Works from 2011
-, Christopher Key Chapple
(1+1)-Dimensional Entropic Gravity, R. B. Mann and Jonas R. Mureika
44, Sarah Maclay
Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac: The Bonds of Family, Amir Hussain
Analysis of Heat Effects on Marine Corps AM2 Mat Mechanical Properties, V. Vega, U. N. Huynh, J. Holmes, J. DeChellis, P. Stoyanov, D. Piatkowski, E. W. Lee, J. Ogren, N. Drusina, and Omar S. Es-Said
An Attachment-Theory Perspective on Social Support in Close Relationships, Nancy L. Collins, Máire Ford, and Brooke C. Feeney
Applicability of Nanofluids in High Flux Solar Collectors, R. A. Taylor, P. E. Phelan, Todd Otanicar, C. A. Walker, M. Nguyen, S. Trimble, and R. Prasher
A Preliminary Study of Heteromeles Arbutifolia Fruit Morphology at Ballona Wetlands and Temescal Canyon, Los Angeles, California, Victor D. Carmona, Phil Simmons, Elise Vo, and Elizabeth Wight
Asian Religions, Ecology, and the Integrity of Nature, Christopher Key Chapple
Aspects of noncommutative (1+1)-dimensional black holes, Jonas R. Mureika and Piero Nicolini
Beyond Formulas: A Collaboration between Liberal Arts Honors Underclassmen and Senior Math Majors, Alissa S. Crans and Robert J. Rovetti
Bonhoeffer and King: Their Legacies and Import for Christian Social Thought, Jonathan Rothchild
Boojie!: A Question of Authenticity, Bryant Keith Alexander
Book explores religions and the significance of difference, Tracy Tiemeier
Book Review: Presidential Term Limits in American History: Power, Principles, and Politics, by Michael J. Korzi, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: Roosevelt’s Purge, by Susan Dunn, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Republic, by Eric A. Posner and Adrian Vermeule, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: Thinking About Leadership, by Nannerl O. Keohane, Michael A. Genovese
Bordered and Bleeding Identities: An Autocritography of Shifting Academic Life, Bryant Keith Alexander
California’s ban on same-sex marriage: The campaign and its effects on gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals, Adam W. Fingerhut and Natalya C. Maisel
Changes in bone mineral density in response to 24 weeks of resistance training in college-age men and women, Hawley Almstedt and Todd Shoepe
Chiaroscuro, Sarah Maclay
Collaborative Marketing for Electronic Resources, Marie R. Kennedy
Collaborative Marketing for Electronic Resources, Marie R. Kennedy
Comfort: An Atlas for the Body and Soul, Brett C. Hoover
Comparing Greek-Affiliated Students and Student Athletes: An Examination of the Behavior-Intention Link, Reasons for Drinking, and Alcohol-Related Consequences, Karen K. Huchting, Andrew Lac, Justin F. Hummer, and Joseph W. LaBrie
Comparing injunctive marijuana use norms of salient reference groups among college student marijuana users and nonusers, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, and Andrew Lac
Complete graphs whose topological symmetry groups are polyhedral, Eric Flapan, Blake Mellor, and Ramin Naimi
Considering Eden, Damon Willick
Constraints On Vector Unparticle Physics From Cosmic Censorship, Jonas R. Mureika
Creating psychological and legal contracts through HRM practices: A strength of signals perspective, Patricia G. Martinez
Credit Theories and the Value of Knowledge, Jason Baehr
Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future, by Bron Taylor, Christopher Key Chapple
Descriptive Drinking Norms: For Whom Does Reference Group Matter?, Mary E. Larimer, Clayton Neighbors, Joseph W. LaBrie, David C. Atkins, Melissa A. Lewis, Christine M. Lee, Jason R. Kilmer, Debra L. Kaysen, Eric R. Pedersen, Heidi Montoya, Kimberley Hodge, Sruti Desai, Justin F. Hummer, and Theresa Walter
Detecting Vanishing Dimensions Via Primordial Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Jonas R. Mureika and Dejan Stojkovic
Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance and Acquisition Outcomes, Chen Lin, Micah S. Officer, and Hong Zou
Dispenser of the Mercy of the Government: Pardons, the Rule of Law, and Felony Disenfranchisement, Jonathan Rothchild
Displaced in the Simulacrum: Migrant Workers and Urban Space in The World, Yanjie Wang
Diversity and Complexity are Easy, Timothy Shanahan
Ecology in Hinduism, Christopher Key Chapple and Pankaj Jain
Editor's Note, Amir Hussain
Effect of Stretch Orientation and Rolling Orientation on the Mechanical Properties of 2195 Al-Cu-Li Alloy, Omar S. Es-Said, C. J. Parrish, C. A. Bradberry, J. Y. Hassoun, R. A. Parish, A. Nash, N. C. Smythe, K. N. Tran, T. Ruperto, E. W. Lee, D. Mitchell, and C. Vinquist
Engendered Warfare and the Ammonites in Amos 1:13, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Errors Spell Checkers Do Not Correct and Style Sheet, Charles J. Higgins
Essentialist beliefs and sexual prejudice against gay men: divergence at the levels of categories versus traits, Adam W. Fingerhut and Kimberly B. Kahn
Esse Tantum and the One, Eric Perl
Euro-American Rhetorical Pragmatism: Democratic Deliberation, Humanist Controversies, and Purposeful Mediation, Steven J. Mailloux
Everyman’s Infinite Art: Introduction and Harold Gregor Interview, Damon Willick
Examining the Relationships Between Acculturation Orientations, Perceived and Actual Norms, and Drinking Behaviors of Short-Term American Sojourners in Foreign Environments, Eric R. Pedersen, Rick A. Cruz, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Justin F. Hummer
Fictions of Justice: The International Criminal Court and the Challenge of Legal Pluralism in Sub-Saharan Africa, Jonathan Rothchild
Finitely 1-convex f-rings, Suzanne Larson
From ‘Entrepreneur of the Self’ to ‘Care of the Self’: Neo-Liberal Governmentality and Foucault’s Ethics, Andrew Dilts
Gaining and Losing Interest in Running for Public Office: The Concept of Dynamic Political Ambition, Richard L. Fox and Jennifer L. Lawless
Gendered Perceptions And Political Candidacies: A Central Barrier To Women'S Equality In Electoral Politics, Richard L. Fox
Generations and Cultures: The Future of Parish Life in the United States, Brett C. Hoover
Genetic diversity and structure in two spotted hyena populations reflects social organization and male dispersal, Heather E. Watts
Gertrude of Helfta, Anna Harrison
Hearing the Cries: Conversations with Luther and the Bishop, Jonathan Rothchild
Heavy Episodic Drinking on College Campuses: Does Changing the Legal Drinking Age Make a Difference?, Jawaid W. Rasul, Robert G. Rommel, Geoffrey M. Jacquez, Ben G. Fitzpatrick, Azmy S. Ackleh, Neal Simonsen, and Richard Scribner
Identifying Factors That Increase the Likelihood for Alcohol-Induced Blackouts in the Prepartying Context, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, Shannon Kenney, Andrew Lac, and Eric Pedersen
Identifying Factors that Increase the Likelihood of Driving After Drinking among College Students, Joseph W. LaBrie, Shannon R. Kenney, Tehniat Mirza, and Andrew Lac
Indic Traditions and Animals: Imitation, Reincarnation, and Compassion, Christopher Key Chapple
Influence of Humidity on the Tribological Performance of Unmodified Soybean and Sunflower Oils, Matthew Siniawski and Nader Saniei
In Memoriam: Alan Franklin Segal (1945-2011), Amir Hussain
Innovative Manufacturing Process for Defect Free, Affordable, High Pressure, Thin Walled, Hydraulic Tubing, W. Miranda, G. Takiguchi, T. Shimabukuro, L. McLennan, C. Agajanian, L. Quintero, D. Mismar, J. Abdulla, C. Andrews, M. Hahn, E. Fodran, E. W. Lee, H. Garmestani, R. D. Conner, D. Brick, J. Ogren, and Omar S. Es-Said
In Praise of Mother Earth : the Pṛthivī Sūkta of the Atharva Veda, Christopher Key Chapple
In the Decade after 9/11, Amir Hussain
Introduction: Politics In The New Media Era, Richard L. Fox
Invoking Lakshmi: The Goddess of Wealth in Song and Ceremony, Christopher Key Chapple
It’s not about the Virgen of the Conquest, but about the Conquest of the Virgen: Making Privates Public, Deena J. Gonzalez
Kinematical Conformal Cosmology: Fundamental Parameters from Astrophysical Observations, Gabriele U. Varieschi
Leadership and the Classics, Michael A. Genovese and Lawrence A. Tritle
Lean for Systems Engineering with Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering, Bohdan W. Oppenheim
Lesser Known Option Trading Strategies, Charles J. Higgins
Library Instruction for Freshman English: A Multi-Year Assessment of Student Learning, Susan Gardner Archambault
Listening to Parent Voices: Home-School Collaboration for Diverse Communities, Magaly Lavadenz and Elvira G. Armas Ed.D.
Lost Havens: Review Of Earth and Sea, Confined: A Novel, and Departing at Dawn: A Novel of Argentina’s Dirty War, Alicia Partnoy
Lp Theory for the Multidimensional Aggregation Equation Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Andrea L. Bertozzi, Thomas Laurent, and Jesus Rosado
Machismo and Mexican American men: An empirical understanding using a gay sample, Fernando Estrada
Mahatma Gandhi and Some Enduring Challenges for the 21st Century, Christopher Key Chapple
Making Religious Practices Intelligible in the Public Sphere: A Pragmatist Evaluation of Scriptural Reasoning, Brad E. Stone
Marriage amendments and the same-sex marriage debate: The social, psychological, and policy implications, Adam W. Fingerhut, Ellen D. B. Riggle, and Sharon Scales Rostosky
Measuring Customer Satisfaction Using SERQUAL Survey, Aidin Namin
Mechtild of Magdeburg, Anna Harrison
Muslims and Sexual Diversity in North America, Amir Hussain and Momin Rahman
Muslim Traditions, Amir Hussain
Nanofluid Optical Property Characterization: Towards Efficient Direct Absorption Solar Collectors, R. A. Taylor, P. E. Phelan, Todd Otanicar, R. Adrian, and R. Prasher
Ocean in White Chair, Sarah Maclay
On the Distortion and Warpage of 7249 Aluminum Alloy After Quenching and Machining, N. Keleshian, R. Kyser, J. Rodriquez, C. Cueva, V. Vega, E. W. Lee, J. Ogren, and Omar S. Es-Said
Opening the Holy of Holies: Early Twentieth-Century Explorations of the Sancta Sanctorum (Rome), Kirstin Noreen
Opting In Between: Strategies used by professional women with children to balance work and family, Ellen A. Ensher
Our Lady of the Locusts, Sarah Maclay
Our Lady of Wrong Lyrics, Sarah Maclay
Ovarian Hormones, Aging and Stress on Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity, Michael R. Foy
Parents Know Best, But Are They Accurate? Parental Normative Misperceptions and Their Relationship to Students' Alcohol-Related Outcomes, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, Phillip J. Ehret, and Shannon R. Kenney
Peace, War, and Violence in Hinduism, Christopher Key Chapple
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Conscience Protections for Health Care Workers, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Double Effect Reasoning, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Fetal Interventions, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on the Violinist Analogy, Christopher Kaczor