Volume 18, Number 3 (1985)
SEC v. Jerry T. O'Brien, Inc.: Has the Supreme Court Overruled United States v. Powell
Therese Maynard
Notes and Comments
Employer Refusal to Bargain with an Incumbent Striking Union: Determining Liability under Section 8(a)(5)
Gregory P. Goonan
Guardianship of Phillip B.: Nonparents' Right to Custody in California
Kathleen Marie Heydon
Easton v. Strassburger: Judicial Imposition of a Duty to Inspect on California Real Estate Brokers
Jack B. Hicks III
Copperweld Corp. v. Independence Tube Corp.:Has the Supreme Court Pulled the Plug on the Bathtub Conspiracy
James A. Keyte
California Evidence Code Section 1103: Further Abuse of the Rape Victim
Leslie M. McConnell
Privacy and the Press: A Necessary Tension
Mark Schadrack