Works from 2013
Christian Hospitality and Muslims, Amir Hussain
Close Encounters of the Digital Kind: Designing Effective Online Tutorials, Susan Archambault
Cohomology of Frobenius Algebras and the Yang-Baxter Equation, J. Scott Carter, Alissa S. Crans, Mohamed Elhamdadi, Enver Karadayi, and Masahico Saito
Collaborative Marketing for Electronic Resources: A Project Report and Discussion of Implications, Marie R. Kennedy
Concealing God: How Argentine Women Political Prisoners Performed a Collective Identity, Alicia Partnoy
Conformal Gravity and the Alcubierre Warp Drive Metric, Gabriele U. Varieschi and Zily Burstein
Congruence Classes of 2-adic Valuations of Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind, Curtis Bennett and Edward Mosteig
Consumers un-tethered: A three-market empirical study of consumers' mobile marketing acceptance, Andrew Rohm
Counting Links and Knots in Complete Graphs, Loren Abrams, Blake Mellor, and Lowell Trott
Creating safe and supportive learning environments: A guide for working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth and families, Emily Fisher and Karen Komosa-Hawkins
Creative soups for the soul: Stories of community recovery in Talca, Chile, after the 2010 earthquake, Einat Metzl
Dancing Bhagvathi: A study of ritual female performance and the feminine exclusion., Arnab Banerji
Daniel and Diaspora, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
David Clutterbuck on Mentoring and Coaching: A Commentary, Ellen A. Ensher
Decision making using rating systems: When scale meets binary, Anna E. Bargagliotti
Development of a wireless sensor network for the measurement of human joint angles, Dai Meng and Gustavo Vejarano
Differential bait preference and rate of attraction by Argentine ants (Linepithema humile Mayr) at freshwater and saltwater marsh sites in southern California, Victor D. Carmona-Galindo, Meghan Moore, and Melanie Tansuwan
Dissonant Divas in Chicana Music: The Limits of La Onda, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
"Double Effect Reasoning" and "Choice, Christopher Kaczor
Editor's Commentary: Demanding Dialogue and Pushing the Conversation, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Editors' Commentary: No Straight Lines Here: Cartographies of Home, Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Educating for Intellectual Character, Jason Baehr
Educating for Intellectual Virtues: From Theory to Practice, Jason Baehr
Egypt: The Revolution Continued, Aliaa El Sandouby
Elephants in Religious Consciousness, Christopher Key Chapple
Ethics of Synthetic Life: A Jaina Perspective, Christopher Key Chapple
Event-specific risk and ecological factors associated with prepartying among heavier drinking college students, Justin F. Hummer, Lucy Napper, Phillip E. Ehret, and Joseph W. LaBrie
Experiments in Economics and Philosophy, James Konow
Farley Richmond: The Pioneer in Indian Theatre Studies., Arnab Banerji
First-Year College Women's Motivations for Hooking up: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Normative Peer Perceptions and Personal Hookup Participation, Shannon R. Kenney, Vandana Thadani, Tehniat Ghaidarov, and Joseph W. LaBrie
Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple
Foreword for Virtuous Minds: Intellectual Character Development , Jason Baehr
From Eileen Chang to Ang Lee: Lust/Caution ed. by Peng Hsiao-yen and Whitney Crothers Dilley, Yanjie Wang
Health Disparities Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Older Adults: Results From a Population-Based Study, Anna M. Muraco, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Hyun-Jun Kim, Susan E. Barkan, and Charles P. Hoy-Ellis
Here is your mirror . . ., Sarah Maclay
HIV-1 frameshift efficiency is primarily determined by the stability of base pairs positioned at the mRNA entrance channel of the ribosome, Kathryn Mouzakis
Humans and Dolphins: An Exploration of Anthropocentrism in Applied Environmental Ethics, Thomas I. White
IAPP aggregation and cellular toxicity are inhibited by 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose, Edward Bruno, Catalina Pereira, Karla P. Roman, Marisa Takiguchi, Pei-Yu Kao, Luiza A. Nogaj, and David A. Moffet
Immigrants and Foreigners in the Bible, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Improving Affordability: Separating Research from Development and from Design in Complex Programs, Bohdan W. Oppenheim
Increasing work flexibility, decreasing organizational investment and employee job attitudes and citizenship behaviors under telecommuting, Patricia G. Martinez and Caroline Gomez
In Defense of the Traditional IRA, Charles J. Higgins
Injunctive Peer Misperceptions and the Mediation of Self-Approval on Risk for Driving After Drinking Among College Students, Shannon R. Kenney, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Andrew Lac
Interreligious Reading in the Context of Dialogue: When Interreligious Reading ‘Fails', Tracy Tiemeier
In the Valley with Jeffrey Vallance, Damon Willick
Introduction, Christopher Key Chapple
Investor Protection and Cash Holdings: Evidence from U.S. Cross-Listing, Ying Huang, Susan Elkinawy, and Pankaj K. Jain
“Is He an Idiot?” Experiences of International Students in the United States, Jongyeon Ee
Jain Yoga: Nonviolence for Karmic Purification, Christopher Key Chapple
‘Jesus Wept’: Mourning as Imitation of Christ in Bernard’s Sermon Twenty-Six on the Song of Songs, Anna Harrison
John Paul II on the Development of Doctrine, Christopher Kaczor
Just Luck: An Experimental Study of Risk-Taking and Fairness, Alexander W. Cappelen, James Konow, Erik Ø. Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden
La Diversidad de los Análisis de Diversidad La Diversidad de los Analisis de Diversidad [The Diversity of Diversity Analyses], Victor D. Carmona-Galindo and Tizziana V. Carmona
La primera línea, Alicia Partnoy
"Late Summer,” There was her method of swooning . . .,” and The Sleeping Arrows”, Sarah Maclay
Lean Systems Engineering and Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering, Bohdan W. Oppenheim
Legacies of Functional (Il)literacy: Triple Autoethnographic Reflections on Finding Voice(s) in Academic and Everyday Life, Bryant Keith Alexander
Lovingly: Ethics in Viramontes’ Short Stories, Juan Mah y Busch
Making Education Work for Latinas in the U.S., Jongyeon Ee
Marketing Your Library’s Electronic Resources, Marie R. Kennedy
Max Plus Decision Processes in Planning Problems for Unmanned Air Vehicle Teams, Ben G. Fitzpatrick
Meiosis I Arrest Abnormalities Lead to Severe Oligozoospermia in Meiosis 1 Arresting Protein (M1ap)-Deficient Mice, Nelson Alexander Arango, Li Li, Deepa V. Dabir, Fotini Nicolau, Rafael Pieretti-Vanmarcke, Carla Koehler, John R. McCarrey, Naifang Lu, and Patricia K. Donahoe
Mental Health, Sleep Quality, Drinking Motives, and Alcohol-Related Consequences: A Path-Analytic Model, Shannon R. Kenney, Andrew Lac, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, and Andy Pham
Must Knowledge Be Virtuously Motivated?, Jason Baehr
Naming God, Amir Hussain
Narrative as Embodied Intensities: The Eloquence of Travel in Nineteenth- Century Rome, Steven J. Mailloux
Neoliberalism and the demise of public education: the corporatization of schools of education, Marta Baltodano
Object targeting by array singular modes, Jie Xu
Obligate versus rich patch opportunism: Evolution and endocrine mechanisms, Heather E. Watts
Oral nutritional supplement fortified with beta-alanine improves physical working capacity in older adults: A randomized, placebo-controlled study, William McCormack
Philosophy and Theology: Reductio Arguments, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Reproductive Rights, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Responses to ‘After-Birth Abortion’, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: The Time-Relative Interest Account, Christopher Kaczor
Physical and Mental Health of Transgender Older Adults: An At-Risk and Underserved Population, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Loree Cook-Daniels, Hyun-Jun Kim, Elena A. Erosheva, Charles A. Emlet, Charles P. Hoy-Ellis, Jayn Goldsen, and Anna M. Muraco
Polynomial knot and link invariants from the virtual biquandle, Alissa S. Crans, Allison Henrich, and Sam Nelson
Post-concussive syndrome in a female basketball player: a case study, Sarah L. Strand
Power, Politics, and Racism, Brad E. Stone
Psychotherapy process and social class, Nicholas Ladany and Maryann Krikorian
Queer Performance and Performativities, Bryant Keith Alexander
RCT of Web-based Personalized Normative Feedback for College Drinking Prevention: Are Typical Student Norms Good Enough?, Joseph W. LaBrie, Melissa A. Lewis, David C. Atkins, Clayton Neighbors, Cheng Zheng, Shannon R. Kenney, Lucy E. Napper, Theresa Walter, Jason R. Kilmer, Justin F. Hummer, Joel Grossbard, Tehniat M. Ghaidarov, Sruti Desai, Christine M. Lee, and Mary E. Larimer
Reading the Fourth Pāda of the Yoga Sūtra, Christopher Key Chapple
Relationship Between Elaiosome and EFN Gland Size in Castor Bean (Ricinus Communis L.), an Exotic Mymercophyte in Southern California, Victor D. Carmona, Andrew Henslin, and Lisa Liceaga
Religious Diversity and Public Education: The Example of American Muslims, Amir Hussain
Review of David DeGrazia, Creation Ethics: Reproduction, Genetics, and Quality of Life, Christopher Kaczor
Review of Josh Sides, ed., Post-Ghetto: Reimagining South Los Angeles, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Myla Vicenti Carpio, Indigenous Albuquerque, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Sherry L. Smith and Brian Frehner, eds., Indians & Energy: Exploitation and Opportunity in the American Southwest, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Sherry L. Smith, Hippies, Indians, and the Fight for Red Power, Nicolas Rosenthal
Rhetorical Pragmatism and Histories of New Media: Rorty on Kierkegaard on the Internet, Steven J. Mailloux
Self-completeness and spontaneous dimensional reduction, Jonas R. Mureika and Piero Nicolini
Self-completeness and the generalized uncertainty principle, Maximiliano Isi, Jonas Mureika, and Piero Nicolini
Self-esteem moderates the effects of daily rejection on health and wellbeing, Máire Ford and Nancy L. Collins
SOTL and Interdisciplinary Encounters in the Study of Students’ Understanding of Mathematical Proof, Curtis D. Bennett and Jacqueline Dewar
Standing in the Wake of my Father’s Silence (An Alternative Eulogy), Bryant Keith Alexander
Teaching Autoethnography and Autoethnographic Pedagogy, Bryant Keith Alexander
Teaching with Ignatius: Justice in Pedagogical Practice, Jeffrey Wilson
Termi di Benedetto XVI per Il Prossimo Futuro, Thomas P. Rausch
The Campaign for Information Literacy: Politics, Personalities, & Perseverance, Elisa Acosta
The Case Against Stock Picking, Charles J. Higgins