Volume 29, Number 4 (1996) Symposia—The Religious Voice in the Public Square and Executing the Wrong Person: The Professionals' Ethical Dilemmas
Walter Trinkaus
Robert W. Benson
Walter Trinkaus: A Lawyer's Lawyer, and Much More
William G. Coskran
Walter Tinkhaus In Memoriam
Edward McGlynn Gaffney Jr.
A Tribute to Walter Trinkaus
Frederick J. Lower Jr.
Walter Trinkaus—A Tribute
Quentin O. Ogren
Walter Trinkaus—Attorney, Colleague, Friend
Mark P. Robinson
Walter Trinkaus, Friend and Colleague
Martha S. Robinson
Walter Trinkaus
Grace C. Tonner
Walter Trinkaus: The Conversable Professor
Gerald F. Uelmen
Walter Trinkaus
Harry N. Zavos
Goodbye, Mr. Pip
Gideon Kanner
Religious Expression in the Public Square—The Building Blocks for an Intermediate Position
Kent Greenawalt
Religious Arguments in Public Political Debate
Michael J. Perry
Novel Public Reasons
Lawrence B. Solum
Godtalk: Should Religion Inform Public Debate
J. David Bleich
Muslim Minorities and Self-Restraint in Liberal Democracies
Khaled Abou El Fadl
L.A. Law School
Jan C. Costello
The Life-Saving Exception to Confidentiality: Restating Law without the Was, the Will Be, or the Ought to Be
Monroe H. Freedman
An Ethical Fairy Tale
Gerald F. Uelmen
A Confession of Murder: The Psychiatrist's Dilemma
Philip J. Candilis and Paul S. Appelbaum
I'll Give You Shelter from the Storm: Privilege, Confidentiality, and Confessions of Crime
Michael L. Perlin
Ethical Obligations for the Psychiatrist: Confidentiality, Privilege, and Privacy in Psychiatric Treatment
Robert Sadoff
The Case of the Confidential Confession: Psychiatry
Daniel W. Shuman
The Muslim Perspective on the Clergy-Penitent Privilege
Azizah al-Hibri
Confidentiality Obligation of Clergy from the Perspective of Roman Catholic Priests
Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua
Sacred Secrets or Sanctimonious Silence
Teresa Stanton Collett
Resolving the Conflict between the Ethical Values of Confidentiality and Saving a Life: A Jewish View
Arthur Gross Schaefer and Peter S. Levi
Between Scylla and Charybdis: When None of the Choices Are Good
Oliver S. Thomas
When Silence Screams
Reed Elizabeth Loder
Notes and Comments