Volume 56, Number 4 (2023)
Technology Justice: Taxation of our Collective and Cumulative Cognitive Inheritance
Hilary G. Escajeda
A More Capacious Conception of Church
Samuel D. Brunson and Philip T. Hackney
Strings Are Attached: Shining a Spotlight on the Hidden Subsidy for Perpetual Donor Limits on Gifts
Roger Colinvaux
Nonprofit Law as the Tool to Kill What Remains of Campaign Finance Law: Reluctant Lessons from Ellen Aprill
Richard L. Hasen
The Unknown Consequences of Place-Based Tax Incentives
Michelle D. Layser
Nonprofits, Taxes, and Speech
Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer
Every Story Has a Beginning, But What About an End?: Disney’s Expiring Copyrights
Marisol Jimenez Gastelum