Works from 2007
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Condom Use by HIV Infected Spouses and Embryo Ethics, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Pro-Life Consistency, Personhood Potentiality, and Prayer for Healing, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Reponses to the Papal Allocution on Life-Sustaining Treatments and Vegetative State, Christopher Kaczor
Predictors of employment & labor law knowledge among diverse employee populations, Patricia G. Martinez
Programas bilingües y formación de profesores en Andalucía, Francisco Ramos
Promoting Bilingualism in School in Two Different Contexts: The English-Spanish Bilingual Programs in the United States, Francisco Ramos
Prophetic Realism: Beyond Militarism and Pacifism in an Age of Terror, by Ronald H. Stone, Jonathan Rothchild
Psychiatric Symptomatology among Individuals in Alcohol Detoxification Treatment, Mark E. Johnson, Christiane Brems, Michael E. Mills, and Dennis G. Fisher
Quantifying Students' Scientific Problem Solving Efficiency and Effectiveness, Ronald H. Stevens and Vandana Thadani
Reasons for Drinking in the College Student Context: The Differential Role and Risk of the Social Motivator, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, and Eric R. Pedersen
Recapturing the Good, Not Merely Measuring Harms: Rehabilitation, Restoration, and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Jonathan Rothchild
RegCM3 regional climatologies for South America using reanalysis and ECHAM global model driving fields, Anji Seth, Sara A. Rauscher, Suzanna J. Camargo, Jian-Hua Qian, and Jeremy S. Pal
Regional Climate Modeling for the Developing World: The ICTP RegCM3 and RegCNET, Jeremy S. Pal, Filippo Giorgi, Xunqiang Bi, Nellie Elguindi, Fabien Solmon, Xuejie Gao, Sara A. Rauscher, Raquel Francisco, Ashraf Zakey, Jonathan Winter, Moetasim Ashfaq, Faisal S. Syed, Jason L. Bell, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Jagadish Karmacharya, Abourahamane Konaré, Daniel Martinez, Rosmeri P. Da Rocha, Lisa C. Sloan, and Allison L. Steiner
Religio and Los Angeles’ Crucifix: An Interview with Simon Toparovsky, Damon Willick
Review of Bob Roberts & Jay Wood, Intellectual Virtues: An Essay in Regulative Epistemology, Jason Baehr
Review of Steven P. Erie, Beyond Chinatown: The Metropolitan Water District, Growth, And the Environment in Southern California, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Understanding Islam: An Introduction, Amir Hussain
Rings of Continuous Functions on Spaces of Finite Rank and the SV Property, Suzanne Larson
Scholarly Contributions by Alicia Partnoy in "Writing Towards Hope: The Literature of Human Rights in Latin America", Alicia Partnoy
Sorority Rush as Lust, Dean Scheibel and Megan Desmond
Spirituality: Its Uses and Misuses, Douglas E. Christie
Teaching Religion and Ecology at the University Level, Christopher Key Chapple
Textual Strategies to Resist Disappearance and the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Alicia Partnoy
The close relationships of lesbians and gay men, Adam W. Fingerhut and Letitia Anne Peplau
The Ethics of Embryo Adoption and the Catholic Tradition, Christopher Kaczor
The Islamic Tradition, Amir Hussain
The Probability of Relatively Prime Polynomials, Arthur T. Benjamin and Curtis D. Bennett
The Quiet Words of the Wise: Biblical Developments Toward Nonviolence as a Diaspora Ethic, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Three Dimensional Finite Point Groups and the Symmetries of Beaded Beads, Gwen L. Fisher and Blake Mellor
To Embrace the Other, Thomas P. Rausch
Tribological Degradation of Two Vegetable-Based Lubricants at Elevated Temperatures, Matthew Siniawski and Nader Saniei
Virtual Spatial Graphs, Thomas Fleming and Blake Mellor
Vision Becoming Joy: The Desert in History and Imagination, Douglas E. Christie
Warpage Behavior of 7075 Aluminum Alloy Extrusions, Omar S. Es-Said, T. M. Ruperto, S. L. Vasquez, A. Y. Yue, D. J. Manriquez, J. C. Quilla, S. H. Harris, S. Hannan, J. Foyos, E. W. Lee, B. Pregger, N. Abourialy, and J. Ogren
"Who Do You Love? Stories and Social Justice”: Review of Their Dogs Came With Them., Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Why India and China Won’t Take Over the World, Chuck Rosenthal
Why Is Beauty Form? Plotinus’ Theory of Beauty in Phenomenological Perspective, Eric Perl
Works from 2006
A Bayesian Network Approach for Modeling the Influence of Contextual Variables on Scientific Problem Solving, Vandana Thadani and Ronald H. Stevens
A feeling for the micro-organism: Structure on a small scale. Biofilms on plant roots, Nancy Fujishige
“American Indian Day”, Nicolas Rosenthal
A Mixed-Method Approach for Developing Market Segmentation Typologies in the Sports Industry, Andrew J. Rohm
An Accidental Theologian: Thoughts on Islam in Public and Private Religious Universities, Amir Hussain
An ethogram developed on captive eastern coyotes Canis latrans, Eric Strauss
An Experimental Examination of Competitor-Based Price Matching Guarantees, Jennifer G. Pate and Shakun Datta
An Exploratory Cross-Market Study of Mobile Marketing Acceptance, Andrew Rohm
A Sequence of Polynomials for Approximating Arctangent, Herbert A. Medina
Asian Americans in Silicon Valley: High Technology Industrial Development and Community Transformation, Edward J.W. Park and Wei Li
A Within-Subjects Validation of a Group-Administered Timeline Followback for Alcohol Use, Eric R. Pedersen and Joseph W. LaBrie
Being Catholic in a Culture of Choice, Thomas P. Rausch
Being in Love and Begetting a Child: A Greek Myth of Eros and the Christian Mystery of Marriage, Christopher Kaczor
Best Practices of Prosocial Organizations in Youth Development, Ellen A. Ensher and Susan Elaine Murphy
Beyond the New Indian History: Recent Trends in the Historiography on the Native Peoples of North America, Nicolas G. Rosenthal
Can There Be a Nonconsequentialist Rights-Based Moral Justification of Terrorism?, Timothy Shanahan
Character, Reliability, and Virtue Epistemology, Jason Baehr
Children, Ethics, and Modern Medicine, Jonathan Rothchild
Chord Diagrams and Gauss Codes for Graphs, Thomas Fleming and Blake Mellor
Comparing electronic-keypad responses to paper-and-pencil questionnaires in group assessments of alcohol consumption and related attitudes, Joseph W. LaBrie, Mitch Earleywine, Toby Lamb, and Kristin Shelesky
Comparison of geometric morphometric outline methods in the discrimination of age-related differences in feather shape, Kristen M. Covino
Confronting the Powers: Tillich, Stout, and West on Democratic Principles and Procedure, Jonathan Rothchild
Controversies in Exit Polling: Implementing a Racially Stratified Homogenous Precinct Approach, Matt A. Barreto, Fernando Guerra, Mara Marks, Stephen A. Nuño, and Nathan D. Woods
Convection suppression criteria applied to the MIT cumulus parameterization scheme for simulating the Asian summer monsoon, K. C. Chow, Johnny C. L. Chan, Jeremy S. Pal, and Filippo Giorgi
Convection suppression criteria applied to the MIT cumulus parameterization scheme for simulating the Asian summer monsoon, K. C. Chow, Johnny C. L. Chan, Jeremy S. Pal, and Filippo Giorgi
Cuando Vienen Matando: On Prepositional Shifts and the Struggle of Testimonial Subjects for Agency, Alicia Partnoy
Dialogue and Solidarity: Nostra Aetate after Forty Years, James L. Fredericks
Drinking game participation among college students: Gender and ethnic implications, Eric R. Pedersen and Joseph W. LaBrie
Dying and Death: Jaina Dharma Traditions, Christopher Key Chapple
Editor's Commentary, Alicia Partnoy and Karen Mary Davalos
Editors' Commentary, Alicia Partnoy and Karen Mary Davalos
Effect of remote forcings on the winter precipitation of central southwest Asia part 1: Observations, F. S. Syed, F. Giorgi, Jeremy S. Pal, and M. P. King
Embracing Equity: Discussing Inequity, Deena J. González
Entre Mundos/Among Worlds: New Perspectives on Gloria E. Anzaldúa, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Estimating consumption rates of juvenile sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, using a bioenergetics model, W. Wesley Dowd, Richard W. Brill, Peter G. Bushnell, and John A. Musick
Exiting Etatisme? New Directions in State Policy in France and Japan, Gene Park
Extreme heat reduces and shifts United States premium wine production in the 21st century, M. A. White, N. S. Diffenbaugh, G. V. Jones, Jeremy S. Pal, and F. Giorgi
Good morning, my name is Ed Kienholz…:' Rethinking the Artist's Self-Presentation, Damon Willick
Gratitude, Sarah Maclay
Gravitationally Induced Quantum Superposition Reduction With Large Extra Dimensions, Jonas R. Mureika
Impaired glutamate transport in a mouse model of tau pathology in astrocytes, Deepa V. Dabir
Inherent Value without Nostalgia: Animals and the Jaina Tradition, Christopher Key Chapple
Intentional families: Fictive kin ties between cross-gender, different sexual orientation friends, Anna M. Muraco
Intersection Graphs for String Links, Blake Mellor
Intrinsic linking and knotting of graphs in arbitrary 3–manifolds, Erica Flapan, Hugh Howards, Don Lawrence, and Blake Mellor
Introduction to the TAC special issue: The RegCNET network, F. Giorgi, Jeremy S. Pal, X. Bi, L. Sloan, N. Elguindi, and F. Solmon
Investigations of Rhizobium biofilm formation, Nancy Fujishige
Jainism and Ecology: Transformation of a Tradition, Christopher Key Chapple
“Leaves” and “The Vehicle", Sarah Maclay
Linked Exact Triples of Triangulated Categories and a Calculus of t-Structures, Michael Berg
Meditation in Indian Philosophy, Christopher Key Chapple
Moral Consensus, The Rule of Law, and The Practice of Torture, Jonathan Rothchild
“Native Americans,” “Seizure of Alcatraz,” and “Indian Gaming”, Nicolas Rosenthal
Neuroscience Workshops for Fifth-Grade School Children by Undergraduate Students: A University–School Partnership, Judith G. Foy, Marissa Feldman, Edward Lin, Margaret Mahoney, and Chelsea Sjoblom
Ocean in White Chair, Sarah Maclay
Oil and Water: Two Faiths, One God, Amir Hussain
On the role of resolution and topography in the simulation of East Asia precipitation, Xuejie Gao, Ying Xu, Zongci Zhao, Jeremy S. Pal, and F. Giorgi
Ooh L.A. L.A.: Los Angeles Art in Paris and Pasadena, Damon Willick
Pedagogical Issues Underlying Classroom Learning Techniques, Craig Rich, Barbara Mae Gayle, and Raymond W. Preiss
Places in Time: The Inns and Outhouses of Rhetoric, Steven J. Mailloux
Political Worship: Ethics for Christian Citizens, Jonathan Rothchild