Volume 24, Number 1 (1990)
Special Litigation Committees a Practitioner's Guide
Alice A. Seebach
Research Note: Two Decades after People v. Anderson
Jonathan R. Sorenson, James W. Marquart, and Madhava R. Bodapati
California Continues to Struggle with Bystander Claims for the Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress: Thing v. La Chusa
George W. VanDeWeghe Jr.
Notes and Comments
The Commercialization of Human Tissue—The Source of Legal, Ethical and Social Problems: An Area Better Suited to Legislative Resolution
John J. O'Connor
Unted States v. Monsanto: A Kinder, Gentler Interpretation of the Comprehensive Forfeiture Act of 1984
Jean R. Hutar
People v. Patterson: California's Second Degree Felony-Murder Doctine at the Brink of Logical Absurdity
M. Susan Doyle