Welcome to our curated collection of Loyola Marymount University faculty and librarian research and creative works from Digital Commons @ LMU. Explore the diverse range of academic and artistic contributions by LMU faculty and librarians by browsing through the works organized by department here.


Works from 2016


Book Review: Rethinking the Administrative Presidency: Trust, Intellectual Capital, and Appointee-Careerist Relations in the George W. Bush Administration, by William G. Resh, Michael A. Genovese

Book Review: University Ethics: How Colleges Can Build and Benefit from a Culture of Ethics. By James F. Keenan, Matthew R. Petrusek


Brown at 62: School Segregation by Race, Poverty and State, Jongyeon Ee


Cardiometabolic health among cancer survivors: A 13-week pilot study of a combined aerobic and resistance training program, Hawley Almstedt and Heather Tarleton

Clinton wins First US Presidential Debate, Jason Jarvis

Clinton wins Second Presidential Debate, Jason Jarvis

Clinton wins Third Presidential Debate, Jason Jarvis


Colorings, determinants and Alexander polynomials for spatial graphs, Terry Kong, Alec Lewald, Blake Mellor, and Vadim Pigrish


Combined aerobic and resistance training improves bone health of female cancer survivors, Hawley Almstedt, Todd Shoepe, Heather Tarleton, Sarah Strand, and Stephanie Perez Beaudion


Communication and sport: Reflections on the trajectory and future of a disciplinary project, Lawrence A. Wenner


Comparative Theology at the Intersections of (Multi)Racial and (Multi)Religious Identities, Tracy Tiemeier


Comparing the unmatched count technique and direct self-report for sensitive health-risk behaviors in HIV+ adults, Alyssa Arentoft, Kathleen Van Dyk, April D. Thames, Philip Sayegh, Nicholas Thaler, Daniel Schonfeld, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Charles H. Hinkin


Consistency of Cheeger and Ratio Graph Cuts, Nicolas Garcia Trillos, Dejan Slepcev, James von Brecht, Thomas Laurent, and Xavier Bresson


Credible Journal Working Group in Action!: Collaborating to Create Positive Change in Scholarly Publishing, Shilpa Rele, Nataly Blas, and Marie Kennedy


Daily exposure to negative campaign messages decreases same-sex couples’ psychological and relational well-being, Adam W. Fingerhut


Drawing Comparisons: Analyzing Art & Architecture Print and E-book Usage, Jamie Hazlitt, Madelynn Dickerson, Caroline Muglia, and Jeremy Whitt


Effects of vegetation feedback on future climate change over West Africa, Miao Yu, Guiling Wang, and Jeremy S. Pal


Emerging Adults’ Religiousness and Spirituality: Meaning-Making in an Age of Transition, Brett C. Hoover


Ensuring high-quality staff for English learners, Magaly Lavadenz


Errors Spell Checkers Do Not Correct and Style Sheet: 5 Years Later, Charles J. Higgins

Establishing Yoga Studies, Christopher Key Chapple


Everything Is Awesome: Teaming Up With Students for Library Outreach, Raymundo Andrade and John Jackson


Extreme hydrological changes in the southwestern US drive reductions in water supply to Southern California by mid century, Brianna R. Pagan, Moetasim Ashfaq, Deeksha Rastogi, Donald R. Kendall, Shih-Chieh Kao, Bibi S. Naz, Rui Mei, and Jeremy S. Pal


Faculty Pub Night at the William H. Hannon Library: Highlighting Faculty Works Through Creative Programming, Jamie Hazlitt and John M. Jackson


Finding an Onramp to the DPLA: Loyola Marymount University's Collaboration with Calisphere, Shilpa Rele

Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple


Forget Gate Counts: Assessing Transformative Programming, John Jackson


Future temperature in southwest Asia projected to exceed a threshold for human adaptability, Jeremy S. Pal and Elfatih A. B. Eltahir


Generalized local and nonlocal master equations for some stochastic processes, Yanping Ma


Go Into the Streets: the Welcoming Church of Pope Francis, Thomas P. Rausch and Richard R. Gaillardetz


GRNsight: a web application and service for visualizing models of small- to medium-scale gene regulatory networks, Kam D. Dahlquist, John David N. Dionisio, Ben G. Fitzpatrick, Nicole A. Anguiano, Anindita Varshneya, Britain J. Southwick, and Mihir Samdarshi


Guiding Principles for Early Literacy Experiences for Beginning Learners of Chinese, Helena Curtain, Michael Everson, Yalan King, Claire Kotenbeutel, Magaly Lavadenz, Ping Liu, and Claudia Ross

'Hands Up! Don’t Shoot!’: Policing Race in America, Bryant Keith Alexander


Hashtags and handshakes: consumer motives and platform use in brand-consumer interactions, Andrew Rohm


Healthcare Stereotype Threat in Older Adults in the Health and Retirement Study, Adam W. Fingerhut, Cleopatra M. Abdou, James S. Jackson, and Felicia Wheaton


Help My Unbelief, Brett C. Hoover


How Islam became 'American', Amir Hussain


Human Capacities and the Problem of Universally Equal Dignity: Two Philosophical Test Cases and a Theistic Response, Matthew R. Petrusek


Human-motion based transmission power control in wireless body area networks, Garrett Newell and Gustavo Vejarano


Identification of Plant Extracts that Inhibit the Formation of Diabetes-Linked IAPP Amyloid, Ana Lucia Fuentes, Kathleen Hennessy, Jacob Pascual, Nicole Pepe, In Wang, Cynthia Chaggan, Jessica Martinez, Evelyn Rivera, Paola Cota, Christina Cunha, Luiza A. Nogaj, and David A. Moffet


Impact of land cover characterization on regional climate modeling over West Africa, Mouhamadou Bamba Sylla, Jeremy S. Pal, Guiling L. Wang, and Peter J. Lawrence


Intellectual Virtues and Education: Essays in Applied Virtue Epistemology, Jason Baehr


Interest in the teaching alliance and its associations with multicultural counseling education among a sample of students in the United States, Fernando Estrada


Intermittent pneumatic compression and bone mineral density: An exploratory study, Hawley Almstedt

Introduction: “ ‘A Song For You’/’Killing Me Softly’: Lyrical Dialectics of Design, Desire, and Disdain” (A Performative Introduction), Bryant Keith Alexander

Introduction: “‘Hands Up! Don’t Shoot!’: Policing Race in America,”, Bryant Keith Alexander


Invisible Care: Friend and Partner Care Among Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Adults, Anna M. Muraco, Chengshi Shiu, and Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen


Involutory quandles of (2,2,r)-Montesinos links, Jim Hoste and Patrick D. Shanahan


Is Intellectual Character Growth a Realistic Educational Aim?, Jason Baehr


La lucha sigue: An interview with Dolores Huerta, Magaly Lavadenz

L’India, tra sviluppo e attenzione per la Terra, Christopher Key Chapple


Links with finite n-quandles, Jim Hoste and Patrick D. Shanahan


Longing and Gender: A Response to Holly Hillgardner and Tracy Sayuki Tiemeier, Amir Hussain


Materialism, Spending, and Affect: An Event-Sampling Study of Marketplace Behavior and Its Affective Costs, James Konow, Kirk Warren Brown, Tim Kasser, and Richard M. Ryan


Measures of Relative Dentary Strength in Rancho La Brea Smilodon fatalis over Time, Wendy J. Binder, Kassaundra S. Cervantes, and Julie A. Meachen


Multigenerational Responses to the Argentine Genocide, Alicia Partnoy


Muslims and the Making of America, Amir Hussain


Nutrients induce and herbivores maintain thallus toughness, a structural antiherbivory defense in Turbinaria ornata, Sarah Joy Bittick


On Saving Money, Charles J. Higgins


On the development of a coupled regional climate–vegetation model RCM–CLM–CN–DV and its validation in Tropical Africa, Guiling Wang, Miao Yu, Jeremy S. Pal, Rui Mei, Gordon B. Bonan, Samuel Levis, and Peter E. Thornton


Overview of Scholarly Communication and Open Access at Loyola Marymount University, Shilpa Rele


Patience, Persistence, and Process: Embedding a Campus-wide Information Literacy Program across the Curriculum, Glenn Johnson-Grau, Susan Archambault, Elisa Acosta, and Lindsey McLean


Perceived culpability in critical multicultural education: Understanding and responding to race informed guilt and shame to further learning outcomes among white American college students, Fernando Estrada

Permissions as Established Templates of Sociality: On the Work of Laurel Richardson, Bryant Keith Alexander


Philosophy and Theology: Reflections on a Future-like-ours and the Substance View, Christopher Kaczor


Philosophy and Theology: Reflections on Debating Dignity, Christopher Kaczor


Philosophy and Theology: Reflections on Interests and Regret, Christopher Kaczor


Philosophy and Theology: Reflections on Speciesism, Christopher Kaczor


Potential climate effect of mineral aerosols over West Africa Part I: model validation and contemporary climate evaluation, Zhenming Ji, Guiling Wang, Jeremy S. Pal, and Miao Yu

Prasenjit Duara. The Crisis of Global Modernity: Asian Traditions and a Sustainable Future. In Journal of Religion. University of Chicago Press, 2016. Vol. 96, No. 2, pp. 272-273., Christopher Key Chapple


Prediction of received signal strength from human joint angles in body area networks, Thang Tran and Gustavo Vejarano


Preliminary Report: A survey of aggressive behaviors in the American coot (Fulica americana) at Ballona Wetlands, California, Victor D. Carmona-Galindo, Mariele Anne Courtois, and Kiara Cerda


Professor Joseph T. O’Connell: A Remembrance, Amir Hussain


Promoting a contemplative learning and teaching community, Maryann Krikorian


Reading St. Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Christopher Kaczor


Recent Developments in Spatial Graph Theory, Erica Flapan, Thomas W. Mattman, Blake Mellor, Ramin Naimi, and Ryo Nikkuni

Religion and Nonviolence, Christopher Key Chapple


Responsibilist Virtues and the ‘Charmed Inner Circle’ of Traditional Epistemology, Jason Baehr

Review of Benjamin Madley, An American Genocide: the United States and the American Indian Catastrophe, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of George Hardwood Phillips, Chiefs and Challengers: Resistance and Cooperation in Southern California, 1769-1906, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of Gregory D. Smithers and Brooke N. Newman, eds., Native Diasporas: Indigenous Identities and Settler Colonialism in the Americas, Nicolas Rosenthal

Review of ‘Islamic Art Now: Contemporary Art of the Middle East,’ Exhibition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Aliaa El Sandouby

Review of Peter Nabokov, How the World Moves: the Odyssey of an American Indian Family, Nicolas Rosenthal


Review: William Fitzgerald’s Spiritual Modalities: Prayer as Rhetoric and Performance, Steven J. Mailloux


Revitalizing Instruction through Active Learning and Assessment, Lisa Burgert and Elisa Acosta


Rhetorical Ways of Proceeding: Eloquentia Perfecta in U.S. Jesuit Colleges, Steven J. Mailloux


Role of soil moisture feedback in the development of extreme summer drought and flood in the United States, Roop Saini, Guiling Wang, and Jeremy S. Pal


Rubric to Evaluate Open Access Journals for Publication, Nataly Blas, Shilpa Rele, and Marie Kennedy


Scaffolded Dialogic Reading Professional Development for Transitional Kindergarten Teachers of Dual Language Learners, Magaly Lavadenz and Elvira G. Armas Ed.D.


Sediments influence accumulation of two macroalgal species through novel but differing interactions with nutrients and herbivory, Sarah Joy Bittick


Sexy Beast: the Barberini Faun as an Object of Desire, Amanda Herring


Situated Transgressiveness: Exploring One Transwoman's Lived Experiences Across Three Situated Contexts, Sara Louise Muhr, Craig Rich, and Katie R. Sullivan


Slow Lightning: Image, Time, and An Erotics of Reading, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson


Social Media and Value Creation: The Role of Interaction Satisfaction and Interaction Immersion, Andrew Rohm


So ... What Do Librarians Really Think About Our Discovery Tool?, Shilpa Rele


Systematic Theology: A Roman Catholic Approach, Thomas P. Rausch


Taking the Stage by Storm: Theatre of, by, and for the youth in Kolkata, India, Arnab Banerji


Textbook-Bundled Metacognitive Tools: A Study of LearnSmart’s Efficacy in General Chemistry, Vandana Thadani and Nicole C. Bouvier-Brown


The Big Picture: A Holistic Viewpoint of E-book Acquisitions, Ron Lewis and Marie R. Kennedy

The boundaries of digital dissent: Assessing the war on hacktivism, Jason Jarvis