Journal of Catholic Education | Vol 27 | Iss 1


Thank you for your interest in the latest issue of the Journal of Catholic Education. This issue showcases the breadth of topics that are included in holistic Catholic education, including the role of school counselors, the importance of school athletics, the impact of teaching in a Catholic school on teachers themselves, and the authentic connection between faith and STEM education. Our Education in Practice publication continues to expand the reach of Catholic education to include parent faith engagement. We hope you enjoy these articles and we welcome additional submissions on any topic related to Catholic education. The editors also invite submissions specifically for upcoming special issues on topics of School Law (contact Sr. Angie Shaughnessy and Alternative Governance Models in Catholic Education (contact Monica Kowalski



Providing Specialized Preparation for Counselors in Catholic Schools
Timothy J. Cook, Jan J. Powers, and Jiwon Kim


A Call to Serve: Novice Urban Catholic School Teachers' Sense of Purpose in Life, Compassion, Faith, and Justice
Ella Anghel, Kierstin M. Giunco, Audrey A. Friedman, Myra Rosen-Reynoso, Charles T. Cownie III, and Cristina J. Hunter

Education in Practice Article