Works from 2016
The Definition of 'Terrorism', Timothy Shanahan
The Economics of Justice, James Konow and Lars Schwettmann
The evolution of the personal networks of novice librarian researchers, Marie Kennedy, David P. Kennedy, and Kristine R. Brancolini
The Four Dimensions of an Intellectual Virtue, Jason Baehr
The Future of Islam and Jesuit Universities, Amir Hussain
The Image of God and Moral Action: Challenging the Practicality of the Imago Dei, Matthew R. Petrusek
The Pacific Rim: Connecting People, Collecting Histories, Melody Rodari
The regularity of the boundary of a multidimensional aggregation patch, Andrea L. Bertozzi, John B. Garnett, Thomas Laurent, and Joan Verdera
The Sanctuary of Artemis Leukophryene as an Expression of Conflicted Civic Identity, Amanda Herring
The Segal–Shale–Weil representation, the indices of Kashiwara and Maslov, and quantum mechanics, Michael C. Berg
The Song Book of Our Lives: Lyrical Autoethnographic Performances, Bryant Keith Alexander
The visual rhetoric of Anonymous networks, Jason Jarvis
This is Indian Country, Nicolas G. Rosenthal
Time, Space, and Devotion: The Madonna della Clemenza and the Cappella Altemps in Rome, Kirstin Noreen
Topological Symmetry Groups of Complete Bipartite Graphs, Kathleen Hake, Blake Mellor, and Matthew Pittluck
Trajectories of Alcohol Use and Consequences in College Women with and without Depressed Mood, Shannon Kenney, Caitlin C. Abar, Kimberly O'Brien, Gabrielle Clark, and Joseph W. LaBrie
Trauma, Migrant families, and Neoliberal Fantasies in Last Train Home, Yanjie Wang
Turning Points in the Lives of Lesbian and Gay Adults Age 50 and Older, Anna M. Muraco and Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen
#UnyieldingTruth: Employing culturally relevant pedagogy, Kashi Johnson and Daphnie Sicre
Virtual Engineering Sciences Learning Lab: Giving STEM Education a Second Life, Stephanie E. August, Michele L. Hammers, Don Brian Murphy, Allison Neyer, Penda Gueye, and Robert Q. Thames
Virtual Engineering Sciences Learning Lab: Giving STEM Education a Second Life, Michelle L. Hammers
When mathematics and statistics collide in assessment tasks, Anna E. Bargagliotti
Women’s Virtue, Church Leadership, and the Problem of Gender Complementarity, Tracy Tiemeier
Woodstock Scholarship: An Interdisciplinary Annotated Bibliography, Jeffrey Gatten
Wormhole Geometries in Fourth-Order Conformal Weyl Gravity, Gabriele U. Varieschi and Kellie L. Ault
Works from 2015
A Concise Introduction to World Religions, Amir Hussain, Willard G. Oxtoby, Roy C. Amore, and Alan F. Segal
Alcohol Abstinence or Harm-Reduction? Parental Messages for College-Bound Light Drinkers, Joseph W. LaBrie, Sarah C. Boyle, and Lucy Napper
A Model for Reflective Practice in Libraries, Tobeylynn Birch
An Annotated Bibliography of Books, DVDs, and Internet Resources on GLBT Latinos and Latinas, Walt Walker and GLBTRT Resources Committee
Annual Schedules, Heather E. Watts, Thomas P. Hahn, Kathleen R. Brazeal, Elizabeth M. Schultz, Helen E. Chmura, Jamie M. Cornelius, and Scott A. MacDougall-Shackleton
Appropriating the Discourse of Social Justice in Teacher Education, Marta Baltodano
A preliminary study of Argiope argentata as indicators of southern California metal contamination, Sarah A. Carratt and Martina G. Ramirez
Are There Secondary Effects on Marijuana Use From Brief Alcohol Interventions for College Students?, Helene R. White, Yang Jiao, Anne E. Ray, David Huh, David C. Atkins, Mary E. Larimer, Kim Fromme, William R. Corbin, John S. Baer, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Eun-Young Mun
Aristotle, Aquinas, and Seligman on happiness, Christopher Kaczor
Asian Religions and Ecology, Christopher Key Chapple
A statistical study of dyadic angular spectrum in random scattering environments, Jie Xu
A stochastic model for microbial fermentation process under Gaussian white noise environment, Yanping Ma
Balancing the art and science of higher education: Ethical dilemmas, Maryann Krikorian
Better choices for Buffalo's students: Expanding & Reforming the Criteria Schools System, Jongyeon Ee
Big Data Decision Making, Mark Mallinger and Matt Stefl
Biological Timekeeping: Individual Variation, Performance, and Fitness, Heather E. Watts, Scott A. MacDougall-Shackleton, and Thomas P. Hahn
Book Review: Imperial From the Beginning: The Constitution of the Original Executive, by Saikrishna B. Prakash, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: Polarization and the Presidency: From FDR to Barack Obama, by Robert C. Smith., Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: Presidential Leadership in Public Opinion: Causes and Consequences, by Jeffrey E. Cohen, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: Space, Geometry, and Kant's Transcendental Deduction of the Categories, Jeffrey L. Wilson
Book Review: Starve and Immolate: The Politics of Human Weapons, by Banu Bargu, Andrew Dilts
Character Virtues, Epistemic Agency, and Reflective Knowledge, Jason Baehr
Combinatorical and Statistical Issues related to the Kruskal-Wallis Statistic, Anna E. Bargagliotti
Communication and sport, where art thou? Epistemological reflections on the moment and field(s) of play, Lawrence A. Wenner
Confidence, Perception, and Politics: Determinants of Attitudes Toward Taxes by Level of Government, Kevin Wallsten and Gene Park
Connecticut School Integration: Moving Forward as the Northeast Retreats, Jongyeon Ee
Creative Funding Strategies for Undergraduate Research at a Primarily Undergraduate Liberal Arts Institution, Brianne Gilbert, Martina Ramirez, and Matthew Siniawski
Creative Funding Strategies for Undergraduate Research at a Primarily Undergraduate Liberal Arts Institution, Matthew Siniawski
Critical Autoethnography as Intersectional Praxis: A Performative Pedagogical Interplay on Bleeding Borders of Identity, Bryant Keith Alexander
Curriculum Mapping as a Strategic Planning Tool, Susan Archambault and Jennifer Masunaga
Data Visualization as a Communication Tool, Susan Archambault, Joanne Helouvry, Bonnie Strohl, and Ginger Williams
Death Penalty Abolition in Neoliberal Times: The SAFE California Act and the Nexus of Savings and Security, Andrew Dilts
Deficits and Debt in Industrialized Democracies, Gene Park and Eisaku Ide
Determining false-positives requires considering the totality of evidence, Andrew Healy, Neil Malhotra, and Cecilia Hyunjung Mo
Digital image politics: The networked rhetoric of Anonymous, Jason Jarvis
#DitchTheSurvey: Expanding Methodological Diversity in LIS Research, Rebecca Halpern, Christopher Eaker, John Jackson, and Daina Bouquin
DNA-Based Authentication of Botanicals and Plant-Derived Dietary Supplements: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?, Denise F. Coutinho Moraes, David W. Still, Michelle R. Lum, and Ann M. Hirsch
Do Consumer Demographics Affect Dynamic Price Markdowns of Seasonal Goods?, Aidin Namin
Doing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Mathematics, Jacqueline M. Dewar and Curtis D. Bennett
Don’t Take Your Guns to Town: Academic/Administrative Life as the Old West, Bryant Keith Alexander
Dynamic Motions of the HIV-1 Frameshift Site RNA, Kathryn Mouzakis
Ecology in the Mahābhārata and the Bhagavad Gītā, Christopher Key Chapple
Editors' Commentary: We Should Opt to be Turtles and Sing to One Another: Protection, Community, Poetry, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Editor’s Note: Adiós, Amir Hussain
Engaged Emancipation: Mind, Morals, and Make-Believe in the Mokṣopāya (Yogavāsiṣṭha), Christopher Key Chapple and Arindam Chakrabarti
Enhanced Lasso Recovery on Graph, Xavier Bresson, Thomas Laurent, and James von Brecht
Fading, Twisting, and Weaving: An Interpretive Ethnography of the Black Barbershop/Salon as Cultural Space, Bryant Keith Alexander
Faith, Hope, and Charity: Benedict XVI on the Theological Virtues, Thomas P. Rausch
Fall migratory patterns of the Blackpoll Warbler at a continental scale, Kristen M. Covino
Fiscal Survival and Financial Revival: Possible Future for the Japanese Economy, Gene Park and Saori Katada
Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple
(Form)ative Assessment: Using Google Forms to Evaluate Active Learning., Katherine Donaldson and Elisa Acosta
From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin, Bryant Keith Alexander
Gender as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Preparty Motives and Event-Level Consequences, Lucy E. Napper, Shannon R. Kenney, Kevin S. Montes, Leslie J. Lewis, and Joseph W. LaBrie
Girl Standing with Death by the Sea, Sarah Maclay
Global shape mimicry of tRNA within a viral internal ribosome entry site mediates translational reading frame selection, Kathryn Mouzakis
Grille, Sarah Maclay
Harold Garfinkel, Stacy Lee Burns
Heterogeneous Time and Space: Han Shaogong’s Rethinking of Chinese Modernity, Yanjie Wang
Hinduism, Jainism, and Ecology, Christopher Key Chapple
How do Acquirers Choose between Mergers and Tender Offers?, David Offenberg and Christo Pirinsky
How Spherical Is a Cube (Gravitationally)?, Jeff Sanny and David M. Smith
Humor and Latina/o Camp in Ugly Betty: Funny Looking, Tanya González and Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Impacts of service-learning projects on the technical and professional engineering confidence of first year engineering students, Jeremy S. Pal, Matthew Siniawski, and Sandra Luca
Increasing Retention in STEM: Results from a STEM Talent Expansion Program at the University of Memphis, Alistair Windsor, Anna E. Bargagliotti, Rachel Best, Donald Franceschetti, John Haddock, Stephanie Ivey, and David Russomanno
Inhibition of toxic IAPP amyloid by extracts of common fruits, David Moffet
Inhibition of Toxic IAPP Amyloid by Extracts of Common Fruits, David A. Moffet, Pei-Yu Kao, Evangeline Green, Catalina Pereirab, Shauna Ekimura, Dennis Juarez, Travis Whyte, Taylor Arhar, Bianca Malaspina, and Luiza A. Nogaj
Injury-Initiated Clot Formation Under Flow: A Mathematical Model with Warfarin Treatment, Lisette dePillis, Erica J. Graham, Kaitlyn Hood, Yanping Ma, Ami Radunskaya, and Julie Simons
Integrating Information Literacy into the Core Curriculum: Creating Sustainable Models, Susan Archambault, Glenn Johnson-Grau, Elisa Acosta, Jennifer Fabbi, and Erin Rinto
Intellectual Humility: Owning Our Limitations, Dennis Whitcomb, Heather Battaly, Jason Baehr, and Daniel Howard-Snyder
Interreligiueuze evaring, Christopher Key Chapple
Introduction: A Farewell to the Section, Bryant Keith Alexander
Introduction: Performative Rhetorics of Desire, Resistance, and Possibility, Bryant Keith Alexander
Introduction: Westerns as Moral(ity) Tales (or Lessons Learned), Bryant Keith Alexander