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Article - On Campus Only

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Consider the following quotation, attributed to Frederick Buechner: “Vocation is where your deepest passion meets the world’s greatest need.” What strikes me the most when I reflect on the work of David Clutterbuck so thoughtfully reviewed by Simon Jenkins is David’s passion for mentoring. David is not only highly influential as a thought leader in mentoring and prolific as an author, but also possesses a deep expertise in implementing his ideas as a consultant. Indeed, the world needs mentoring, not only to develop leaders in for-profit organizations, but also to address society’s greatest challenges. It is my great pleasure to write a commentary on David Clutterbuck’s contributions to mentoring as his work has served as a source of inspiration for me over many years. In this commentary, I will provide a reflection on several of David’s ideas about trends in mentoring. I am hopeful my questions and thoughts inspired by these trends will inspire others to engage in further dialogue.
