Volume 40, Number 3 (2007) Symposium: The Second-Person Standpoint and the Law
Understanding Davis v. United States
Marcy Strauss
[Un]Equal Justice under Law: The Invidiously Disparate Treatment of American Property Owners in Taking Cases
Gideon Kanner
Robin Bradley Kar
Law and the Second-Person Standpoint
Stephen Darwall
Contract Law and the Second-Person Standpoint: Why Efficiency-Maximization Principles Can Neither Explain nor Justify the Expectation Damages Remedy
Robin Bradley Kar
Notes and Comments
Jones v. City of Los Angeles: A Dangerous Expansion of Eighty Amendment Protections Stifles Efforts to Clean up Skid Row
Emily N. McMorris
Smoke, Mirrors, and ERISA: The False Illusion of Retirement Income Security
Michael Barbanell Landres
Transcript—Marriage Equality in California: Legal and Political Prospects
Kenneth W. Starr, Shannon Price Minter, John C. Eastman, and David C. Codell