Works from 2008
The differential impact of relational health on alcohol consumption and consequences in first year college women, Joseph W. LaBrie, Alysha D. Thompson, Paul Ferraiolo, Jonathan A. Garcia, Karie Huchting, and Kristin Shelesky
The Divine in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics: Can We be Good without God?, Christopher Kaczor
The Exhibition of Mathematical Art at 2008 Joint Mathematics Meetings, Blake Mellor
The global importance of ‘illiberal moderates’, an exchange: Partners in peace to precede a concert of democracies, Amir Hussain
The Goddess and Ecological Sensitivity: the Cultivation of Earth Knowledge, Christopher Key Chapple
The Hedonistic Paradox: Is Homo Economicus Happier?, James Konow and Joseph Earley
The High Altar of Santa Maria in Aracoeli: Recontextualizing a Medieval Icon in Post-Tridentine Rome, Kirstin Noreen
The Holy Spirit in the World: A Global Conversation, Tracy Tiemeier
“The Japanese Woman” and “At the Crossing”, Sarah Maclay
The Khecarīvidyā of Ādhinātha: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of an Early Text of Haṭhayoga, Christopher Key Chapple
The Moral High Ground: An Experimental Study of Spectator Impartiality, James Konow
The Morality of Palestinian Terrorism, Timothy Shanahan
The occurrence of ionospheric signatures of plasmaspheric plumes over different longitudinal sectors, E. Yizengaw, J. Dewar, J. MacNeil, D. Galvan, Jeff Sanny, David Berube, and B. Sandel
The Role of Self-Consciousness in the Experience of Alcohol-Related Consequences among College Students, Joseph W. LaBrie, Eric R. Pedersen, Clayton Neighbors, and Justin F. Hummer
The View from the Masthead: Maritime Imagination and Antebellum American Sea Narratives, Robin Miskolcze
Thomas Aquinas on Faith, Hope, and Love: Edited and Explained for Everyone, Christopher Kaczor
Thoughts on being a scholar of Islam and a Muslim in America post-9/11, Amir Hussain
Toward a Framework for Assessing Covert Marketing Practices, Andrew Rohm
Tradition, Rationality and Virtue: The Thought of Alasdair MacIntyre, Jonathan Rothchild
Unparticle-Enhanced Black Holes at the LHC, Jonas R. Mureika
Value Monoids Of Zero-Dimensional Valuations Of Rank 1, Edward Mosteig
Virtual Relationships and Real Benefits: Using E-Mentoring to Connect Business Students with Practicing Managers, Ellen A. Ensher
Visibly Hidden: Language, Culture and Identity of Central Americans in Los Angeles, Magaly Lavadenz
Wear Resistance and Microstructure in Annealed Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylenes, Matthew Siniawski and Omar S. Es-Said
Weight Systems for Milnor Invariants, Blake Mellor
Why Don't Zebras Have Machine Guns? Adaptation, Selection, and Constraints in Evolutionary Theory, Timothy Shanahan
Yoga and the Luminous : Patanjali's Spiritual Path to Freedom, Christopher Key Chapple
Yogavāsiṣṭha, Christopher Key Chapple
Works from 2007
Adventures in the Uncanny: The Collaboration of Ariel Soulé and Simon Toparovsky, Damon Willick
A Group Motivational Interviewing Intervention Reduces Drinking and Alcohol-Related Negative Consequences in Adjudicated College Women, Joseph W. LaBrie, Alysha D. Thompson, Karen Huchting, Andrew Lac, and Kevin Buckley
Always Another Tonight, Sarah Maclay
Andrew Greeley’s Religious Imagination: A Theological Perspective, Thomas P. Rausch
An Introduction to Virtual Spatial Graph Theory, Thomas Fleming and Blake Mellor
An Open Source Software Culture in the Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum, John David N. Dionisio, Caskey L. Dickson, Stephanie E. August, Philip M. Dorin, and Ray Toal
Atrocities, Accountability, and Peremptory Norms: Defending The Moral Authority of the International Criminal Court, Johnathan Rothchild
A Universal Wear Law for Abrasion, Matthew Siniawski
Book Review: Museum Skepticism: A History of the Display of Art in Public Galleries, Jeffrey L. Wilson
Book Review of Kant und die Theologie, Jeffrey L. Wilson
Book Review of The Myth of Religious Superiority: Multifaith Exploration of Religious Pluralism, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review: Running Alone: Presidential Leadership from JFK to Bush II: Why It Has Failed and How We Can Fix It, by James MacGregor Burns, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: Strategic Selection: Presidential Nomination of Supreme Court Justices from Herbert Hoover through George W. Bush, by Christine L. Nemacheck, Michael A. Genovese
Boundary slopes of 2-bridge links determine the crossing number, Jim Hoste and Patrick D. Shanahan
Changes in severe thunderstorm environment frequency during the 21st century caused by anthropogenically enhanced global radiative forcing, Robert J. Trapp, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Harold E. Brooks, Michael E. Baldwin, Eric D. Robinson, and Jeremy S. Pal
Classifying Risky-Drinking College Students: Another Look at the Two-Week Drinker-Type Categorization, Joseph W. LaBrie, Eric R. Pedersen, and Summer Tawalbeh
Cohomology of the adjoint of Hopf algebras, J. Scott Carter, Alissa S. Crans, Mohamed Elhamdadi, and Masahico Saito
Communal Feminisms: Chicanas, Chilenas, and Cultural Exile Theorizing the Space of Exile, Class, and Identity, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Community Knowledge and Attitudes toward Refugees and Asylees in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties: An Analysis for the International Rescue Committee, Brianne Gilbert
Computing Boundary Slopes of 2-Bridge Links, Jim Hoste and Patrick Shanahan
Connection between Spring Conditions and Peak Summer Monsoon Rainfall in South America: Role of Soil Moisture, Surface Temperature, and Topography in Eastern Brazil, Alice M. Grimm, Jeremy S. Pal, and Filippo Giorgi
Conversation with Verónica De Negri, Alicia Partnoy
Correcting Misperceptions and Reducing Risky Drinking through a Student-Designed Poster Campaign, Joseph W. LaBrie, Eric R. Pedersen, Karie Huchting, Alysha D. Thompson, and Justin F. Hummer
Crisis, Charisma and Consequences: Evidence from the 2004 US Presidential Election, Jennifer L. Merolla, Jennifer M. Ramos, and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister
Cultural Sites of Critical Insight: Philosophy, Aesthetics, and African American and Native American Women's Writings, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Demons and the Making of the Monk: Spiritual Combat in Early Christianity by David Brakke (Review), Douglas E. Christie
Derived Categories and the Analytic Approach to General Reciprocity Laws. Part II, Michael Berg
Dialogue and Solidarity in a Time of Globalization, James L. Fredericks
Disciplines and Vows (Yamas and Vratas): How the Mystical Yields to the Ethical in Yoga and Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Dissociation of eIF1 from the 40S ribosomal subunit is a key step in start codon selection in vivo, Sarah F. Mitchell
Distributing Indivisible Goods Fairly: Evidence from a Questionnaire Study, Dorothea K. Herreiner and Clemens Puppe
Effect of Cold Work on the Tensile Properties of 6061, 2024, and 7075 Al Alloys, D. Ortiz, M. Abdelshehid, R. Dalton, J. Soltero, R. Clark, M. Hahn, E. Lee, W. Lightell, B. Pregger, J. Ogren, P. Stoyanov, and Omar S. Es-Said
Effects of Heat Treatments on Steels for Bearing Applications, K. Clemons, C. Lorraine, G. Salgado, A. Taylor, J. Ogren, P. Umin, and Omar S. Es-Said
E-mentoring: Next Generation Research Strategies and Suggestions, Ellen A. Ensher and Susan Elaine Murphy
Exotic Statistics for Strings in 4d BF Theory, John C. Baez, Derek K. Wise, and Alissa S. Crans
Feeling supported and feeling satisfied: How one partner's attachment style predicts the other partner's relationship experiences, Heidi S. Kane, Lisa M. Jaremka, AnaMarie C. Guichard, Máire Ford, Nancy L. Collins, and Brooke C. Feeney
Female College Drinking and the Social Learning Theory: An Examination of the Developmental Transition Period from High School to College, Joseph W. LaBrie, Karie Huchting, Eric R. Pedersen, Justin F. Hummer, Kristin Shelesky, and Summer Tawalbeh
"Foreword" from The Writings of Swami Sivananda: A Bibliographical Study, Christopher Key Chapple
Fractal Holography: a geometric re-interpretation of cosmological large scale structure, Jonas R. Mureika
GenMAPP 2: New Features and Resources for Pathway Analysis, Nathan Salomonis, Kristina Hanspers, Alexander C. Zambon, Karen Vranizan, Steven C. Lawlor, Kam D. Dahlquist, Scott W. Doniger, Josh Stuart, Bruce R. Conklin, and Alexander R. Pico
Global profiles of compressional ultralow frequency wave power at geosynchronous orbit and their response to the solar wind, Jeff Sanny, D. Judnick, M. B. Moldwin, David Berube, and D. G. Sibeck
Heat stress intensification in the Mediterranean climate change hotspot, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Jeremy S. Pal, Filippo Giorgi, and Xuejie Gao
Hesychia: The Practice of Stillness, Douglas E. Christie
Heterozygosity and fitness in a California population of the labyrinth spider Metepeira ventura (Araneae, Araneidae)., Martina G. Ramirez, Sarah S. Eiman, Melissa M. Wetkowski, Miranda K. Mooers, and Luningning A. Ocampo
How Quickly We Forget, Brett C. Hoover
Hyena societies, Heather E. Watts
'I Hope He's Not Korean', Edward J.W. Park
Influence of Fatty Acid Composition on the Tribological Performance of Two Vegetable-Based Lubricants, Matthew Siniawski, Nader Saniei, and Lambert Doezema
Intention, Foresight, and Mutilation: A Response to Giebel, Christopher Kaczor
Interpreting force concept inventory scores: Normalized gain and SAT scores, Vincent P. Coletta, Jeffrey A. Phillips, and Jeffrey J. Steinert
Interpreting Force Concept Inventory Scores: NormalizedGain and SAT Scores, Vincent P. Coletta and Jeffrey A. Phillips
Intrinsic Linking and Knotting in Virtual Spatial Graphs, Thomas Fleming and Blake Mellor
Introduction, Jonathan Rothchild
Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Jainism and Gender, Christopher Key Chapple
Japan in 2006: A Political Transition, Gene Park
Jonah, Jesus, and Other Good Coyotes: Speaking Peace To Power in the Bible, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Land use effects on climate in China as simulated by a regional climate model, Gao XueJie, Zhang DongFeng, Chen ZhongXin, Jeremy S. Pal, and F. Giorgi
Leibniz and China: A Commerce of Light by Franklin Perkins (Review), Robin R. Wang
Life as a Muslim Scholar of Islam in Post 9/11 America, Amir Hussain
Life Issues, Medical Choices: Questions and Answers for Catholics, Christopher Kaczor
Macroscopic Consequences of Calcium Signaling in Microdomains: A First-Passage-Time Approach, Robert Rovetti
Markets: Gift Cards, Jennifer Pate Offenberg
“Native Americans in Cities”, Nicolas Rosenthal
Not a Four-Letter Word, Timothy Shanahan
“Ocean without Figures,” “Irony is the New Black,” “Gun Powder on Paper”, Sarah Maclay
On the Reliability of Moral and Intellectual Virtues, Jason Baehr
Opinions of Students Enrolled in an Andalusian Bilingual Program on Bilingualism and the Program Itself, Francisco Ramos
Partying Before the Party: Examining Prepartying Behavior Among College Students, Eric R. Pedersen and Joseph W. LaBrie
Paul Knitter, ed. The Myth of Religious Superiority: Multifaith Exploration of Religious Pluralism. In Horizons. Vol. 34, No. 2, Fall 2007. 397-399., Christopher Key Chapple