Volume 41, Number 4 (2008) Symposium: The Frontiers of Tort Law
The Frontiers of Tort Law
John T. Nockleby
Doing away with Tort Law
Jules L. Coleman
Tort Negligence, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Tradeoffs: A Closer Look at the Controversy
Kenneth W. Simons
Putting Duty in Its Place: A Reply to Professors Goldberg and Zipursky
Dilan A. Esper and Gregory C. Keating
Liability for Possible Wrongs: Causation, Statistical Probability and the Burden of Proof
Richard W. Wright
Situationist Torts
Jon Hanson and Michael McCann
Form and Substance in the Law of Counterinsurgency Damages
John Fabian Witt
Upside Down - Terrorist, Proprietors, and Civil Responsibility for Crime Prevention in the Post - 9/11 Tort-Reform World
Ellen M. Bublick
Sanctioning the Ambulance Chaser
Anita Bernstein
Drug Advertising Claims: Preemption's New Frontier
Catherine M. Sharkey
Tobacco Control Strategies: Past Efficacy and Future Promise
Robert L. Rabin