Volume 32, Number 3 (1999) Symposia—The Brennan Legacy: The Art of Judging and Power, Pedagogy, & Praxis: Moving the Classroom to Action
Introduction—The Brennan Legacy: The Art of Judging
David W. Burcham
What Justice Brennan Gave Us to Keep
Abner Mikva
Mr. Justice Brennan and the Little Case
Richard Arnold
The Brennan Legacy: The Art of Judging
Ruggero J. Aldisert
Justice Brennan and the Human Side of Judging
Larry Kramer
Opening Remarks from the SALT Teaching Conference
Karen Czapanskiy
Praxis and Pedagogy: Domestic Violence
Cynthia Grant Bowman and Eden Kusmiersky
Praxis-Oriented Pedagogy: The E-Book on International Finance and Development
Enrique R. Carrasco and Kristen J. Berg
Witnessing the Process: Reflections on Civil Procedure, Power, Pedagogy, and Praxis
Deseriee A. Kennedy
Teaching for Social Change: Learning How to Afflict the Comfortable and Comfort the Afflicted
Glenn Omatsu
Notes and Comments
A.C. Aukerman and the Federal Circuit: What is the Standard of Review for a Summary Judgment Ruling on Laches or Equitable Estoppel
Laura M. Burson
Tasini v. New York Times: Wrong Issue, Wrong Presumption
Kia L. Freeman
Arbitrary Civil Rights: The Case of Duffield v. Robertson Stephens
Robert S. McArthur