On Wednesday, March 24, 2010, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review hosted the 2010 Developments in the Law Symposium: The Home Mortgage Crisis. As the world crawls out of recession, it is more important than ever to understand what happened and how we can avoid similar catastrophes in the future. Professor Lauren Willis and five Loyola students presented their research on these issues.

Articles from the symposium are available in the Summer 2010 issue of the Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review.

Symposium Program in PDF format

Video of 2010 Developments in the Law Symposium: The Home Mortgage Crisis

Wednesday, March 24th
1:00 PM


Sabina Jacobs, Loyola Law School - Los Angeles
Joshua M. Rosenberg, Loyola Law School - Los Angeles
Julien Kern, Loyola Law School - Los Angeles

1:00 PM

1:05 PM

Welcoming Remarks

Lauren E. Willis, Loyola Law School - Los Angeles

1:05 PM

1:15 PM

Protecting Absent Stakeholders in Foreclosure Litigation: Securities Investors, Mortgage Modification, and State Court Responses to the Foreclosure Crisis

Andrew Kazakes, Loyola Law School - Los Angeles

1:15 PM

1:30 PM

Class Retreat from Mass Deceit: Assessing Class Action Compatibility with Truth in Lending Act Rescission

Jeffrey Payne, Loyola Law School - Los Angeles

1:30 PM

1:45 PM

United We Stand, Disparate We Fall: Putting Individual Victims of Reverse Redlining in Touch with Their Class

Andrew Lichtenstein, Loyola Law School - Los Angeles

1:45 PM

1:55 PM

Good Cop, Bad Cop: Market Competitors, UDAP State Consumer Protection Laws, and the U.S. Mortgage Crisis

James Pulliam, Loyola Law School - Los Angeles

1:55 PM

2:05 PM

Ineffective Appraisal Regulation: A Crack in the Foundation of the Home Mortgage Industry

J. Kevin Murray, Loyola Law School - Los Angeles

2:05 PM