Welcome to our curated collection of Loyola Marymount University faculty and librarian research and creative works from Digital Commons @ LMU. Explore the diverse range of academic and artistic contributions by LMU faculty and librarians by browsing through the works organized by department here.


Works from 2014


A multi- factor Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Positive Identity Measure (LGB-PIM), Adam W. Fingerhut, Ellen D. B. Riggle, Jonathan J. Mohr, and Sharon S. Rostosky


An After Tax Valuation of Debt Instruments, Charles J. Higgins


Angular spectral dyadic Green's function, Jie Xu


An Incremental Reseeding Strategy for Clustering, Xavier Bresson, Huiyi Hu, Thomas Laurent, Arthur Szlam, and James von Brecht


An Intentional Conversation: Electronic Resources and Your Library Patrons, Marie R. Kennedy


Antonio T. De Nicolás: Poet of Eternal Return, Christopher Key Chapple


Antonio T. deNicolás: Poet of Eternal Return, Christopher Key Chapple


A Pedagogical Heartbeat: The Integration of Critical and Contemplative Pedagogies for Transformative Education, Juan Mah y Busch


A Postcolonial Reading of Apocalyptic Literature: On Mixing Monsters, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher


Astrophysical Tests of Kinematical Conformal Cosmology in Fourth-Order Conformal Weyl Gravity, Gabriele U. Varieschi


“At the Crossing,” “Room of Sleep,” and “Becoming Animal”, Sarah Maclay


A Unifying Framework for Teaching Nonparametric Statistical Tests, Anna E. Bargagliotti


Best Practices for Multicultural Communities: Great Parishes Shared by Several Ethnicities Discover Ways to Give Each Group What It Needs While Also Forging Unity, Brett C. Hoover


Best Practices for Shared Parishes, Brett C. Hoover


Best practices in supporting students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning, Emily Fisher


Bioethics in Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple


Blood and Ink: Ignacio Ellacuría, Jon Sobrino, and the Jesuit Martyrs of the University of Central America, Brett C. Hoover

Bodies Yearning on the Borders of Becoming: A Performative Reflection on Three Embodied Axes of Social Difference, Bryant Keith Alexander


Book Review: Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War, by Robert M. Gates, Michael A. Genovese


Book Review: Eleventh Hour: The Politics of Policy Initiatives in Presidential Transitions, by David M. Shafie, Michael A. Genovese


Book Review: Life Without Parole: America's New Death Penalty?, Andrew Dilts


Book Review: Nation of Devils, by Stein Ringen, Michael A. Genovese


Book Review of Paths toward the Modern Fiscal State: England, Japan, and China, Gene Park


Book Review: The End of Authority: How a Loss of Legitimacy and Broken Trust are Endangering Our Future, by Douglas E. Schoen, Michael A. Genovese


Book Review: The Good Neighbor: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Rehetoric of American Power, Michael A. Genovese


Book Review: The Myth of the Strong Leader: Political Leadership in Modern Politics, Michael A. Genovese

Bootlegging Tyler Perry/Tyler Perry as Bootlegger of Black Performance, Bryant Keith Alexander


Brown at 60: Great Progress, a Long Retreat and an Uncertain Future, Jongyeon Ee


Building Tomorrow's Leaders Today: On Becoming a Polymath Leader, Michael A. Genovese


Characterization of Sugar Diversity in Floral and Extra-Floral Nectar from the Coastal Coral Tree (Erythrina caffra Thunb.) in Southern California, Victor D. Carmona-Galindo, Kenny Morales, Renee Maser, Julius Doyle, and Mera Gobrial


Charting Your Course: Using Curriculum Mapping to Enhance Information Literacy, Susan Archambault


Classification of Topological Symmetry Groups of Kn, Erica Flapan, Blake Mellor, Ramin Naimi, and Michael Yoshizawa


Coercion and Consent, James Konow


Complete bipartite graphs whose topological symmetry groups are polyhedral, Blake Mellor


Confucianism, Catholic Social Teachings, and Human Rights, James L. Fredericks


Cranial morphometrics of the dire wolf, Canis dirus, at Rancho La Brea: temporal variability and its links to nutrient stress and climate, F. Robin O'Keefe, Wendy J. Binder, Stephen R. Frost, Rudyard W. Sadlier, and Blaire Van Valkenburgh


Creating Learning Through Service Opportunities for Engineering Students: Lessons Learned from a Primarily Undergraduate Liberal Arts University, Matthew Siniawski, Jose A. Saez, Jeremy Pal, and Sandra Luca

Critical Autoethnography as Intersectional Praxis: A Performative Pedagogical Interplay on Bleeding Borders of Identity, Bryant Keith Alexander


Crossed modules of racks, Alissa S. Crans and Friedrich Wagemann


Current Issues, Amir Hussain and Roy C. Amore

Daphne at the Moment of Transformation, Sarah Maclay

Defining and Communicating What “Intercultural” and “Intercultural Communication” Means to Us (Forum on Intercultural Communication), Bryant Keith Alexander


Development and Validation of the Hookup Motives Questionnaire (HMQ), Shannon R. Kenney, Andrew Lac, Justin F. Hummer, and Joseph W. LaBrie


Differential Resource allocation of black mustard plants (Brassica nigra L.) with proximity to black walnut trees (Jug/ans californica L.) in a Southern California Riparian ecosystem, Victor D. Carmona-Galindo, Matt Cronrod, and Kellyanne Gold


Distributed Throughput Maximization in Wireless Networks Using the Stability Region, Gustavo Vejarano, Dexiang Wang, Ritwik Dubey, and Janise McNair


Disturbing inequities: Exploring the relationship between racial disparities in special education identification and discipline, Jongyeon Ee


Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker, Thomas P. Rausch


Drag Racing the Neoliberal Circuit: Latina/o Camp and the Contingencies of Resistance, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson


Editor's Commentary: Our Bodies of Work, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson


Editor’s Note: "God bless Elijah / With the feather in his hand", Amir Hussain


Effect of Training Mode on Post-Exercise Heart Rate Recovery of Trained Cyclists, Kelia G. McDonald, Silvie Grote, and Todd C. Shoepe


Effects of sediment depth on algal turf height are mediated by interactions with fish herbivory on a fringing reef, Sarah Joy Bittick


Employer preferences: Do Bilingual Applicants and Employees Experience an Advantage? In The Bilingual Advantage Language, Literacy and the US Labor Market, Jongyeon Ee


Enhancing Librarians’ Research Skills: A Professional Development Program, Kristine R. Brancolini, Marie R. Kennedy, Lili Luo, Gregory Guest, and Michael Stephens


Examining the Efficacy of a Brief Group Protective Behavioral Strategies Skills Training Alcohol Intervention With College Women, Shannon R. Kenney, Lucy Napper, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Matthew P. Martens


Exploration of climate influences on the abundance of galls on red willow (Salix /aevigata) across two riparian communities in Southern California, Victor D. Carmona-Galindo, Rachael Sears, Tauras P. Vilgalys, Emily Hand, and Sara Morledge-Hampton


Exploring Bilingualism, Literacy, Employability and Income Levels among Latinos in the United States, in The Bilingual Advantage Language, Literacy and the US Labor Market, Jongyeon Ee


Faculty Power: A Renewable Energy Source for Teaching Information Literacy, Elisa Acosta and Susan Archambault


Faith from Nowhere: Feminist Ecclesiological Reflections on the ‘Liquid Catholicism’ of New Media, Brett C. Hoover


Female hurricanes are deadlier than male hurricanes, Madhu Viswanathan


Finding My Voice, Debra B. Linesch


Francis's Interreligious Friendships: Soccer and Lunch, Followed by Dialogue, James L. Fredericks


Genetic Variation At 8Q24, Family History Of Cancer, And Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers In A Chinese Population, Heather P. Tarleton, Shen-Chih Chang, Sungshim Lani Park, Lin Cai, Baoguo Ding, Na He, Shehnaz K. Hussain, Qingwu Jiang, Li-Na Mu, Jianyu Rao, Hua Wang, Nai-Chieh Y. You, Shun-Zhang Yu, Jin-Kou Zhao, and Zuo-Feng Zhang

Hinduism: Many Paths, Many Births, Christopher Key Chapple


Hom Quandles, Alissa S. Crans and Sam Nelson


Hooking Up in the College Context: The Event-Level Effects of Alcohol Use and Partner Familiarity on Hookup Behaviors and Contentment, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, Tehniat M. Ghaidarov, Andrew Lac, and Shannon R. Kenney


Identification and characterization of functionally critical, conserved motifs in the internal repeats and n-terminal domain of yeast translation initiation factor 4B (yeIF4B), Sarah F. Mitchell

Identifying Key Intercultural Urgencies, Issues, and Challenges in Today’s World: Connecting Our Scholarship to Dynamic Contexts and Historical Moments (Forum on Intercultural Communication), Bryant Keith Alexander


“I Felt Like a Superhero”: The Experience of Responding to Drug Overdose Among Individuals Trained in Overdose Prevention, Karla D. Wagner, Peter J. Davidson, Ellen Iverson, Rachel Washburn, Emily Burke, Alex H. Kral, Miles McNeeley, Jennifer Jackson Bloom, and Stephen E. Lankenau


Impulsivity and Alcohol-Related Risk among College Students: Examining Urgency, Sensation Seeking and the Moderating Influence of Beliefs about Alcohol's Role in the College Experience, Joseph W. LaBrie, Shannon R. Kenney, Lucy E. Napper, and Kevin Miller


Information Literacy in the New Core Curriculum, Elisa Acosta


In Memoriam: Jean Bethke Elshtain (1941–2013), Matthew R. Petrusek


Insect visitation of peduncular and petiolar extrafloral nectar glands on castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) plants in Southern California, Victor D. Carmona-Galindo, Taylor Waters, and David Chirikian


Interhemispheric collaboration during digit and dot number-matching in younger and older adults, Urvi J. Patel, Brandon K. Barakat, Ruben Romero, Daniel Apodaca, Joseph Hellige, and Barbara J. Cherry

Introducing the Discussion and One Another (Forum on Intercultural Communication), Bryant Keith Alexander


Introduction, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson

Jainism: The Good Life and the Transcendence of Death, Christopher Key Chapple


Kerr Metric, Geodesic Motion, and Flyby Anomaly in Fourth-Order Conformal Gravity, Gabriele U. Varieschi


La formazione degli insegnanti: una necessità non più rinviabile, Anna E. Bargagliotti


Law, Andrew Dilts

Life All Around: Soul in Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple


Los Angeles: The Perfect Non-Campaign: The Election of a Hipster Mayor., Fernando Guerra and Brianne Gilbert


Lost and Found: Immigrant Conversion Stories, the New Evangelization, and Parish Life, Brett C. Hoover


Measuring the research readiness of academic and research librarians : A project report of the Institute for Research Design in Librarianship (IRDL), Kristine R. Brancolini, Marie R. Kennedy, and Christine Chavez

Night Text, Sarah Maclay

Nonhuman Animals and the Question of Rights from an Asian Perspective, Christopher Key Chapple


Normative Feedback for Parents of College Students: Piloting a Parent Based Intervention to Correct Misperceptions of Students’ Alcohol Use and Other Parents’ Approval of Drinking, Joseph W. LaBrie, Lucy E. Napper, and Justin F. Hummer


Norms for an Isometric Muscle Endurance Test, Sarah L. Strand, John Hjelm, Todd C. Shoepe, and Marie A. Fajardo


Notes on Prayerful Rhetoric with Divinities, Steven J. Mailloux


Not Just Fun and Games: A Review of College Drinking Games Research From 2004 to 2013, Byron L. Zamboanga, Shannon R. Kenney, Kathryne Van Tyne, Janine V. Olthuis, Christopher J. Correia, Lindsay S. Ham, and Brian Borsari


Object Pleasures and Job Segregation: Barbers, Hairstylists, and the Material (Be)longings of Work, Craig Rich


Oh Past Self, Come Here and Let Me Kick You in the Shins, Marie R. Kennedy, Anna Creecth, and Kristina Deshazo

“Oil on Panel” and “Woman Chained to Fire”, Sarah Maclay


On axiomatic definitions of non-discrete affine buildings, Curtis D. Bennett, Petra N. Schwer, and Koen Struyve


One Foot Inside the Circle: Contemporary Dance of Los Angeles Steps Outside Postmodernism and into Neo-Modernism-with-a-Twist, Teresa L. Heiland


On Maximizing Annualized Option Returns, Charles J. Higgins


Open Sourcing Ideas: Sharing and Recreating a Library Instruction Program, John Jackson and Alice Whiteside


Optimal perimeter patrol via max-plus probability, Ben G. Fitzpatrick, Kristin Holmbeck-Cannell, Matthew Laffin, and Yun Wang

Our Role as Intercultural Scholars, Practitioners, Activists, and Teachers in Addressing These Key Intercultural Urgencies, Issues, and Challenges (Forum on Intercultural Communication), Bryant Keith Alexander

Pankaj Jain. Dharma and Ecology of Hindu Communities: Sustenance and Sustainability. In International Journal of Dharma Studies. 2014. 2:3,, Christopher Key Chapple