Works from 2010
Sarah Maclay & Holaday Mason: “11,” “12,” “13” and “14”, Sarah Maclay
Selection for Non-Amyloidogenic Mutants of Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (IAPP) Identifies an Extended Region for Amyloidogenicity, Ayano Fox, Thibaut Snollaerts, Camille Errecart Casanova, Anastasia Calciano, Luiza A. Nogaj, and David A. Moffet
Self-esteem moderates neuroendocrine and psychological responses to interpersonal rejection, Máire Ford and Nancy L. Collins
Sexual Experience and Risky Alcohol Consumption among Incoming First-Year College Females, Joseph W. LaBrie, Shannon R. Kenney, Savannah Millbury, and Andrew Lac
Situating SoTL Within the Disciplines: Mathematics in the United States as a Case Study, Jacqueline Dewar and Curtis Bennett
Solving the Rubrics Cube: Using Assessment to Sharpen Library Instruction, Elisa Acosta and Susan Gardner
Spark-induced Sparks as a Mechanism of Intracellular Calcium Alternans in Cardiac Myocytes, Robert J. Rovetti, Xiaohua Cui, Alan Garfinkel, James N. Weiss, and Zhilin Qu
Subjectivity and Truth, Brad E. Stone
Substrate specificity of the TIM22 mitochondrial import pathway revealed with small molecule inhibitor of protein translocation, Deepa V. Dabir
Symmetry of Nonparametric Statistical Tests on Three Samples, Anna E. Bargagliotti and Donald G. Saari
Terminological Problems for Muslim Lives, Amir Hussain
Textual Strategies to Resist Disappearance and the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Alicia Partnoy
The 5'-7-methylguanosine cap on eukaryotic mRNAs serves both to stimulate canonical translation initiation and to block an alternative pathway, Sarah F. Mitchell
The BioPAX Community Standard for Pathway Data Sharing, E. Demir, M. P. Cary, S. Paley, K. Fukuda, C. Lemer, I. Vastrik, G. Wu, P. D’Eustachio, C. Schaefer, J. Luciano, F. Schacherer, I. Martinez-Flores, Z. Hu, V. Jimenez-Jacinto, G. Joshi-Tope, K. Kandasamy, A. C. Lopez-Fuentes, H. Mi, E. Pichler, I. Rodchenkov, A. Splendiani, S. Tkachev, J. Zucker, G. Gopinath, H. Rajasimha, R. Ramakrishnan, I. Shah, M. Syed, N. Anwar, O. Babur, M. Blinov, E. Brauner, D. Corwin, S. Donaldson, F. Gibbons, R. Goldberg, R. Hornbeck, A. Luna, P. Murray-Rust, E. Neumann, O. Reubenacker, M. Samwald, M. van Iersel, S. Wimalaratne, K. Allen, B. Braun, M. Whirl-Carrillo, K. H. Cheung, Kam D. Dahlquist, A. Finney, M. Gillespie, E. Glass, L. Gong, M. Honig, O. Hubaut, D. Kane, S. Krupa, M. Kutmon, J. Leonard, D. Marks, D. Merberg, V. Petri, A. Pico, D. Ravenscroft, L. Ren, N. Shah, M. Sunshine, R. Tang, R. Whaley, S. Letovksi, K. H. Buetow, A. Rzhetsky, V. Schachter, B. S. Sobral, U. Dogrusoz, S. McWeeney, M. Aladjem, E. Birney, J. Collado-Vides, S. Goto, M. Hucka, N. Le Novère, N. Maltsev, A. Pandey, P. Thomas, E. Wingender, P. D. Karp, C. Sander, and G. D. Bader
The Charging of Interest in the Roman Catholic Tradition: Then and Now, Christopher Kaczor
The Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of Aztlán, 1970-2010, Karen Mary Davalos, Chon A. Noriega, Eric R. Avila, Chela Sandoval, and Rafael Pérez-Torres
The Communion of the Church, Thomas P. Rausch
The Gloria Anzaldúa Reader, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
The Impact of Gender on Voluntary and Involuntary Executive Departure, John R. Becker-Blease, Susan Elkinawy, and Mark Stater
The JavaScript Programming Language, John David N. Dionisio and Ray Toal
The Newest Religious Sect Has Started In Los Angeles: Race, Class, Ethnicity, And The Origins Of The Pentecostal Movement, 1906 – 1913, Marne Campbell
The Paradoxes of the American Presidency, Michael A. Genovese and Thomas Cronin
The Politics of Budgeting in Japan: How Much Do Institutions Matter?, Gene Park
The Shared Parish, Brett C. Hoover
The Use of Protective Behavioral Strategies is Related to Reduced Risk in Heavy Drinking College Students with Poorer Mental and Physical Health, Joseph W. LaBrie, Shannon R. Kenney, and Andrew Lac
The Virtuous Body at Work: The Ethical Life as Qi 氣 in Motion, Robin Wang
Thomas Merton: Monk and Prophet for the World, Thomas P. Rausch
Transitions in the INSPIRE Research Project, Brett C. Hoover
Treaty Politics and the Rise of Executive Agreements: International Commitments in a System of Shared Powers, by G.S. Kurtz and J.S. Peake, Michael A. Genovese
Tuning In and Tuning Out: Media Multitasking Among Young Consumers, Andrew Rohm
Turbinaria ornata as an herbivory refuge for associate algae, Sarah Joy Bittick
Using A Rubric to Assess Freshman English Library Instruction, Susan Gardner Archambault and Elisa Acosta
Vector unparticle enhanced black holes: exact solutions and thermodynamics, Jonas R. Mureika and Euro Spallucci
When Work Culture and Ministry Collide, Brett C. Hoover
Whose Opinion Matters? The Relationship Between Injunctive Norms and Alcohol Consequences in College Students, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, Clayton Neighbors, and Mary E. Larimer
Zhang Zai’s Theory of Vital Energy, Robin Wang
Works from 2009
23, Sarah Maclay
24, Sarah Maclay
Abrasiveness of Boron Carbide Coatings, Matthew Siniawski
A brief live interactive normative group intervention using wireless keypads to reduce drinking and alcohol consequences in college student athletes, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, Karen K. Huchting, and Clayton Neighbors
A comparison of two types of rough sets induced by coverings, Ying Sai
Adāb, Amir Hussain
Aggregating and decision making using ranked data, Anna E. Bargagliotti
Alcohol-Related Information in Multi-Component Interventions and College Students' Drinking Behavior, Vandana Thadani, Karen Huchting, and Joseph LaBrie
Alcohol-Related Information in Multi-Component Interventions and College Students’ Drinking Behavior, Vandana Thadani, Karen Huchting, and Joseph W. LaBrie
A Night to Remember: A Harm-Reduction Birthday Card Intervention Reduces High-Risk Drinking During 21st Birthday Celebrations, Joseph W. LaBrie, Savannah Migliuri, and Jessica Cail
Anthropological, Theological, and Ethical Aspects of Human Life and Procreation, Christopher Kaczor
A sensitivity study of the Regional Climate Model (RegCM3) to the convective scheme with emphasis in central eastern and southeastern Europe, P. Zanis, C. Douvis, I. Kapsomenakis, D. Melas, and Jeremy S. Pal
Before You Slip into the Night, You’ll Want Something to Drink: Exploring the Reasons for Prepartying Behavior Among College Student Drinkers, Eric R. Pedersen, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Jason R. Kilmer
Book Review of Miguel A. De La Torre Liberating Jonah: Forming an Ethic of Reconciliation, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Book Review: Presidents in Retirement: Alone and Out of Office, by Paul B. Wice, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: The Treason Trials of Aaron Burr, by Peter C. Hoffer, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: The Truth, the Way, the Life: Christian Commentary on the Three Holy Mantras of the Srivaisnava Hindus, Tracy Tiemeier
Book Review: The Unitary Executive: Presidential Power from Washington to Bush, by Steven G. Calabresi and Christopher S. Yoo, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: To Serve the President: Continuity and Innovation in the White House Staff, by Bradley H. Patterson, Michael A. Genovese
Christian Community in History, Vol. 2: Comparative Ecclesiology, Thomas P. Rausch
Chronically Ill Midlife and Older Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals and Their Informal Caregivers: The Impact of the Social Context, Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen, Hyun-Jun Kim, Anna M. Muraco, and Shawn Mincer
Clothing Maketh the Saint: Ælred's Narrative Intent in the Life of Saint Ninian, Marie Anne Mayeski
Colapso estelar: vida literaria al pie dle letrero de Hollywood, Chuck Rosenthal
Composing Metropolis: New Approaches to African American Urbanization in the Late 20th Century, Marne Campbell
Computational and experimental investigation of the flow structure and vortex dynamics in the wake of a Formula 1 tire, John Axerio, Gianluca Iaccarino, Emin Issakhanian, Chris Elkins, and John Eaton
Congressional Elections: Women’s Candidacies And The Road To Gender Parity, Richard L. Fox
Constructionist Dance Literacy: Unleashing the Potential of Motif Notation, Teresa Heiland
Counting Links in Complete Graphs, Thomas Fleming and Blake Mellor
Coupling of Integrated Biosphere Simulator to Regional Climate Model Version 3, Jonathan M. Winter, Jeremy S. Pal, and Elfatih A. B. Eltahir
Coupling of integrated biosphere simulator to regional climate model version 3, Jonathan M. Winter, Jeremy S. Pal, and Elfatih A. B. Eltahir
Coywolf, Canis latrans × lycaon, pack density doubles following the death of a resident territorial male, Eric Strauss
Creating psychological and legal contracts through human resource practices: A signaling theory perspective, Patricia G. Martinez
Crossing Over: Assimilation, Utopia and the Bildungsroman on Stage and Screen in Real Women Have Curves, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Daddy Grace: A Celebrity Preacher and his House of Prayer, Marne Campbell
Darwin's Contemplative Vision, Douglas E. Christie
Death, Amir Hussain
Differential Drinking Patterns of Family History Positive and Family History Negative First Semester College Females, Joseph W. LaBrie, Shannon R. Kenney, Andrew Lac, and Savannah F. Migliuri
Differentiating unparticles from extra dimensions via mini black hole thermodynamics, Jonas R. Mureika
Direct and Indirect Effects of Injunctive Norms on Marijuana Use: The Role of Reference Groups, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, Andrew Lac, and Christine M. Lee
Disclaimer Intraducible: My Life / Is Based / on a Real Story, Alicia Partnoy
Doing Justice and Demonstrating Fairness in Small Claims Arbitration, Stacy Lee Burns
Ecological determinants of survival and reproduction in the spotted hyena, Heather E. Watts
Ecosystem Modeling of College Drinking: Parameter Estimation and Comparing Models to Data, Azmy S. Ackleh, Ben G. Fitzpatrick, Richard Scribner, Neal Simonsen, and Jeremy J. Thibodeaux
Ecosystem modeling of college drinking: Parameter estimation and comparing models to data, Azmy S. Ackleh, Ben G. Fitzpatrick, Richard Scribner, Neal Simonsen, and Jeremy J. Thibodeaux
Editor's Preface with a User's Guide for the Word-by-Word Analyis of the Bhagavad Gītā, Christopher Key Chapple
Effects of Onset Density in Preschool Children: Implications for Development of Phonological Awareness and Phonological Representation, Judith G. Foy and Virginia A. Mann
Engage Abroad, Protect at Home, Jennifer M. Ramos, Travis Coan, Jennifer Merolla, and Elizabeth Zechmeister
Environment and Ecology from Asian Perspectives, Christopher Key Chapple
Envy Freeness in Experimental Fair Division Problems, Dorothea K. Herreiner and Clemens Puppe
Evagrius on Sadness, Douglas E. Christie
Evaluation of the Effects of Powder Coating Cure Temperatures on the Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy Substrates, C. Maldonado, D. Diaz, J. Ranallo, R. Painter, W. Dahir, D. Hassouna, B. Gayer, E. Toss, I. Martinez, P. Stoyanov, J. Ogren, E. W. Lee, D. Piatkowski, and Omar S. Es-Said
Evidence for Multiple Paternity in Broods of the Green Lynx Spider Peucetia viridans (Araneae: Oxyopidae), Martina G. Ramirez
Evidentialism, Vice, and Virtue, Jason Baehr
Evolution of environmental cue response mechanisms: Adaptive variation in photorefractoriness, Heather E. Watts
Ezra and Nehemiah, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Factors Influencing Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Marketing: A Two-country Study of Youth Markets, Andrew Rohm
Family History of Alcohol Abuse Moderates Effectiveness of a Group Motivational Enhancement Intervention in College Women, Joseph W. LaBrie, Nashla Feres, Shannon R. Kenney, and Andrew Lac
Fecal glucocorticoids reflect socio-ecological and anthropogenic stressors in the lives of wild spotted hyenas, Heather E. Watts
From gene mutation to protein characterization, David A. Moffet
Gender and Friendship Norms Among Older Adults, Diane Felmlee and Anna M. Muraco
Hare Krishna Transformed, by E. Burke Rochford, Christopher Key Chapple
High-resolution simulations of West African climate using regional climate model (RegCM3) with different lateral boundary conditions, M. B. Sylla, A. T. Gaye, Jeremy S. Pal, G. S. Jenkins, and X. Q. Bi
Hinduism, Jainism and Ecology, Christopher Key Chapple
How effectively do people learn from a variety of different opinions?, Andrew Healy