Works from 2012
Intercultural couples: Crossing boundaries, negotiating difference., Anna M. Muraco
Introduction, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Introduction: Oral Interpretation and Ethnography in Performance: (Re)Examining the Dangerous Shores 2012, Bryant Keith Alexander
iPolitics: Citizens, Elections and Governing in the New Media Era, Richard L. Fox and Jennifer M. Ramos
Key HRM strategies for M&A integration in the global banking industry: a comparative study of the USA, Europe and South America, Yongsun Paik and Jennifer S. Belcher
L-alanyl-L-glutamine ingestion maintains performance during a competitive basketball game, William McCormack
Leadership Matters: Unleashing the Power of Paradox, Michael A. Genovese and Thomas E. Cronin
Linear rank tests of uniformity: Understanding inconsistent outcomes and the construction of new tests, Anna E. Bargagliotti
Measuring College Students’ Motives behind Prepartying Drinking: Development and Validation of the Prepartying Motivations Inventory, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, Eric R. Pedersen, Andrew Lac, and Taona Chithambo
Metals and Bacteria Partitioning to Various Size Particles in Ballona Creek Storm Water Runoff, John Dorsey, Jeffrey S. Brown, Eric D. Stein, Drew Ackerman, Jessica Lyon, and Patrick M. Carter
Morgan Freeman’s Black Male Body as Unforgiven, Bryant Keith Alexander
Muslims, Amir Hussain and Jamie S. Scott
Muslim Traditions, Amir Hussain
Myricetin Inhibits Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (IAPP) Aggregation and Rescues Living Mammalian Cells from IAPP Toxicity, Casey Zelus, Ayano Fox, Anastasia Calciano, Bianca S. Faridian, Luiza A. Nogaj, and David A. Moffet
Nandini Sinha Kapur. Environmental History of Early India. In Journal of the American Oriental Society. Vol,. 132, No. 3. 2012. P. 521., Christopher Key Chapple
Navigating the One-Shot Instruction Session: Using Assessment to Drive Instruction, Elisa Acosta
Neoliberalism and the demise of public education: the corporatization of schools of education, Marta Baltodano
New and Old in Conversation: Hinduism’s Balancing Act, Christopher Key Chapple
Noncontact ultrasound imaging applied to cortical bone phantoms, John Bulman, K. S. Ganezer, P. W. Halcrow, and Ian Neeson
Non-photoperiodic regulation of reproductive physiology in the flexibly breeding pine siskin (Spinus pinus), Heather E. Watts and Thomas P. Hahn
On Collecting Social Security Benefits After Age 66, Charles J. Higgins
On Levi-Civita’s Alternating Symbol, Schouten’s Alternating Unit Tensors, CPT, and Quantization, Evert Jan Post, Stan Sholar, Hooman Rahimizadeh, and Michael Berg
Open-Mindedness as a Christian Virtue?, Jason Baehr
Organ Donation following Cardiac Death: Conflicts of Interest, Ante Mortem Interventions, and Determinations of Death, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: After-Birth Abortion, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Contemporary Discussions of Parenthood, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Disability, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: What Justifies the Right to Live?, Christopher Kaczor
Physical Activity in Childhood May Be the Key to Optimizing Lifespan Skeletal Health, Hawley C. Almstedt, Katherine B. Gunter, and Kathleen F. Janz
Practicing Paradise: Contemplative Awareness and Ecological Renewal, Douglas E. Christie
Predicting Driving After Drinking Over Time Among College Students: The Emerging Role of Injunctive Normative Perceptions, Joseph W. LaBrie, Lucy E. Napper, and Tehniat M. Ghaidarov
Prevalence, Social Contexts, and Risks for Prepartying Among Ethnically Diverse College Students, Andrew P. Paves, Joseph W. LaBrie, Eric R. Pedersen, Justin F. Hummer, and Joseph W. LaBrie
Primordial Black Hole Evaporation And Spontaneous Dimensional Reduction, Jonas R. Mureika
Putting on the Mind of Ælred: Reflections of a Translator, Marie Anne Mayeski
Reading Exile Then: Reconsidering the Methodological Debates for Biblical Analysis in Dialogue with Sociological And Literary Analysis, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Reconciling Incongruous Qualitative and Quantitative Findings in Mixed Methods Research: Exemplars from Research with Drug Using Populations, Karla D. Wagner, Peter J. Davidson, Robin A. Pollini, Steffanie A. Strathdee, Rachel Washburn, and Lawrence A. Palinkas
Rehearsals for a Revolution: The Political Theater of Utpal Dutt., Arnab Banerji
Resisting (Resistance) Stories: A Tri-Autoethnographic Exploration of Father Narratives Across Shades of Difference, Bryant Keith Alexander
Responsive school practices to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning students and families, Emily Fisher and Kelly S. Kennedy
Reviewed Work: Moving Bodies: Kenneth Burke at the Edges of Language by Debra Hawhee, Steven J. Mailloux
Review of Ernest Sosa, Knowing Full Well, Jason Baehr
Review of Good and Evil Actions: A Journey through Saint Thomas Aquinas, by Steven Jensen, Christopher Kaczor
Review of Michael S. Moore, Wealth Watch: A Study of Socioeconomic Conflict in the Bible, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Robert P. George and Christopher Tollefsen, Embryo: A Defense of Human Life, Christopher Kaczor
Review of Stephen Kent Amerman, Urban Indians in Phoenix Schools, 1940-2000, Nicolas Rosenthal
Revisiting Johan Galtung's Concept of Structural Violence, Andrew Dilts
Role of twin Cys-Xaa9-Cys motif cysteines in mitochondrial import of the cytochrome c oxidase biogenesis factor Cmc1, Deepa V. Dabir
Rorty and the Religious: Christian Engagements with a Secular Philosopher, Jacob L. Goodson and Brad E. Stone
Rubric for Assessment of Your Marketing Plan for E-Resources, Marie R. Kennedy and Cheryl LaGuardia
Sevenfold Yoga of the Yogavasistha, Christopher Key Chapple
Siddhis in the Yogasūtra, Christopher Key Chapple
Sidhis in the Yogasūtra, Christopher Key Chapple
Simulating a Guitar with a Conventional Sonometer, Zily Burstein, Christina M. Gower, and Gabriele U. Varieschi
Society, demography and genetic structure in the spotted hyena, Heather E. Watts
Spatial Graphs with Local Knots, Erica Flapan, Blake Mellor, and Ramin Naimi
Spiritual Mestizaje: Religion, Gender, Race, and Narrative in Contemporary Chicana Narrative, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Standards-based Grading: An Alternative to Score-based Assessment, Matthew T. Siniawski, Adam Carberry, and John David N. Dionisio
Standards-Based Grading: Preliminary Studies to Quantify Changes in Affective and Cognitive Student Behaviors, Adam Carberry, Matthew T. Siniawski, and John David N. Dionisio
Steering a Drifting Ship: Improving the Preparation of First-Year Catholic School Teachers Through Self-Reflection, Franciso Ramos
Stunned Into Being: Essays on the Poetry of Lorna Dee Cervantes, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Substituting the End for the Whole: Why Voters Respond Primarily to the Election-Year Economy, Andrew Healy and Gabriel S. Lenz
Teaching World Religions without Teaching ‘World Religions’, Tracy Tiemeier
The Art of Dying: Heaven, Hell, and Dying Well - Images of Death in the Middle Ages, James L. Fredericks
The Art of Place: The Work of Diane Gamboa, Karen Mary Davalos
The Assessment Buffet, Coming Back for Thirds, Elisa Acosta
The Atheistic Imagination, Amir Hussain
Theatre, Education and Performance – The Map and the Story (Book Review), Daphnie Sicre
The Double Cover of the Real Symplectic Group and a Theme from Feynman’s Quantum Mechanics, Michael Berg
The Effectiveness of Blended Instruction in Core Postsecondary Mathematics Courses, Anna E. Bargagliotti, Fernanda Botelho, Jim Gleason, John Haddock, and Alistair Windsor
The Effectiveness of Classroom Capture Technology, Máire Ford, Colleen E. Burns, Mathan Mitch, and Melissa M. Gomez
The effects of a traditional and technology-based after-school program on 6th grade students’ mathematics skills, Anna E. Bargagliotti
The effects of a traditional and technology-based after-school program on 6th grade students’ mathematics skills, Anna E. Bargagliotti
The Guide to Lean Enablers for Managing Engineering Programs, Josef Oehmen, Bohdan W. Oppenheim, Deborah Secor, Eric Norman, Eric Rebentisch, Joseph A. Sopko, Marc Steuber, Rick Dove, Kambiz Moghaddam, Steve McNeal, Mark Bowie, Mohamed Ben-Daya, Wolf Altman, and John Driessnack
The Hidden Meaning in Those Letters and Numbers, Charles J. Higgins
Theotropic Logology: J. Hillis Miller, Paul de Man and Kenneth Burke, Steven J. Mailloux
The Performative Sustainability of Race, Bryant Keith Alexander
The Physical and Mental Health of Lesbian, Gay Male, and Bisexual (LGB) Older Adults: The Role of Key Health Indicators and Risk and Protective Factors, Anna M. Muraco, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Charles A. Emlet, Hyun-Jun Kim, Elena A. Erosheva, Jayn Goldsen, and Charles P. Hoy-Ellis
"The Poetry of Improbability:" Lorna Dee Cervantes’s Global Chicana Feminism, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
The Seven Big Myths about the Catholic Church: Distinguishing Fact from Fiction about Catholicism, Christopher Kaczor
The Sevenfold Yoga of the Yogavāsiṣṭha, Christopher Key Chapple
The Sources of Patriotism: Survey and Experimental Evidence, Jennifer Ramos
The Symptoms, Sarah Maclay
The Time for Integrity: On Ethics, T.S. Eliot and the Value that Drives Lorna Dee Cervantes’ Poetry, Juan Mah y Busch
"Things that used to be familiar...become strange": de Certeau and the Possession at Loudun, Douglas E. Christie
To Kill a Thief: Punishment, Proportionality, and Criminal Subjectivity in Locke’s Second Treatise, Andrew Dilts
Torah in triclinia: the Rabbinic Banquet and the Significance of Architecture, Gil P. Klein
Triangulations: Narrative Strategies for Navigating Latino Identity, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Two Types of Wisdom, Jason Baehr
Upper bounds in the Ohtsuki-Riley-Sakuma partial order on 2-bridge knots, Scott M. Garrabrant, Jim Hoste, and Patrick D. Shanahan
Using Tiling Theory to Generate Angle Weaves with Beads, Gwen L. Fisher and Blake Mellor
Varied Visions of God and the Good, Tracy Tiemeier
Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Images' Effects on Plié Arabesques, Teresa Heiland
Warming up and staying loose: The prevalence, style, and influence of prepartying and drinking game behavior among college student athletes, Justin F. Hummer, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Andrew Lac
Watergate Remembered: The Legacy for American Politics, Michael A. Genovese and Iwan W. Morgan
‘West of Everything’: Critical Reflections, Remembrances and Representations on/in Westerns, Bryant Keith Alexander
Whole Body Vibration Training is Osteogenic at the Spine in College-Age Men and Women, Todd C. Shoepe, Hawley C. Almstedt, and Gianna C. Ligouri
Who Speaks for the Church?, Thomas P. Rausch
Works from 2011
-, Christopher Key Chapple