Volume 26, Number 4 (1993) Symposium on the California Judiciary and The Second Annual Fritz B. Burns Lecture on the Constitutional Dimensions of Property: The Debate Continues
Rights That Inhere in the Title Itself: The Impact of the Lucas Case on Western Water Law
Joseph L. Sax
The Seven Deadly Sins of Takings Law: The Dissents in Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council
Richard A. Epstein
Nothing Succeeds Like Excess
Stanley Mosk
Real Lawyers Settle: A Successful Post-Trial Settlement Program in the California Court of Appeal
Sheila Prell Sonenshine
Publication and Depublication of California Court of Appeal Opinions: Is the Eraser Mightier Than the Pencil
Gerald F. Uelmen
Making Decisions Disappear: Depublication and Stipulated Reversal in the California Supreme Court
Stephen R. Barnett
Silence at the Court: The Curious Absence of Regulatory Takings Cases from California Supreme Court Jurisprudence
Michael M. Berger
An Analysis of Recent Supreme Court Developments in Tort and Insurance Law: The Common-Law Tradition
Ellis Horvitz
Notes and Comments
Inside Fraud, outside Negligence and the Savings & Loan Crisis: When Does Management Wrongdoing Excuse Professional Malpractice
David B. Newdorf
Illegal Procedures: The NCAA's Unlawful Restraint of the Student-Athlete
Christopher L. Chin
Nonconsensual HIV Testing in the Health Care Setting: The Case for Extending the Occupational Protections of California Proposition 96 to Health Care Workers
Denise C. Singleton