Welcome to our curated collection of Loyola Marymount University faculty and librarian research and creative works from Digital Commons @ LMU. Explore the diverse range of academic and artistic contributions by LMU faculty and librarians by browsing through the works organized by department here.


Works from 2017


On Definitions and Traditions, Christopher Kaczor


On Homology of Associative Shelves, Alissa Crans


On the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, the field of play, and six years of more “more than less”, Lawrence A. Wenner


Optimization and Control of Agent-Based Models in Biology: A Perspective, G. An, B. G. Fitzpatrick, S. Christley, P. Federico, A. Kanarek, R. Miller Neilan, M. Oremland, R. Salinas, R. Laubeanbacher, and S. Lenhart


Osm1 facilitates the transfer of electrons from Erv1 to fumarate in the redox-regulated import pathway in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, Deepa V. Dabir


Our Segregated Capital: An Increasingly Diverse City with Racially Polarized Schools, Jongyeon Ee


Paving the way to equity and coherence? The Local Control Funding Formula in Year 3, Magaly Lavadenz


Philosophy and Theology: Better Never to Have Been Born, Christopher Kaczor


Philosophy and Theology: Objection to Conscience: An Argument against Conscience Exemptions in Healthcare, Christopher Kaczor


Philosophy and Theology: Physicians, Not Conscripts: Conscientious Objection in Health Care, Christopher Kaczor


Philosophy and Theology: Pre-Birth and Post-Birth Abortion, Christopher Kaczor


PNF 2.0? Initial evidence that gamification can increase the efficacy of brief, web-based personalized normative feedback alcohol interventions, Sarah C. Boyle, Andrew M. Earle, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Daniel J. Smith


Preparing Bilingual Teachers, Magaly Lavadenz


Preparing Social Justice Leaders to Deconstruct Heterosexual Privilege, Emily Fisher


Program Requirements: Complexity, Myths, Radical Change, and Lean Enablers, Bohdan W. Oppenheim


Projected impact of climate change in the hydroclimatology of Senegal with a focus over the Lake of Guiers for the twenty-first century, Moustapha Tall, Mouhamadou Bamba Sylla, Ismaïla Diallo, Jeremy S. Pal, Aïssatou Faye, Mamadou Lamine Mbaye, and Amadou Thierno Gaye


Projecting regional climate and cropland changes using a linked biogeophysical-socioeconomic modeling framework: 1 Model description and an equilibrium application over West Africa, Guiling Wang, Kazi Farzan Ahmed, Liangzhi You, Miao Yu, Jeremy S. Pal, and Zhenming Ji


Provider Payment Methods and Incentives, Randall P. Ellis, Bruno Martins, and Michelle Miller

Queer/Quare Theory: Worldmaking and Methodologies, Bryant Keith Alexander

Reincarnation: Mechanics, Narratives, and Implications, Christopher Key Chapple


Remapping Emotion and Desire: Same-Sex Romance in Ah Cheng's "The King of Chess", Yanjie Wang


Research as Inquiry, Social Justice, and the Particularist Challenges of Religious Traditions in an Age of Terror and Hate, Desirae Zingarelli-Sweet

Review of Ancient Mythological Images and their Interpretation: an Introduction to Iconology, Semiotics, and Image Studies in Classical Art History, Amanda Herring


Review of "Ancient Mythological Images and their Interpretation: an Introduction to Iconology, Semiotics, and Image Studies in Classical Art History," by Katharina Lorenz, Amanda Herring


Review of Aquinas and the "Nicomachean Ethics." ed. by Tobias Hoffmann, Jörn Müller, and Matthias Perkams, Christopher Kaczor


Review of Before Orthodoxy: The Satanic Verses in Early Islam by Shahab Ahmed, Amir Hussain

Review of Dominque Brégent-Heald, Borderland Films: American Cinema, Mexico, and Canada during the Progressive Era, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Paul R. McKenzie-Jones, Clyde Warrior: Tradition, Community, and Red Power, Nicolas Rosenthal


Revisiting Customers' Perception of Service Quality in Fast Food Restaurants, Aidin Namin


Roberto Esposito’s The Machine of Political Theology and the Place of Thought, Steven J. Mailloux


Safe and Supportive Schools for LGBTQ+ Youth, Emily Fisher, Karla Anhalt, Amy Cannava, Sharon Gorenstein, Jo Saint, G. Thomas Schanding Jr., Amy E. Tiberi, and Kris Varjas


Screaming into the Ether: Assessing E-Resources Outreach through Digital Touchpoints, Jamie G. Hazlitt and John Jackson


Seasonal expression of migratory behavior in a facultative migrant, the pine siskin, Heather E. Watts, Ashley R. Robart, Jasmine K. Chopra, and Carmela E. Asinas

Seeing is Believing?: Defining Metavisuality, Melody Rodari


Selfish Genes and Lucky Breaks: Richard Dawkins' and Stephen Jay Gould's Divergent Darwinian Research Agendas, Timothy Shanahan

SenseDance, Bryant Keith Alexander


Simultaneous synergist, antagonistic, and additive interactions between multiple local stressors all degrade algal turf communities on coral reefs, Sarah Joy Bittick


Social Network Types and Mental Health among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Older Adults, Anna M. Muraco, Hyun-Jun Kim, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, and Amanda E. B. Bryan


Southern schools: More Than a Half-Century After the Civil Rights Revolution, Jongyeon Ee

Spaceship Earth: The global legacy of Dr. Alfred “Tuna” Snider, Jason Jarvis


Student Use of the Information Commons: An Exploration through Mixed Methods, Susan Archambault and Alexander Justice

Tantric Yoga in the Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa of Hinduism and the Jñānārṇava of Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple


Taste Testing for Two: Using Formative and Summative Assessment, Elisa Acosta and Katherine Donaldson

Terrorism and Hate in Orlando, America (Poetic and Performative Responses), Bryant Keith Alexander


The Advantages of Practice, or We Work in Libraries: That's Why Our Research is Most Likely to Be Relevant, Kristine R. Brancolini


The Alexander Polynominal for Virtual Twist Knots, Isaac Benioff and Blake Mellor

The Cost of a Presumed Public Good, Bryant Keith Alexander


The Critical Pedagogy Reader, A. Darder, R.D. Torres, and Marta Baltodano


The Development and Use of a Research Self-efficacy Scale to Assess the Effectiveness of a Research Training Program for Academic Librarians, Kristine R. Brancolini and Marie R. Kennedy


The Ethics of Pregnancy, Abortion, and Childbirth: Exploring Moral Choices in Childbearing, Christopher Kaczor


The Evolution of the Personal Networks of Novice Librarian Researchers, Marie Kennedy, David P. Kennedy, and Kristine R. Brancolini

The Glass Sonata and Soft Action, Sarah Maclay

The House that Jack Built: A Homeric Metaphor for Procline Metaphysic, Eric Perl


‘The Most Beautiful of Stories’: A Muslim Reflection on the Qur’an and Moral Injury, Amir Hussain


The Power Brokers of Neoliberalism: Philanthrocapitalists and Public Education, Marta Baltodano


The role of healthcare stereotype threat and social identity threat in LGB health disparities, Adam W. Fingerhut and Cleopatra M. Abdou


The Situationist Challenge to Educating for Intellectual Virtues, Jason Baehr


The Stress Granule Transcriptome Reveals Principles of mRNA Accumulation in Stress Granules, Sarah F. Mitchell


The Turquoise Ring, Daphnie Sicre


The Unfolding of LGBT Lives: Key Events Associated with Health and Well-being in Later Life, Anna M. Muraco, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Amanda E. B. Bryan, Sarah Jen, Jayn Goldsen, and Hyun-Jun Kim


The Uruly, Chaotic Wind of God: Imagining a Church and Ministry Stirred Up and Prodded by the Spirit, Brett C. Hoover


The Value of Urban Parklands: A User Study of the Baldwin Hills, Michele Romolini, Eric G. Strauss, Sarah Bruce-Eisen, and Emily Simso


The Varieties of Character and Some Implications for Character Education, Jason Baehr

Thomas Berry and His Study of World Faiths, Christopher Key Chapple


Toward Abolitionist Genealogy, Andrew Dilts


Toward Estimating Displaced Primary Production from Recycling: A Case Study of U.S. Aluminum, Trevor Zink


Towards a Hermeneutic of Humanity: Wilfred Cantwell Smith and the Study of Muslims, Amir Hussain


Training-related improvements in musculoskeletal health and balance: a 13-week pilot study of female cancer survivors, Hawley Almstedt, Todd Shoepe, and Heather Tarleton

“Trespass” “7 Because identity had gone . . .”, “28 Without remembering exactly when . . .” and “32 The dark space was now in a hollow . . .”, Sarah Maclay


Two Dimensions of Parental Involvement: What Affects Parental Involvement in Dual Language Immersion?, Jongyeon Ee


University-school partnerships: A collective approach to teacher preparation, Maryann Krikorian and Manny A. Aceves


Using Automated Workflows to Grow Your Institutional Repository, Shilpa Rele and Jessea Young


Using Learning Trajectories for Teacher Learning to Structure Professional Development, Anna E. Bargagliotti


Virtue, Jason Baehr


Volume estimations for combined free-weight and rubber-band resistance exercise, Todd Shoepe, Gustavo Verajano, Nathan P. Reyes, Nicole M. Gobreial, and Jeanette M. Ricci


What's Social Justice got to do with Information Literacy?, Lisa Burgert, Margaret Brown-Salazar, Elisa Acosta, and Joe Garity


When Humility Answers Hate, Jason Baehr

Whitney A. Bauman, Richard Bohannon, Kevin J. O'Brien, eds. Grounding Religion: A Field Guide to the Study of Religion and Ecology, 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2017. http://readingreligion.org/books/grounding-religion, Christopher Key Chapple


Who Says I Do: The Changing Context of Marriage and Health and Quality of Life for LGBT Midlife and Older Adults, Anna M. Muraco, Jayn Goldsen, Amanda E. B. Bryan, Hyun-Jun Kim, Sarah Jen, and Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen


Without a Home: German Jews as Displaced Persons in Postwar Germany, Margarete Myers Feinstein

YoungGiftedandFat, Bryant Keith Alexander

Works from 2016

“25,” “34 –November, after the Jeffers Fest,” and “37 –The Auguries”, Sarah Maclay

“8,” “10,” “11,” “12,” “21”, Sarah Maclay


Accuracy Improvement on the Measurement of Human-Joint Angles, Dai Meng, Todd Shoepe, and Gustavo Vejarano


Active Intolerance: An Introduction, Andrew Dilts


Against Euthanasia for Children: A Response to Bovens, Christopher Kaczor


Ahiṁsā in the Mahābhārata: A Story, A Philosophical Perspective, and an Admonishment, Christopher Key Chapple


Alexander and writhe polynomials for virtual knots, Blake Mellor


A Multi-site Randomized Trial of Normative Feedback for Heavy Drinking: Social Comparison versus Social Comparison plus Correction of Normative Misperceptions, Clayton Neighbors, Melissa A. Lewis, Joseph W. LaBrie, Angelo M. DiBello, Chelsie M. Young, Dipali V. Rinker, Dana Litt, Lindsey M. Rodriguez, C. Raymond Knee, Ezekiel Hamor, Jessica M. Jerabeck, and Mary E. Larimer


A potential mate influences reproductive development in female, but not male, pine siskins, Heather E. Watts, Bruce Edley, and Thomas P. Hahn


A “Rule-of-Five” Framework for Models and Modeling to Unify Mathematicians and Biologists and Improve Student Learning, Kam D. Dahlquist

Asian American Visual Arts, Melody Rodari

Beyond the Ashes: the Birth of Bangkok as a Modern Capital City, Melody Rodari


Black hole shadows in fourth-order conformal Weyl gravity, Gabriele U. Varieschi and Jonas Mureika


Blaming the Stranger: Parishes Must Resist the Myth of the Latino Threat, Brett C. Hoover


Bolstered physical defences under nutrient-enriched conditions may facilitate a secondary foundational algal species in the South Pacific, Sarah Joy Bittick


Book Event: The Figure of the Migrant, by Thomas Nail: Migrants, Figures, and Bodies, Andrew Dilts


Book Review: Eisenhower Presidency: Lessons for the Twenty-First Century, ed. By Andrew J. Polsky, Michael A. Genovese


Book Review of Chance in Evolution, Timothy Shanahan


Book Review of E. Christian Brugger, Capital Punishment and Roman Catholic Moral Tradition, second edition, Matthew R. Petrusek