Properties of 2099-T6 Die Forgings, 2099-T83 Extrusions, 7075-T7651 Plate, 7085-T7452 Die Forgings, 7085-T7651 Plate, and 2397-T87 Plate Aluminum Alloys, J. Jabra, M. Romios, J. Lai, E. lee, M. Setiawan, E. W. Lee, J. Witters, N. Abourialy, J. Ogren, R. Clark, T. Oppenheim, W. E. Frazier, and Omar S. Es-Said
The impact of social roles on stereotypes of gay men, Adam W. Fingerhut and Letitia Anne Peplau
The “Invitation Only” Presidency of George W. Bush, Michael A. Genovese and Lori Cox Han
The Presidency and the Challenge of Democracy, Michael A. Genovese
The Projectile Inside the Loop, Gabriele U. Varieschi
The Topography of Symbol: Between Late Antique and Modern Jewish Understanding of Cities, Gil P. Klein
The Violinist and Double Effect Reasoning, Christopher Kaczor
The Work of Loneliness: Solitude, Emptiness, and Compassion, Douglas E. Christie
Thinking in Public with Rhetoric, Steven J. Mailloux
Thinking with Rhetorical Figures: Performing Racial and Disciplinary Identities in Late-Nineteenth-Century America, Steven J. Mailloux
Tree Diagrams for String Links, Blake Mellor
Using the urban environment to engage youths in urban ecology field studies, Eric G. Strauss
Virtual Church for Young Adults, Brett C. Hoover and Michael Hayes
Websites for the Study of Islam, Amir Hussain
Writing Honestly: On New Knowledge and Chicana/o Narrative Ethics, Juan Mah y Busch
Yoga and the Mahabharata: Engaged Renouncers, Christopher Key Chapple
Works from 2005
A Call to Action in Koreatown, Edward J.W. Park
A dual-identity framework for understanding lesbian experience, Adam W. Fingerhut, Letitia Anne Peplau, and Negin Ghavami
A Group-Administered Timeline Followback Assessment of Alcohol Use, Joseph W. LaBrie, Eric R. Pedersen, and Mitch Earleywine
A Map on the Space of Rational Functions, G. Boros, J. Little, V. Moll, Edward Mosteig, and R. Stanley
An Urban Bishop in a Changing World: The Exegesis of Caesarius of Aries, Marie Anne Mayeski
Blind Spots: The Effects of Information and Stakes on Fairness Bias and Dispersion, James Konow
Book Review of "Gerald Ford and the Challenges of the 1970s," by Yanek Mieczkowski, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of Yoga: Discipline of Freedom, Christopher Key Chapple
Celebrity in Chief: The President As a Pop Culture Icon, Michael A. Genovese
Commensurability classes of twist knots, Jim Hoste and Patrick D. Shanahan
Congressional Elections: Where Are We On The Road To Gender Parity?, Richard L. Fox
Could Artificial Wombs End the Abortion Debate?, Christopher Kaczor
Death Teaches Us About Life, Christopher Key Chapple
Derived Categories and the Analytic Approach to General Reciprocity Laws. Part I, Michael Berg
Design of Multistep Aging Treatments of 2099 (C458) Al-Li Alloy, M. Romios, R. Tiraschi, C. Parrish, H. W. Babel, J. Ogren, and Omar S. Es-Said
Does Running With A Woman Help? Evidence From U.S. Gubernatorial Elections, Richard L. Fox
Dong Zhongshu's Transformation of "Yin-Yang" Theory and Contesting of Gender Identity, Robin R. Wang
Ecology and Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Editors’ Commentary, Alicia Partnoy and Karen Mary Davalos
Editors’ Commentary, Alicia Partnoy and Karen Mary Davalos
Effects of Contact on the Abrasiveness of a Thin Boron Carbide Coating, Matthew Siniawski
Effects of Lubrication and Humidity on the Abrasiveness of a Thin Boron Carbide Coating, Matthew Siniawski
Essays in Jaina Philosophy and Religion, Christopher Key Chapple
Ethics, Law, and Economics: The Case Study of the Legal Regulation of Corporate Responsibility, Jonathan Rothchild
Ethnographies of Law and Social Control, Stacy Lee Burns
Fine-scale processes regulate the response of extreme events to global climate change, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Jeremy S. Pal, Robert J. Trapp, and Filippo Giorgi
Fractal Dimensions In Perceptual Color Space: A Comparison Study Using Jackson Pollock’S Art, Jonas R. Mureika
From Loop Groups to 2-Groups, John C. Baez, Danny Stevenson, Alissa S. Crans, and Urs Schreiber
Gertrudis Barceló: La Tules of Image and Reality, Deena J. Gonzalez
Global Flows, Head Scarves, and Finite Freedom: Tillich on Globalization, Jonathan Rothchild
High-Resolution Methods for Measuring the Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Aerospace Materials, G. Wallace, W. Speer, J. Ogren, and Omar S. Es-Said
In Memoriam: Louise M. Rosenblatt, 1904-2005, Steven J. Mailloux
Introduction: Gender and electoral politics into the twenty-first century, Richard L. Fox
Karṇa in the Mahābhārata: An Ethical Reflection, Christopher Key Chapple
Litigating Same-Sex Marriage: Might the Courts Actually Be Bastions of Rationality?, Evan Gerstmann
Make Love Not War, Chuck Rosenthal
Malinche Triangulated, Historically Speaking, Deena J. Gonzalez
Multifractal structure in nonrepresentational art, Jonas R. Mureika, C. C. Dyer, and G. C. Cupchik
Native American Literatures: An Introduction, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Nature, Douglas E. Christie
Paternalism as a Positive Form of Leadership in the Latin American Context: Leader Benevolence, Decision-Making Control and Human Resources Management Practices, Patricia G. Martinez
Performance of Alcohol and Safer Sex Change Rulers Compared With Readiness to Change Questionnaires, Joseph W. LaBrie, Thomas Quinlan, Jason E. Schiffman, and Mitchell E. Earleywine
Philosophy 9/11: Thinking about the War on Terrorism, Timothy Shanahan
Piotr Balcerowicz, ed. Essays in Jaina Philosophy and Religion. In Religious Studies Review. Volume 31, Nos. 1 & 2, January & April, 2005. P. 117., Christopher Key Chapple
Poetry as a Strategy for Resistance in the Holocaust and the Southern Cone Genocides, Alicia Partnoy
Power mentoring : How Successful Mentors and Protégés Get the Most out of their Relationships., Ellen A. Ensher and Susan Elaine Murphy
Probationary Americans: Contemporary Immigration Policies and the Shaping of Asian American Communities, Edward J.W. Park and John S.W. Park
Raja Yoga and the Guru: Gurāṇi Añjali of Yoga Anand Ashram, Amityville, New York, Christopher Key Chapple
Rate distributions and survival of the fittest: A formulation on the space of measures, Azmy S. Ackler, Ben G. Fitzpatrick, and Horst R. Thieme
Reading Jean-Michel Basquiat, Damon Willick
Recounting the Odds of an Even Derangement, Arthur T. Benjamin, Curtis T. Bennett, and Florence Newberger
Review: Hinduism and Human Rights: A Conceptual Approach, Christopher Key Chapple
Review: Hinduism and Human Rights: A Conceptual Approach, Christopher Key Chapple
Review of Daniel Friedmann, To Kill and Take Possession: Law, Morality, and Society In Biblical Stories, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of David Boonin, A Defense of Abortion, Christopher Kaczor