Volume 27, Number 1 (1993) Reweaving the Seamless Web: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Law
Foreword: Whither the Legal Whale: Interdisciplinarity and the Socialization of Professional Identity
Randy Frances Kandel
Law and Bioethics
Alexander Morgan Capron and Vicki Michel
Legal Anthropology Comes Home: A Brief History of the Ethnographic Study of Law
John M. Conley and William M. O'Barr
Law and Philosophy: From Skepticism to Value Theory
Leslie Pickering Francis
Sociology of Law for a Postliberal Society
Frank Munger
Law and Economics: Intellectual Arbitrage
Randal C. Picker
Law and Religion: Is Reconciliation Still Possible
R. Randall Rainey
Law and History
John Phillip Reid
The Judge as Linguist
Peter Meijes Tiersma
Three Lessons from Law and Literature
Richard H. Weisberg
Notes and Comments
The Resurgence of Durational Residence Requirements for the Receipt of Welfare Funds
Clark Allen Peterson
Medical Staff Peer Review: Qualifying the Qualified Privilege Provision
Pauline Martin Rosen
A Bone to Pick with Mexicali Rose v. Superior Court: Liability of California Restaurants for Injuries Caused by Substances in Food
Richard H. Otera
Address: Whose Federal Judiciary Is It Anyway
Stephen Reinhardt