Works from 2009
I Am Wholly Your Own: Liturgical Piety and Community Among the Nuns of Helfta, Anna Harrison
If It’s Legal, Is It Acceptable?, Andrew Rohm
Inhibition of Aβ42 aggregation using peptides selected from combinatorial libraries, Michael Baine, Daniel S. Georgie, Elelta Z. Shiferraw, Theresa P. T. Nguyen, Luiza A. Nogaj, and David A. Moffet
In-situ Ambient Quantification of Monoterpenes, Sesquiterpenes and Related Oxygenated Compounds During BEARPEX 2007: Implications for Gas-and Particle-Phase Chemistry, Nicole Bouvier-Brown
Interview with Keith Gilyard, Steven J. Mailloux
Introduction, "Pṛthivī Sūkta: Earth Verses," "Toward a Yoga-Inspired Environmental Ethics.", Christopher Key Chapple
Irony is the New Black, Sarah Maclay
Is Fairness in the Eye of the Beholder?: An Impartial Spectator Analysis of Justice, James Konow
Islam, Amir Hussain
Islam in Canada, Amir Hussain
Islam in the Plural, Amir Hussain
Is There a Value Problem?, Jason Baehr
Justifying Changes in International Norms of Sovereignty, Jennifer M. Ramos
Kundao: A Lived Body in Female Daoism, Robin Wang
Land surface coupling in regional climate simulations of the West African monsoon, Allison L. Steiner, Jeremy S. Pal, Sara A. Rauscher, Jason L. Bell, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Aaron Boone, Lisa C. Sloan, and Filippo Giorgi
Law, Religion, and Culture: The Function of System in Niklas Luhmann and Kathryn Tanner, Jonathan Rothchild
Leadership and the Liberal Arts : Achieving the Promise of a Liberal Education, Michael A. Genovese
"Like a Boat is Marriage": Aelred on Marriage as a Christian Way of Life, Marie Anne Mayeski
Lost Scenes from the Movie ‘The Funerals of our Generation', Alicia Partnoy
Mandate of Heaven: Religious Studies Return to China, Thomas P. Rausch
Mental and Social Health Impacts the Use of Protective Behavioral Strategies in Reducing Risky Drinking and Alcohol Consequences, Joseph W. LaBrie, Shannon R. Kenney, Andrew Lac, Jonathan A. Garcia, and Paul Ferraiolo
Metal Working Fluids: Finding Green in the Manufacturing Process, Matthew Siniawski
Methyl Chavicol: Characterization of its Biogenic Emission Rate, Abundance, and Oxidation Products in the Atmosphere, Nicole Bouvier-Brown
Multitasking Youth, Andrew Rohm
Myopic Voters and Natural Disaster Policy, Andrew Healy and Neil Malhorta
Need, Anna Harrison
Normative Misperceptions and Marijuana Use Among Male and Female College Athletes, Joseph W. LaBrie, Joel R. Grossbard, and Justin F. Hummer
Oil and Water: Being Muslim and Teaching Theology in a Jesuit University in Post 9/11 America, Amir Hussain
On Teaching Islam and the Future of Christian-Muslim Relations, Amir Hussain
On the Pleasures of Prophetic Judgment: Reading Micah 1:6 And 3:12 with Stokely Carmichael, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Perceived Behavioral Alcohol Norms Predict Drinking for College Students While Studying Abroad, Eric R. Pedersen, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Justin F. Hummer
Period-Doubling Bifurcation in an Array of Coupled Stochastically Excitable Elements Subjected to Global Periodic Forcing, Robert Rovetti
Period-doubling Bifurcation in an Array of Coupled Stochastically-excitable Elements Subjected to Global Periodic Forcing, Xiaohua Cui, Robert J. Rovetti, Ling Yang, Alan Garfinkel, James N. Weiss, and Zhilin Qu
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Jeff McMahan, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Organ Donation after Cardiac Death, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Procreative Beneficence, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on the Human Embryo Debates, Christopher Kaczor
Place-Making as Contemplative Practice, Douglas E. Christie
Pope Benedict XVI: An Introduction to his Theological Vision, Thomas P. Rausch
Post-weaning maternal effects and the evolution of female dominance in the spotted hyena, Heather E. Watts
Preventing Risky Drinking in First-Year College Women: Further Validation of a Female-Specific Motivational-Enhancement Group Intervention, Joseph W. LaBrie, Karen K. Huchting, Andrew Lac, Summer Tawalbeh, Alysha D. Thompson, and Mary E. Larimer
Private sector development in Xinjiang, China: A comparison between Uyghur and Han, Tyler Harlan
Putting On Virtue: The Legacy of the Splendid Vices, Jonathan Rothchild
Qualitative, Ethnographic, and Performative Approaches to Communication, Dean Scheibel
Qualitative, Ethnographic, and Performative Approaches to Communication, Dean Scheibel
Readiness to Change Drinking Behavior in Female College Students, Debra L. Kaysen, Christine M. Lee, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Sean J. Tollison
Reclaiming Koreatown: A Prescription for Current and Future Needs of Koreatown Residents, Edward J.W. Park and Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance
Reflections on Lincoln and English Studies, Steven J. Mailloux
Regenerative Patterning in Swarm Robots: Mutual Benefits of Research in Robotics and Stem Cell Biology, Michael Rubenstein, Ying Sai, Cheng-Ming Chuong, and Wei-Min Shen
Re-reading Nelson Graburn's 'Introduction' to Ethnic and Tourist Arts: Cultural Expressions from the Fourth World, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Responding to need in intimate relationships: Social support and caregiving processes in couples, Nancy L. Collins, Máire Ford, Heidi S. Kane, and Brooke C. Feeney
Review of Albert L. Hurtado, ed., Reflections on American Indian History: Honoring the Past, Building a Future, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Al Carrol, Medicine Bags and Dog Tags: American Indian Veterans from Colonial Times to the Second Iraq War, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Coll Thrush, Native Seattle: Histories from the Crossing-Over Place, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of David A. Bernat and Jonathan Klawans, Religion and Violence: The Biblical Heritage, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Emran Qureshi and Michael A. Sells, The New Crusades: Constructing the Muslim Enemy, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Renya K. Ramirez, Native Hubs: Culture, Community, and Belonging in Silicon Valley and Beyond, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Sebastian Felix Braun, Buffalo Inc.: American Indians and Economic Development, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Tempoperformance und Expressivität: Eine Studie zwischen Musikpsychologie und Musiktherapie, Jeffrey L. Wilson
Review of The Shifting Grounds of Race: Black and Japanese Americans in the Making of Multiethnic Los Angeles, Edward J.W. Park
Sir Salman Rushdie, Amir Hussain
Si sangra no belongs in no poem, Alicia Partnoy
Social Justice, Peace, and Environmental Education: Global and Indivisible, J. Andrzejewski, Marta Baltodano, and L. Symcox
Social Justice, Peace, and Environmental Education: Transformative Standard, J. Andrzejewski, Marta Baltodano, and L. Symcox
Social Preferences and Moral Biases, Rachel Croson and James Konow
Solidarity with the Religious Other, James L. Fredericks
Suppression of south Asian summer monsoon precipitation in the 21st century, Moetasim Ashfaq, Ying Shi, Wen-wen Tung, Robert J. Trapp, Xueijie Gao, Jeremy S. Pal, and Noah S. Diffenbaugh
Teaching English as a Second Language: Turning Theory into Practice for K-12 Catholic School Teachers of English Learners, Magaly Lavadenz
TEN1 is essential for CDC13-mediated telomere capping, Hovik J. Gasparyan
The Bhagavad Gita, Christopher Key Chapple
The Encyclopedia of American Government and Civics, Michael A. Genovese and Lori Cox Han
The Ethics of Ectopic Pregnancy: A Critical Reconsideration of Salpingostomy and Methotrexate, Christopher Kaczor
The evolution of photoperiodic response systems and seasonal GnRH plasticity in birds, Heather E. Watts
‘The Fire Next Time’: Sleeper Cell and Muslims on Television Post 9/11, Amir Hussain
The Good of the Intellect, Eric Perl
The NAACP in Film: Three Documentaries from California Newsreel, Marne Campbell
The prognostic power of normative influences among NCAA student-athletes, Justin F. Hummer, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Andrew Lac
The Provisional Irish Republican Army and the Morality of Terrorism, Timothy Shanahan
The Pursuit of Social Justice in the United States, Marta Baltodano
The role of method: Some parting thoughts from a departing editor, David Stewart
The Shifting Grounds of Race: Black and Japanese Americans in the Making of Multiethnic Los Angeles, Edward J.W. Park
The Theological Origins of Modernity, by Michael Allen Gillespie, John M. Parrish
Thomas Aquinas on the Cardinal Virtues, Christopher Kaczor and Thomas Sherman
Tillich and King on Love and Justice and the Significance for Models of Restorative Justice, Jonathan Rothchild
Torture Is a Moral Issue: Christians, Jews, Muslims, and People of Conscience Speak Out, Jonathan Rothchild
Towards a Collective Vision for Social Justice, Peace, and Environmental Education, J. Andrzejewski, Marta Baltodano, R. Barnhardt, and L. Symcox
Una propuesta de AICLE para el trabajo con textos en segundos idiomas, Francisco Ramos
Units of Selection, Timothy Shanahan
Validity of a Dietary Calcium Questionnaire Modified to Include Supplement Use in Athletes, Morgan B. Henry and Hawley C. Almstedt
Vapor Generation in a Nanoparticle Liquid Suspension Using a Focused, Continuous Laser, R. A. Taylor, P. E. Phelan, Todd Otanicar, R. J. Adrian, and P. S. Prasher
Vegetarianism as Religious Witness, Christopher Key Chapple
What Men Want: The Role of Reflective Opposite-Sex Normative Preferences in Alcohol Use Among College Women, Joseph W. LaBrie, Jessica Cail, Justin F. Hummer, Andrew Lac, and Clayton Neighbors
Why Am I a Muslim, Amir Hussain
Why California Matters: How California Latinos Influence the Presidential Election, Fernando Guerra, Matt Barreto, Ricardo Ramirez, and Luis Fraga
“Why Do We Do This?” Reflections of a Two-Way Immersion School Principal on the Roles of Parents, Teachers, and Her Own, in the Program, Franciso Ramos
Xavier Zubiri: An Introduction, Brad E. Stone
Yeast telomere capping protein Stn1 overrides DNA replication control through the S phase checkpoint, Hovik J. Gasparyan
Yoga and Ecology: Dharma for the Earth, Christopher Key Chapple
Youth Empowerment and High School Gay-Straight Alliances, Stephen T. Russell, Anna M. Muraco, Aarti Subramaniam, and Carolyn Laub
Zhang, Zailin 張再林, Traditional Chinese Philosophy as the Philosophy of the Body 作爲身體哲學的中國古代哲學, Robin Wang