Works from 1988
Paul Murphy. Triadic Mysticism: The Mystical Theology of the Saivism of Kashmir. In RSR. Vol. 14, No. 1 (1988), p. 90., Christopher Key Chapple
Phenotypic assortment in Tetrahymena thermophila: assortment kinetics of antibiotic-resistance markers, tsA, death, and the highly amplified rDNA locus., E. Virginia Merriam and P.J. Bruns
Pseudoprime L-Ideals in a Class of F-Rings, Suzanne Larson
Talking Back to Rome? J.R. Dionne on Papal Magisterium and the Church, Thomas P. Rausch
The Value of Chapter Conference Evaluations, Louis J. Jerkich and Jeffrey Gatten
The Wonderful Wizard Lives On: 'Oz' Maintains Its Appeal in Our Political Consciousness, Michael A. Genovese
Woody Guthrie: A Bibliographic Update, 1968-1986, Jeffrey Gatten
You Can't Drown the Fire: Latin American Women Writing in Exile, Alicia Partnoy
Works from 1987
-, Christopher Key Chapple
Authority and Credibility, Thomas P. Rausch
BEM: Moving Towards Accord in Faith, Thomas P. Rausch
Book Review of Transformative Philosophy, Christopher Key Chapple
Ecumenism and the Bishop of Rome, Thomas P. Rausch
Effects of retinal size on visual laterality, Joseph B. Hellige
Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple
John Taber. Transformative Philosophy. In RSR. Vol. 13, No. 3 (1987), p. 239., Christopher Key Chapple
President’s and Crisis: Developing a Crisis Management System in the Executive Branch, Michael A. Genovese
Review of Aurobindo's Philosophy of Brahman, Christopher Key Chapple
Review of Kashmir Shaivism, Christopher Key Chapple
Stephen H. Phillips. Aurobindo's Philosophy of Brahman. In RSR. Vol. 13, No. 3 (1987), p. 280., Christopher Key Chapple
Works from 1986
Convexity Conditions on f-Rings, Suzanne Larson
Dharma and Gospel: Two Ways of Seeing, Christopher Key Chapple
Ethnic Officeholders and Party Activists in Los Angeles County, Fernando Guerra and Dwaine Marvick
India and the West, Christopher Key Chapple
J.L. Mehta. India and the West. In RSR. Vol. 12, No. 3 (1986), p. 264, Christopher Key Chapple
Karma and Creativity, Christopher Key Chapple
Noninjury to Animals: Jaina and Buddhist Perspectives, Christopher Key Chapple
Physiological and Anatomical Aspects of Photosynthesis of Two Agrostis Species at a Sub‐Antarctic Island, Philippa M. Drennan
The First Moment of Scientific Inquiry: C.S. Peirce on the Logic of Abduction, Timothy Shanahan
Works from 1985
Book Review of "Design For a Better World" by, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of Problems in Administrative Reform by Robert Miewald & Michael Steinman, Michael A. Genovese
Book Review of The Underclass by Ken Auletta, Michael A. Genovese
Effects of stimulus duration on processing lateralized faces, Joseph B. Hellige
Hinduism: A Beautiful Mosaic and Ego: Revealer-Concealer, Christopher Key Chapple
Politics and Science Fiction Films, Michael A. Genovese
Reading Huckleberry Finn: The Rhetoric of Performed Ideology, Steven J. Mailloux
Religious Experience and Scientific Paradigms: Proceedings of the IASWR Conference, 1982, Christopher Key Chapple
Rhetorical Hermeneutics, Steven J. Mailloux
Rome and Geneva: The Experience of Ecumenism, Thomas P. Rausch
The Jaina Path of Purification, Christopher Key Chapple
The Presidency and Public Policy: The Four Arenas of Presidential Power, by R.J. Spitzer, Michael A. Genovese
Yoga and Cross Cultural Understanding, Christopher Key Chapple
Works from 1984
A Markovian Model for the Valuation of Human Assets Acquired by an Organizational Purchase, Eric G. Flamholtz, George T. Geis, and Richard J. Perle
An Ecumenical Eucharist for a World Assembly, Thomas P. Rausch
Case effects in letter-name matching: A partial replication, Joseph B. Hellige
Introduction and Bibliography, Christopher Key Chapple
Low-temperature magnetic properties of submetallic phosphorous-doped silicon, C. T. Murayama, W. G. Clark, and Jeff Sanny
Reviewed Work: Semiotics and Thematics in Hermeneutics by T. K. Seung, Steven J. Mailloux
Teaching About Fascism With Films, Michael A. Genovese
The Bhagavad Gita, Christopher Key Chapple
The Political Impact of Film, Michael A. Genovese
The War-Making Powers of the President: Constitutional and International Law Aspects, by A.V. Thomas and A.J. Thomas, Michael A. Genovese
Three Deaths in Bolivia, Thomas P. Rausch
Works from 1983
Convention and Context, Steven J. Mailloux
Nullisomic tetrahymena. II. A set of nullisomics define the germinal chromosomes, E. Virginia Merriam
Reviewed Work: The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation by Susan R. Suleiman, Inge Crosman, Steven J. Mailloux
Review of Aesthetic Experience and Literary Hermeneutics, Steven J. Mailloux
Special Collections Desk Duty: Preventing Damage, Tony Amodeo
Truth or Consequences: On Being against Theory, Steven J. Mailloux
Works from 1982
Low-Frequency Dynamics of Moored Vessels, Bohdan W. Oppenheim and P. A. Wilson
Physiology of Salt Excretion in the Mangrove Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh, Philippa M. Drennan
Polynomial Approximations to Mooring Forces in Equations of Low-Frequency Vessel Motions, Bohdan W. Oppenheim and P. A. Wilson
Static 2-D Solution of a Mooring Line of Arbitrary Composition in the Vertical and Horizontal Operating Modes, Bohdan W. Oppenheim
The Image of Mary: A Catholic Response, Thomas P. Rausch
The Image of Mary — II, Thomas P. Rausch
War Powers of the President and Congress: Who Holds the Arrows and Olive Branch, by W.T. Reveley, Michael A. Genovese
Works from 1981
Book Review of Jeffrey Hopkins's "Tantra in Tibet" & Alex Wayman's "Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real: Buddhist Meditation and the Middle View", Christopher Key Chapple
Case effects in letter-name matching: A qualitative visual field difference, Joseph B. Hellige
"How to Be Persuasive in Literary Theory: The Case of Wolfgang Iser" (Essay review of Iser's The Act of Reading), Steven J. Mailloux
Introduction: 'Reading Texts", Steven J. Mailloux
Lutherans and Catholics After the Augsburg Anniversary, Thomas P. Rausch
Negative Theology of the Yogavasistha and the Lankavatara Sutra, Christopher Key Chapple
Reviewed Work: Interpreting Interpreting: Interpreting Dickens's Dombey by Susan R. Horton, Steven J. Mailloux
Reviewed Work: Reader-Response Criticism: From Formalism to Post-Structuralism by Jane P. Tompkins, Steven J. Mailloux
The Concept of Will (Paurusa) in the Yogavasistha, Christopher Key Chapple
Women in the Church, Thomas P. Rausch
Works from 1980
Continuous Digital Simulation of the Second-Order Slowly Varying Wave Drift Force, Bohdan W. Oppenheim and P. A. Wilson
Frequency-Dependent Conductivity in NbSe3, G. Gruner, L. C. Tippie, Jeff Sanny, W. G. Clark, and N. P. Ong
Priesthood and Community: Reflections on the Vocation Crisis, Thomas P. Rausch
The Supreme Court, the Constitution and Presidential Power, Michael A. Genovese
Works from 1979
Catholics, Lutherans and the Augsburg Confession, Thomas P. Rausch
Disordered magnetic chain behavior of quinolinium (TCNQ)2 and related materials at low temperatures, Jeff Sanny
Learning to Read: Interpretation and Reader-Response Criticism, Steven J. Mailloux
Lutherans and Catholics on Infallibility, Thomas P. Rausch
Reviewed Work: Subjective Criticism by David Bleich, Steven J. Mailloux
Works from 1978
Book Review of Unchosen President: The Vice President and Other Frustrations of Presidential Succession by Allan P. Sindler, Michael A. Genovese
ESR and spin-lattice relaxation of Nd3+ in a metallic host: LaRh2, S. A, Dodds; Jeff Sanny; and R. Orbach
Literary Criticism and Composition Theory, Steven J. Mailloux
Measurements of orbit-lattice coupling of Er and Dy impurities in Ag and Al hosts, S. A. Dodds and Jeff Sanny
Reviewed Work: Directions for Criticism: Structuralism and Its Alternatives by L. S. Dembo, Murray Krieger, Steven J. Mailloux
The Biology Instrument for the Viking Mars Mission, Frederick S. Brown; H.E. Adelson; M.C. Chapman; O.W. Clausen; A.J. Cole; J.T. Cragin; R.J. Day; C.H. Debenham; R.E. Fortney; R.I. Gilje; D.W. Harvey; J.L. Kropp; S.J. Loer; J.L. Logan, Jr.; W.D. Potter; and G.T. Rosniak
The Red Badge of Courage and Interpretive Conventions: Critical Response to a Maimed Text, Steven J. Mailloux
Works from 1977
Influence of noun imagery on speed of naming nouns, Joseph B. Hellige
Ordination and the Ministry Willed by Jesus, Thomas P. Rausch
Reader Response Criticism?, Steven J. Mailloux
The importance of figural relationships between target and mask, Joseph B. Hellige
The role of noun imagery in the speed of processing the grammaticality of adjective-noun phrases, Joseph B. Hellige
Works from 1976
Changes in same-different laterality patterns as a function of practice and stimulus quality, Joseph B. Hellige
Evaluation and Reader Response Criticism: Values Implicit in Affective Stylistics, Steven J. Mailloux
Finite integer analysis of individual subject protocols during eyelid conditioning, Joseph B. Hellige