Panel 4: The Future of Direct Democracy – Reforming the Initiative Process
Start Date
24-9-2010 4:00 PM
Warren Olney, Host of Public Radio International's To the Point and KCRW-FM's Which Way, L.A.?
Bruce Cain, Director, Institute of Governmental Studies; Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley
Fixing Ballot Box Budgeting
Christopher Elmendorf, Professor of Law, University of California, Davis
Why Sensible Judicial Enforcement of the Amendment/Revision Distinction Requires a Constitutional Revision
Robert Stern, President, Center for Governmental Studies
Improving the Initiative Process
Gerald Uelmen, Professor of Law, Santa Clara University School of Law
Enforcing the Single Subject Rule for Initiatives
Video of Panel 4: The Future of Direct Democracy – Reforming the Initiative Process
Panel 4: The Future of Direct Democracy – Reforming the Initiative Process
Warren Olney, Host of Public Radio International's To the Point and KCRW-FM's Which Way, L.A.?
Bruce Cain, Director, Institute of Governmental Studies; Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley
Fixing Ballot Box Budgeting
Christopher Elmendorf, Professor of Law, University of California, Davis
Why Sensible Judicial Enforcement of the Amendment/Revision Distinction Requires a Constitutional Revision
Robert Stern, President, Center for Governmental Studies
Improving the Initiative Process
Gerald Uelmen, Professor of Law, Santa Clara University School of Law
Enforcing the Single Subject Rule for Initiatives
Video of Panel 4: The Future of Direct Democracy – Reforming the Initiative Process