Works from 2013
The Eternal Present: Slow Knowledge and the Renewal of Time, Douglas E. Christie
The Great Race: Embedding Information Literacy into a New Core Curriculum, Susan Archambault
The impact of technology-based mathematics after-school program using ALEKS on students’ knowledge and behaviors, Anna E. Bargagliotti
The impact of technology-based mathematics after-school program using ALEKS on students’ knowledge and behaviors, Anna E. Bargagliotti
The Joy of Feeling Close to God: The Practice of Prayer and the Work of Accompaniment, Douglas E. Christie
The Nuns of Helfta, Anna Harrison
The Parts of Prudence and Scientific Solutions for Weakness of Will, Christopher Kaczor
The Relationship Between Castor Bean Stem Diameter and Extrafloral Nectary Gland Size, Victor D. Carmona, Stephen Line, and Kevin Hong
The River Jordan in Early African American Spirituals, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
The Rubric: An Assessment Odyssey., Elisa Slater Acosta and Susan Archambault
Torsion in one-term distributive homology, Alissa S. Crans, Józef H. Przytycki, and Krzysztof K. Putyra
Training the Trainers: Faculty Development Meets Information Literacy, Susan Archambault and Elisa Acosta
Trot, Sarah Maclay
Twisted Alexander polynomials of 2-bridge knots, Jim Hoste and Patrick D. Shanahan
Understanding of Yin Yang, Robin Wang
Use of Protective Behavioral Strategies and Reduced Alcohol Risk: Examining the Moderating Effects of Mental Health, Gender and Race, Shannon R. Kenney and Joseph W. LaBrie
Virtue Epistemology, Jason Baehr
What Can We Learn about Effective Early Mathematics Teaching? A Framework for Estimating Causal Effects using Longitudinal Survey Data, Anna E. Bargagliotti
What Can We Learn About Effective Early Mathematics Teaching? A Framework for Estimating Causal Effects Using Longitudinal Survey Data, Cassandra Guarino, Steven G. Dieterle, Anna E. Bargagliotti, and William M. Mason
Why No Madame President?: Gender And Presidential Politics In The United States, Richard L. Fox
Women and Political Leadership, Michael A. Genovese
Women as Political Leaders: Studies in Gender and Governing, Michael A. Genovese and Janie Steckenrider
Yeast eIF4B binds to the head of the 40S ribosomal subunit and promotes mRNA recruitment through its N-terminal and internal repeat domains, Sarah F. Mitchell
Works from 2012
31—Valentine’s Day, Sarah Maclay
“43”, “32”, and “26”, Sarah Maclay
Academic Librarian Research: A Survey of Attitudes, Involvement, and Perceived Capabilities, Marie R. Kennedy and Kristine R. Brancolini
African American Women, Wealth Accumulation, and Social Welfare Activism in 19th Century Los Angeles, Marne Campbell
A New Topological Perspective on Quantization in Physics, Hooman Rahimizadeh, Stan Sholar, and Michael Berg
An Island in the Moon, Chuck Rosenthal
Apples and Oranges: Lessons From a Usability Study of Two Library FAQ Web Sites, Susan Archambault
Archiving Performance/Performance as Archive: A Hybrid Book Review and Performance Commentary on E. Patrick Johnson’s “Sweet Tea, Bryant Keith Alexander
Audience Engagement: Playing and Subverting Relational Narratives in the Western — A Post Script, Bryant Keith Alexander
Authoritarianism, Need for Closure, and Conditions of Threat, Jennifer M. Ramos, Jennifer Merolla, and Elizabeth Zechmeister
Between Childhood and Adulthood, Tracy Tiemeier
Biophysics, environmental stochasticity, and the evolution of thermal safety margins in intertidal limpets, W. Wesley Dowd and M. W. Denny
Body mass index change in adulthood and lung and upper aerodigestive tract cancers, Heather Tarleton
Book Review: Governing At Home: The White House and Domestic Policymaking, by Michael Nelson and Russell L. Riley, eds., Michael A. Genovese
Brand in the hand: A cross-market investigation of consumer acceptance of mobile marketing, Andrew Rohm
Bringing Underserved Staff Online @ LMU, Jamie G. Hazlitt and Raymundo Andrade
Building Community in the Academy Through Mentoring: Reflections and Directions, Bryant Keith Alexander
Can it be Morally Permissible to Assert a Falsehood for a Good Cause?, Christopher Kaczor
Catholic Anthropology, Thomas P. Rausch
Cattolici e Pentecostali: Riflessioni su una storia travagliata, Thomas P. Rausch
Challenges for Biological Interpretation of Environmental Proteomics Data in Non-model Organisms, Wesley W. Dowd
Characterization of radially symmetric finite time blowup in multidimensional aggregation equations, Andrea L. Bertozzi, John B. Garnett, and Thomas Laurent
Collaborative Marketing for Electronic Resources ER&L presentation, Marie R. Kennedy
Computational Modeling and Numerical Methods for Spaciotemporal Calcium Cycling in Ventricular Myocytes, Robert Rovetti
Computational modeling and numerical methods for spatiotemporal calcium cycling in ventricular myocytes, Michael Nivala, Enno de Lange, Robert J. Rovetti, and Zhilin Qu
Conformal Cosmology and the Pioneer Anomaly, Gabriele U. Varieschi
Confronting Misoislamia: Teaching Religion and Violence in Courses on Islam, Amir Hussain
Congrats you’re ABD! Now what?, Alissa Crans
Conscientious Objection and Health Care: A Reply to Bernard Dickens, Christopher Kaczor
Contending Approaches to the American Presidency, Michael A. Genovese
Convergence of a Steepest Descent Algorithm for Ratio Cut Clustering, Xavier Bresson, Thomas Laurent, David Uminsky, and James H. von Brecht
Could Any Black Holes Be Produced at the LHC?, Jonas R. Mureika, Piero Nicolini, and Euro Spallucci
Desk Statistics Under a Microscope = Improved Library Services, Susan [Gardner] Archambault
DOF of indoor MIMO systems, Jie Xu
"Don't Drop the Soap": Organizing Sexualities in the Repeal of the US Military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy, Craig Rich, Julie Kalil Schutten, and Richard A. Rogers
Do Voters Demand Responsive Governments? Evidence from Indian Disaster Relief, Shawn Cole, Andrew Healy, and Eric Werker
Early Monasticism, Douglas E. Christie
Editor’s Note: Robert Davidson, Haida Artist, Amir Hussain
Editor’s Note: Something Observed, Amir Hussain
Effects of Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Imagery Interventions on Dancers’ Plié Arabesques, Teresa Heiland and Robert Rovetti
Efficacy of phosphatidic acid ingestion on lean body mass, muscle thickness and strength gains in resistance-trained men, William McCormack
Enactment History, Jesuit Practices, and Rhetorical Hermeneutics, Steven J. Mailloux
Enhancements of rack counting invariants via dynamical cocycles, Alissa S. Crans, Sam Nelson, and Aparna Sarkar
Eschatology, Liturgy, and Christology: Towards Recovering the Eschatological Imagination, Thomas P. Rausch
Estimates and influences of reflective opposite-sex norms on alcohol use among a high-risk sample of college students: Exploring Greek-affiliation and gender effects, Justin F. Hummer, Joseph W. LaBrie, Andrew Lac, Ashley Sessoms, and Jessica Cail
Ethnicity Specific Norms and Alcohol Consumption Among Hispanic/Latino/a and Caucasian Students, Joseph W. LaBrie, David C. Atkins, Clayton Neighbors, Tehniat Mirza, and Mary E. Larimer
Evolutionary Progress: Conceptual Issues, Timothy Shanahan
Examining the Affects of Four Mental Images on Student Dancers' Jumping Height, Teresa Heiland
Field dimensions and polarization gains in electromagnetic systems, Jie Xu
Forecasting the Effect of the Amethyst Initiative on College Drinking, Ben G. Fitzpatrick, Richard Scribner, Azmy S. Ackleh, Jawaid Rasul, Geoffrey Jacquez, Neal Simonsen, and Robert Rommel
Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple
Foreword, Amir Hussain
From 32, Sarah Maclay
From an Ethnic Island to a Transnational Bubble: A Reflection on Korean Americans in Los Angeles, Edward J.W. Park
From the Classroom to the Assembly Floor: Making Students’ Research Count, Brianne Gilbert and Fernando Guerra
GAISEing into the Statistics Common Core, Anna E. Bargagliotti
Gallery 32 and Los Angeles’s African American Arts Community, Damon Willick and Carolyn Peter
Gender and the Future of Electoral Politics, Richard L. Fox
Global sleep quality as a moderator of alcohol consumption and consequences in college students, Shannon R. Kenney, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, and Andy T. Pham
Harold Garfinkel: Memorial Remarks, Recollections and Reflections, Stacey Lee Burns
HELP! They just made me the Religion Librarian... and I'm only spiritual, Tony Amodeo
Hinduism in Southern California: A Response to Francis C. Clooney, Christopher Key Chapple
Historical Dictionary of Kant and Kantianism, Jeffrey L. Wilson
How drunk am I? Misperceiving one’s level of intoxication in the college drinking environment, Sean Grant, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, and Andrew Lac
How I Learned to Keep Worrying and Love Teaching the Canon, Andrew Dilts
How well do the NSF Funded Elementary Mathematics Curricula align with the GAISE report recommendations?, Anna E. Bargagliotti
Humanist Controversies: The Rhetorical Humanism of Ernesto Grassi and Michael Leff, Steven J. Mailloux
I Can Play All Night: Examining the Relationship Between Perceived Tolerance and Drinking Game Alcohol Consumption, Phillip J. Ehret, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Justin F. Hummer
Immigration and Belonging: Nation, Class, and Membership in New Migration Policies, Edward J.W. Park
Immortality, Chuck Rosenthal
Impact Exercise for Optimal Bone Health in Growing Children: An Evidence-Based Approach to Exercise Prescription, Hawley Almstedt
Industry Contagion in Loan Spreads, Michael G. Hertzel and Micah S. Officer
Infanticide, Christopher Kaczor
In Search of Patterns at the Desk: An Analysis of Reference Question Tracking Logs, Susan Archambault
Instructions for Wooing, Sarah Maclay