Works from 2011
Photochemical Modeling of Glyoxal at a Rural Site: Observations and Analysis from BEARPEX 2007, Nicole Bouvier-Brown
Phylogenetic Inertia and Darwin's Higher Law, Timothy Shanahan
Presidential Prerogative: Imperial Power in an Age of Terrorism, Michael A. Genovese
Prophetic Faith and the Critique of Tradition, Amir Hussain
Prophetic Pragmatism and the Practices of Freedom: On Cornel West's Foucauldian Methodology, Brad E. Stone
Protective behavioral strategies mediate the effect of drinking motives on alcohol use among heavy drinking college students: Gender and race differences, Joseph W. LaBrie, Andrew Lac, Shannon R. Kenney, and Tehniat Mirza
Queer(ying) Masculinity(ies), Bryant Keith Alexander
Reading Jeremiah as Frantz Fanon, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Relationship between Soil Sodium Concentration and Plant Height in Salicornia Virginica in the Ballona Wetlands in Los Angeles, California, Victor D. Carmona, Molly Bogeberg, and Stephanie Vivanco
Relationships between physiological characteristics and trace metal body burdens of banded garden spiders Argiope trifasciata (Araneae, Araneidae), Martina Ramirez, Jeremy McCallum, James M. Landry, Viviana A. Vallin, Sarah H. Fukui, Heidi E. Gergus, Jaclyn D. Torres, and Charisse L. Sy
Religion and Environment, Christopher Key Chapple
Religious Environmentalism: Thomas Berry, the Bishnoi, and Satish Kumar, Christopher Key Chapple
Return on Interactivity: The Impact of Online Agents on Newcomer Adjustment, Andrew Rohm
Review of Common Ground: Islam, Christianity, and Religious Pluralism, Amir Hussain
Review of George Blue Spruce Jr., Searching for My Destiny, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of John Rogerson, A Theology of the Old Testament: Cultural Memory, Communication, and Being Human, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Patrick Lee, Abortion and Unborn Human Life, Christopher Kaczor
Review of The New Chinese America: Class, Economy, and Social Hierarchy, Edward J.W. Park
Review of Tom Sitton, Grand Ventures: The Banning Family and the Shaping of Southern California, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Troy R. Johnson, The American Indian Occupation of Alcatraz Island: Red Power and Self-Determination, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of Viewpoints: Mathematical Perspective and Fractal Geometry in Art, Blake Mellor
Rhetorics of Loss and Living: Adding New Panels to the AIDS Quilt as an Act of Eulogy, Bryant Keith Alexander
Robustness, Weak Stability, and Stability in Distribution of Adaptive Filteringalgorithms Under Model Mismatch, Ben G. Fitzpatrick, G. Yin, and Le Yi Wang
Roots, Shoots, and Ahimsa: The Jain Yoga of Vegetarianism, Christopher Key Chapple
Saivism in the Diaspora: Contemporary Forms of Skanda Worship, by Ron Geaves, Christopher Key Chapple
Short Peptides as Inhibitors of Amyloid Aggregation, Bradley Neddenriep, Anastasia Calciano, Daniel Conti, Erin Sauve, Marissa Paterson, Edward Bruno, and David A. Moffet
Speech production deficits in early readers: predictors of risk, Judith G. Foy and Virginia A. Mann
Spending without Taxation: FILP and the Politics of Public Finance in Japan, Gene Park
Standing In the Wake: A Critical Auto/Ethnographic Exercise on Reflexivity, Bryant Keith Alexander
Statistical significance of ranking paradoxes, Anna E. Bargagliotti
Straight allies: What predicts heterosexuals’ alliance with the LGBT community?, Adam W. Fingerhut
Student Surveys: What Do They Think?, Blake Mellor, Holly Zullo, John George, Richard Spindler, Kelly Cline, Katharine Gurski, Jack Oberweiser, Ann Stewart, Mark Parker, Ron Buckmire, Jakob Juul Larsen, Dennis Peterson, and Christopher Storm
Studying Gender in U.S. Politics: Where Do We Go from Here?, Richard L. Fox
Tensile Properties and Microstructures of Laser-Formed Ti-6Al-4V, J. Alcisto, A. Enriquez, H. Garcia, S. Hinkson, T. Steelman, E. Silverman, P. Valdovino, H. Gigerenzer, J. Foyos, J. Ogren, J. Dorey, K. Karg, T. McDonald, and Omar S. Es-Said
Terms and Conditions, Sarah Maclay
Testing a Model of Minority Identity Achievement, Identity Affirmation and Psychological Well-Being among Ethnic Minority and Sexual Minority Individuals, Negin Ghavami, Adam W. Fingerhut, Letitia A. Peplau, Sheila K. Grant, and Michele A. Wittig
“That’s what friends do”: Informal caregiving for chronically ill midlife and older lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults, Anna M. Muraco and Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen
The blue sapphire of the mind: Christian contemplative practice and the healing of the whole, Douglas E. Christie
The Chemistry of Atmosphere-Forest Exchange (CAFE) Model-Part 2: Application to BEARPEX-2007 Observations, Nicole C. Bouvier-Brown
The Dialectic of Violence in Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
The Down Low and the Sexuality of Race, Brad E. Stone
The Edge of Life: Human Dignity and Contemporary Bioethics, Christopher Kaczor
The Effect of Layer Orientation on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of a Polymer, V. Vega, J. Clements, T. Lam, A. Abad, B. Fritz, N. Ula, and Omar S. Es-Said
The Effects of 24 Weeks of Resistance Training with Simultaneous Elastic and Free Weight Loading on Muscular Performance of Novice Lifters, Robert Rovetti
The Effects of 24 weeks of Resistance Training with Simultaneous Elastic and Free Weight Loading on Muscular Performance of Novice Lifters, Todd Shoepe, David Ramirez, Robert J. Rovetti, David Kohler, and Hawley Almstedt
The Effects of Retrogression and Reaging on Aluminum Alloy 2099 (C458), N. Ward, A. Tran, A. Abad, E. W. Lee, M. Hahn, E. Fordan, and Omar S. Es-Said
The Effects of Retrogression and Reaging on Aluminum Alloy 2195, N. Ward, A. Tran, A. Abad, E. W. Lee, M. Hahn, E. Fordan, and Omar S. Es-Said
The Gift of Tears: Loss, Mourning and the Work of Ecological Restoration, Douglas E. Christie
The HD Sequence, Sarah Maclay
The Inquiring Mind: On Intellectual Virtues and Virtue Epistemology, Jason Baehr
The Legendre transform and max-plus finite elements, Ben G. Fitzpatrick, Li Liu, and Yun Wang
The Politics of Scarcity: The Politics of Fiscal Consolidation, Gene Park
The Practice of Modern Yoga: Sri Ramakrishna's Four Contributions, Christopher Key Chapple
The Practice of Modern Yoga: Sri Ramakrishna’s Four Contributions, Christopher Key Chapple
The Presidency of George W. Bush: A First Historical Assessment, ed. Julian E. Zelizer, Michael A. Genovese
The Presidential Dilemma: Revisiting Democratic Leadership in the American System, Michael A. Genovese
The Structure of Open-Mindedness, Jason Baehr
“This would be better drunk”: Alcohol expectancies become more positive while drinking in the college social environment, Joseph W. LaBrie, Sean Grant, and Justin F. Hummer
Three Poems: “Cancer,” “Souvenir,” and “The Park”, Sarah Maclay
Troping a Dope: A Critical Performative Response to Kashif Powell’s ‘Jena Six Project’, Bryant Keith Alexander
Urban environmental education: Leveraging technology and ecology to engage students in studying the environment, Eric G. Strauss
View Finders: The Getty's 'In Search of Biblical Lands', James L. Fredericks
Viewpoint: Teaching Hinduism in Catholic High Schools, Tracy Tiemeier
We’re All Connected: The Power of the Social Media Ecosystem, Andrew Rohm
What are we really doing to market electronic resources?, Marie R. Kennedy
What Is Magic Journalism?, Chuck Rosenthal
Working for Justice: The L.A. Model of Organizing and Advocacy, Edward J.W. Park
World of Philosophy: A Harmony, Christopher Key Chapple
World Religions: Western Traditions, Amir Hussain and Willard G. Oxtoby
Works from 2010
-, Christopher Key Chapple
-, Michael A. Genovese
“18” and “19”, Sarah Maclay
A Clever Ruse, Timothy Shanahan
A comparison of tooth wear and breakage in Rancho La Brea sabertooth cats and dire wolves across time, Wendy J. Binder
Aging and Sexual Orientation: A 25-Year Review of the Literature, Anna M. Muraco and Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen
A hypothesis testing approach for microwave breast imaging in conjunction with CT, Jie Xu, Patrick A. Kelly, Paul Siqueira, and Mini Das
A Kinematical Approach to Conformal Cosmology, Gabriele U. Varieschi
Amen and Amin: Faith and Muslims, Amir Hussain
An atmosphere-ocean regional climate model for the Mediterranean area: Assessment of a present climate simulation, Vincenzo Artale, Sandro Calmanti, Adriana Carillo, Alessandro Dell'Aquila, Marine Herrmann, Giovanna Pisacane, Paolo M. Ruti, Gianmaria Sannino, Maria Vittoria Struglia, Filippo Giorgi, Xunqiang Bi, Jeremy S. Pal, Sara Rauscher, and The PROTHEUS Group
An Empirical Examination of the “Rule of Three”: Strategy Implications for Top Management, Marketers, and Investors, Can Uslay, Z. Ayca Altintig, and Robert D. Winsor
An Examination of Prepartying and Drinking Game Playing During High School and Their Impact on Alcohol-Related Risk Upon Entrance into College, Shannon R. Kenney, Justin F. Hummer, and Joseph W. LaBrie
Arendt, Augustine, and the New Beginning: The Action Theory and Moral Thought of Hannah Arendt in the Light of Her Dissertation on St. Augustine, Jonathan Rothchild
Ātman, Christopher Key Chapple
At the Limits: Raimundo Panikkar’s Long Theological Journey, James L. Fredericks
Betraying a Certain Corruption of Mind: How (and How Not) to Define 'Terrorism', Timothy Shanahan
Beyond Anticolonial Hope and Postcolonial Despair: A Chicana-Feminist Reconfiguration, Juan Mah y Busch
Bisexual Students in Secondary Schools: Understanding Unique Experiences and Developing Responsive Practices, Kelly Graydon Kennedy and Emily Fisher
Book Review: Bush on the Home Front, by John D. Graham, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: Centrist Rhetoric: The Production of Political Transcendence in the Clinton Presidency, by Antonio de Velasco, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review: Christianity for Hindus, Tracy Tiemeier
Book Review: Frontiers in Catholic Feminist Theology: Shoulder to Shoulder, Tracy Tiemeier
Brahmā Vihāra, Emptiness, and Ethics, Christopher Key Chapple
Buddy System: Understanding Male Friendships, Anna M. Muraco
Candidate Genes for Chromosomes 6 and 10: Quantitative Trait Loci for Age-Related Retinal Degeneration in Mice, D.G. Ogando, Kam D. Dahlquist, M. Alizadeh, K. Kunchithapautham, J. Li, N. Yu, M.M. LaVail, B. Rohrer, D. Vollrath, and M. Danciger
Catholic Feminism and Asian Religious Traditions: Rethinking Christ’s Offices of Priest, Prophet, and King, Tracy Tiemeier
Catholics and Pentecostals: Troubled History, New Initiatives, Thomas P. Rausch
Cham Muslims: A Marginalized Minority Within a Minority, Amir Hussain
Collapsing With the Stars: Literary Life Under the Hollywood Sign, Chuck Rosenthal
College Instructors’ Implicit Theories About Teaching Skills and Their Relationship to Professional Development Choices, Vandana Thadani, Jacqueline Dewar, and William Breland