Works from 2009
Zubiri and the Very Problem of the Problem of Evil, Brad E. Stone
Works from 2008
1 Image 1 Minute, Damon Willick
A Brief Decisional Balance Intervention Increases Motivation and Behavior Regarding Condom Use in High-risk Heterosexual College Men, Joseph W. LaBrie, Eric R. Pedersen, Alysha D. Thompson, and Mitch Earleywine
A Brief Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index with Less Potential for Bias, Mitch Earleywine, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Eric R. Pedersen
A Constructivist Simulation-Based Methodology for Teaching Mobile Communications, Gustavo Vejarano and Fabio G. Guerrero
A Muslim Perspective on Interfaith Dialogue With Christians, Amir Hussain
An 8 Day Retreat for Priests, Religious, Deacons, and Lay Ministers, Thomas P. Rausch
An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Sorority Alcohol Consumption, Karen Huchting, Andrew Lac, and Joseph W. LaBrie
Anne B to Henry 8, Sarah Maclay
A Qualitative Analysis of Charismatic Leadership in Teams: The Case of Television Directors, Ellen A. Ensher
A Randomized Motivational Enhancement Prevention Group Reduces Drinking and Alcohol Consequences in First-Year College Women, Joseph W. LaBrie, Karen Huchting, Summer Tawalbeh, Eric R. Pedersen, and Alysha D. Thompson
Asceticism and the Environment: Jainism, Buddhism, and Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple
Assessment of perceived and actual alcohol norms in varying contexts: Exploring Social Impact Theory among college students, Eric R. Pedersen, Joseph W. LaBrie, and Andrew Lac
“At the Center of Indian Country: Native Americans and California in the Twentieth Century”, Nicolas Rosenthal
Before Us, Sarah Maclay
Body Image of Dancers in Los Angeles: The Cult of Slenderness and Media Influence Among Dance Students, Teresa Heiland, Darrin S. Murray, and Paige P. Edley
Book Review: Hail to the CEO: the Failure of George W. Bush and the Cult of Moral Leadership, by James Hoopes, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of How Much Should a Person Consume? Environmentalism in India and the United States, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review of The Khecarīvidyā of Ādhinātha, Christopher Key Chapple
Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS): Large Scale Distributions Over North America During INTEX-NA and Relationship to CO2, Lambert Doezema
Catholics and Politics : the Dynamic Tension Between Faith and Power, Michael A. Genovese, Kristin E. Heyer, and Mark J. Rozell
Changes in Drinking Patterns Across the Transition to College Among First-Year College Males, Joseph W. LaBrie, Toby Lamb, and Eric Pedersen
Climate change hotspots in the United States, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Filippo Giorgi, and Jeremy S. Pal
Club Deals in Leveraged Buyouts, Micah S. Officer, Oguzhan Ozbas, and Berk A. Sensoy
Cohomology of Categorical Self-Distributivity, J. Scott Carter, Alissa S. Crans, Mohamed Elhamdadi, and Masahico Saito
Criticism after Art: Comments on the ‘Crisis’ of Art Criticism, Damon Willick
Discipline, Security and Beyond: a Brief Introduction, Andrew Dilts
Document Analysis of "Declaration of Independence" and "Bill of Rights", Michael A. Genovese and Kristiana L. Rioux
Do female hyaenas choose mates based on tenure?, Heather E. Watts
Do Firms Have Short Memories? Evidence From Major League Baseball, Andrew Healy
Eastern Ethical Traditions, Christopher Key Chapple
Eight Minutes and a Half, Gabriele U. Varieschi
Elements of attention in HIV-infected adults: Evaluation of an existing model, Andrew J. Levine, David J. Hardy, Terry R. Barclay, Matthew J. Reinhard, Michael M. Cole, and Charles H. Hinkin
Estrogen and Hippocampal Plasticity in Rodent Models, Michael R. Foy, Michel Baudry, Roberta Diaz Brinton, and Richard F. Thompson
Evaluation of Advanced Adhesives for Aerospace Structures, P. Stoyanov, N. Rodriguez, T. Dickinson, D. H. Nguyen, E. Park, J. Foyos, V. Hernandez, J. Ogren, Michael Berg, and Omar S. Es-Said
Figure in Permanent Field, Sarah Maclay
Film and the Introduction to Islam Course, Amir Hussain
Four Varieties of Character-Based Virtue Epistemology, Jason Baehr
Future changes in snowmelt-driven runoff timing over the western US, Sara A. Rauscher, Jeremy S. Pal, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, and Michael M. Benedetti
Gideon at Thermopylae: Mapping War in Biblical Narratives, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Hellenisms: Culture, Identity, and Ethnicity from Antiquity to Modernity, Katerina Zacharia
How to Market to Generation M(obile), Andrew Rohm
I Believe in God: A Reflection on the Apostles’ Creed, Thomas P. Rausch
Impact Exercise Increases BMC During Growth: An 8-Year Longitudinal Study, Katherine Gunter, Adam D.G. Baxter-Jones, Robert L. Mirwald, Hawley Almstedt, Robyn K. Fuchs, Shantel Durski, and Christine Snow
Improving the Computer Science in Bioinformatics Through Open Source Pedagogy, John David N. Dionisio and Kam D. Dahlquist
Improving the Computer Science in Bioinformatics Through Open Source Pedagogy, John David N. Dionisio and Kam D. Dahlquist
Interspecific competition influences reproduction in spotted hyenas, Heather E. Watts
Intrinsic linking and knotting are arbitrarily complex, Erica Flapan, Blake Mellor, and Ramin Naimi
Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
James Mallinson. The Khecarīvidyā of Ādhinātha. In Journal of Hindu Studies. 2008., Christopher Key Chapple
Judging and Hoping: Rhetorical Effects of Reading about Reading, Steven J. Mailloux
Jump starting skeletal health: A 4-year longitudinal study assessing the effects of jumping on skeletal development in pre and circum pubertal children, Hawley Almstedt
Life in the Borderlands: Lessons from the Saints on the Diversity of the Body of Christ, Tracy Tiemeier
Life is a journey, Maryann Krikorian
‘Listen to the Dark’: Death and Dying in Music, Film and Literature, Amir Hussain
Live Interactive Group-Specific Normative Feedback Reduces Misperceptions and Drinking in College Students: A Randomized Cluster Trial, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, Clayton Neighbors, and Eric R. Pedersen
Masao Abe: A Bodhisattva's Vow, James L. Fredericks
Memo to a New President : the Art and Science of Presidential Leadership, Michael A. Genovese
Merton and the Opening to the East, Thomas P. Rausch
Michel Foucault Meets Gary Becker: Criminality Beyond Discipline and Punish, Andrew Dilts
Microstructure Analysis of Aluminum Alloy and Copper Alloy Circular Shells After Multiaxial Plastic Buckling, N. Drusina, R. Mahapatra, A. Abdul-Latif, R. Baleh, C. Wilhelm, P. Stoyanov, and Omar S. Es-Said
Modern Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple
More Soonest, Sarah Maclay
Musical Actions of Dihedral Groups, Alissa S. Crans, Thomas M. Fiore, and Ramon Satyendra
Non-canonical Towns: Representation of Urban Paradigms in Talmudic Understanding of the Jewish city, Gil P. Klein
Normative Misperceptions of Drinking Among College Students: A Look at the Specific Contexts of Prepartying and Drinking Games, Eric R. Pedersen and Joseph W. LaBrie
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: The Contingent Universality of Rhetoric, Steven J. Mailloux
On the Same Page: The Value of Paid and Volunteer Leaders Sharing Mental Models in Churches, Patricia G. Martinez
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Early/Late Term Abortion, Non-Human Rational Animals, and Twinning, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Infanticide, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on Sex Selection, Christopher Kaczor
Philosophy and Theology: Notes on “The Limits of Conscientious Refusal in Reproductive Medicine”, Christopher Kaczor
Political Theology in Douglass and Melville, Steven J. Mailloux
Prepartying Promotes Heightened Risk in the College Environment: An Event-level Report, Joseph W. LaBrie and Eric R. Pedersen
Progesterone Receptors: Form and Function in Brain, Roberta Diaz Brinton, Richard F. Thompson, Michael R. Foy, Michel Baudry, Jun Ming Wang, Caleb E. Finch, Todd E. Morgan, Christian J. Pike, Wendy J. Mack, Frank Z. Stanczyk, and Jon Nilsen
Progesterone Regulation of Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity in Rodent Hippocampus, Michael R. Foy, Garnik Akopian, and Richard F. Thompson
Ramachandra Guha. How Much Should a Person Consume? Environmentalism in India and the United States. In Human Ecology. Vol. 36, 2008. Pp. 131-133., Christopher Key Chapple
Replicating the Icon of Santa Maria Maggiore: The Mater ter admirabilis and the Jesuits of Ingolstadt, Kirstin Noreen
Review: James N. Comas’s Between Politics and Ethics: Toward a Vocative History of English Studies, Steven J. Mailloux
Review of Deflecting Immigration: Networks, Markets, and Regulation in Los Angeles, Edward J.W. Park
Review of George Castile Taking Charge: Native American Self-Determination and Federal Indian Policy, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of “Golden States of Grace: Prayers of the Disinherited”, Amir Hussain
Review of Lawney L. Reyes, Bernie Whitebear: An Urban Indian's Quest for Justice, Nicolas Rosenthal
Review of One World of Welfare: Japan in Comparative Perspective, Gene Park
Review of Reconceiving Women’s Equality in China: A Critical Examination of Models of Sex Equality, Robin Wang
Review of Wayne G. Rollins and D. Andrew Kille, Psychological Insight into the Bible: Text and Readings, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Room of Sleep, Sarah Maclay
Rosa, I Disowned You, Alicia Partnoy
Sacrifice and Sustainability, Christopher Key Chapple
Self-Consciousness Moderates the Relationship between Perceived Norms and Drinking in College Students, Joseph W. LaBrie, Justin F. Hummer, and Clayton Neighbors
Sensation Seeking and Visual Selective Attention in Adults with HIV/AIDS, David J. Hardy, Steven A. Castellon, Charles H. Hinkin, Andrew J. Levine, and Mona N. Lam
Should I stay or should I go? Eukaryotic translation initiation factors 1 and 1A control start codon recognition, Sarah F. Mitchell
Simulation of West African monsoon using RegCM3 Part II: impacts of deforestation and desertification, B. J. Abiodun, Jeremy S. Pal, E. A. Afiesimama, W. J. Gutowski, and A. Adedoyin
Still-Live and The Theatrics of the Everyday, Damon Willick
"Tat Your Black Holes into Paradise": Lorna Dee Cervantes and a Poetics of Loss., Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
Teleology and Moral Action in Kant's Philosophy of Culture, Jeffrey L. Wilson
The Biot-Savart Law: From Infinitesimal to Infinite, Jeffrey A. Phillips and Jeff Sanny
The Birth of the Word in the Soul, Douglas E. Christie
The Critical Pedagogy Reader, A. Darder, Marta Baltodano, and R. D. Torres
The Diaspora in the West, Amir Hussain