Volume 33, Number 3 (2000) Symposia—A Tribute to Judge A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. and At the Crossroads of Law & Technology
California's Anti-Slapp Legislation: A Summary of and Commentary on Its Operation and Scope
Kathryn W. Tate
A Life Well Lived: Remembrances of Judge A. Leon Higginbotham Jr.—His Days, His Jurisprudence, and His Legacy
Colleen L. Adams, Rubin M. Sinins, and Linda Y. Yueh
An Unforgettable Year Clerking for Judge Higginbotham
L. Barry Costilo
A. Leon Higginbotham Jr.: Who Will Carry the Baton
F. Michael Higginbotham and Jose Felipe Anderson
Alan Heinrich, Karl Manheim, and David J. Steele
Defendants' Motion to Dismiss; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof
Kiniry, Joseph Baker, Donald I. and Lena Smith
Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss; Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support Thereof
Terrence P. McMahon, Monte M. F. Cooper, Vincent M. Pollmeier, and Roman Ginis
Summary of Expert Testimony
Edward W. Felten
Defendant's Reply to Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss
Donald I. Baker, Joseph Kiniry, and Lena Smith
Keynote Address, October 23, 1999
Ira Magaziner
Notes and Comments