Submissions from 2024
“Personal, Relational, and Extraordinary”: Learning from the Spiritual Language of Gen Z, Gabrielle Poma
A Space for Healing: Spiritual Direction with Justice-Minded Evangelicals and Ex-vangelicals, Erica Romero
Suffering as The Way to God, Marjorie Shahani
Submissions from 2023
Praying While White: Preparing the Soil for the Work of Antiracism, Laura Boysen-Aragon
Forming the Conscience of Young Vietnamese, Thien Duc Vu
Submissions from 2022
The Sin of Racism, Ray Almanza
Finding Harmony in Christian Hope, Nicolas Gervasoni
Lamentations for Liberation: A Theological Analysis of the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, Sophia Gilmour
The Dalits experience of discrimination in the Indian Catholic Church: A Pastoral exploration and response, Lourdu Xavier Jesudoss
The Blanqueamiento of Ecuador: Liberation in the Black Christ of Daule, Jessica Leu
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual (LGBT) U.S. Latinx Catholics and the U.S. Catholic Church: A Critique of Certain Aspects of Roman Catholic Moral Teaching in light of a Latinx Theological Anthropology, Leonardo Daniel Mendoza
Nourishing the Extra-Ordinary Minister, Amante Pulido
Accompaniment in Times of Suffering: Liberating Images of God, Carmen Ramos Carmona
Hidden Christians and Non-Churches: Indigenized Christian Practices in Japan, Shayne Naoyuki Yano
Submissions from 2021
Pastoral Care to the Grievers in Crisis, Andrew Cho
The Ministerial Disengagement by Priests in the Post Modern Era and its Impact, David Estrada
Walk Beside Me: A Look at Theology of Accompaniment with Youth on Retreats, Carla Nunneri
Women in Diaconate Formation in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Federico Guillermo Rodriguez Hernandez
The Contemplative Gift in the Life of the Church, Sister Pia (Kimberly) St. Romain
Veritas at Harvard, Alfred John Zucker
Submissions from 2020
Toward an Anti-Racist Theology: American Racism and Catholic Social Thought, Douglas J. Cremer
The imago Dei as a Response to Consumerism and Individualism within the Church, Carine George
Dancing Theology - A Construction of a Pneumatology of The Body, Kristin Kissell
A Preferential Option for God: A Catholic Feminist Argument for Not Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater, Jane A. Terlesky
The Diminished Experience of Liturgy in a Pandemic, Joseph Torti
God’s Forgiveness as Expressed in the Gospels, Rod Womer
Submissions from 2019
Feminist Ecclesiology: A Trinitarian Framework for Transforming the Church's Institutional and Spiritual LIfe, Stacy Geere
Understanding the Devil: A Comparative Examination of Dead Souls, The Master and Margarita, and Revelation 12-3, Thomas "TJ" Kennedy
Submissions from 2018
Assisted Death: Historical, Moral and Theological Perspectives of End of Life Options, Catherine Bando
Paul's View on Marriage and the Teaching of the Magisterium on Marriage: Towards an Inculturation of the Igbo Understanding of Marriage, Valentine Ibe
The Continuing Formation of Priests in China, Weiping Li
Anselm on the Atonement in Cur Deus Homo: Salvation as a Gratuitous Grace, Thu Nguyen
Reconstructing the Image of Self and God in Second Generation Korean American Catholic Women, Frances Park
From Guest to Host: Cultural and Language Conflict in the Korean American Catholic Parish, Irene H. Park
Reclaiming Privation Theory for the Contemporary World, William Joshua Shrader-Perry
How to Bring Young Adults into the Life of the Church, Huyen Truong
Rediscovering the Theology of Lay Ministry and Presenting a Pastoral Plan: “The Integral Christian Formation Of Lay Leaders” for the Catholic Church in Tamil Nadu, India, Bernard Joseph Viagappan
Submissions from 2017
Submissions from 2016
Redemption from Darkness: A Study of Form and Function, Sacred and Secular, within the Genre of Apocalypse, Margaret R. Butterfield
One Mission, Many Ministries, Amy S. Glenane
Restorative Justice As intrinsic to the Church’s Mission, Catholic Theology and Sacramental Ethics, Yesica A. Jiménez
Submissions from 2015
Co-Responsible for the Kingdom of God: The Shared Ministry of Clergy and Laity, Pamela S. Bender
Promoting Higher Education in Catholic Latino Youth Through a Process of Acompañamiento, Marissa Cornejo
Speak English, Pray in Spanish: Forming Cultural Bridges between Hispanic Teens and Parents, Dulce Flores
Catequesis Familiar: A Program of New Evangelization and Life-long Catechesis for the Family and through the Family, Alexander David Fontes
To Speak the Word of God with Our Hands for Those Who Hear with Their Eyes, Miriam Nancy Lopez
A Response to Poverty, Colleen R. Murray
Praxis of Mission: "Going Out" to Encounter Christ in Humanity, Lincoln Nguyen
Domestic Violence Against Women: Continuing the Struggle for Liberation, Cristina Ramos Robles
The Importance of a Sacramental Marriage, Susan Stankis
Fostering a True Conversion of Heart and Mind, Grace Zambrana-Sutton
Submissions from 2014
Envisioning Queer Culture: Toward a Theological Framework for Reimagining Sexuality and Sexual Orientation, Danielle Dempsey
Rediscovering Lasallian Education: An Ignatian Approach, Monique Gougeon
Response to 1 Timothy 2:11-12 or its parallel, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 by three sixteenth-century Protestant women theologians: Argula von Grumbach, Marie Dentiére, and Anne Askew, Katharine German Hall
Prayer in a Time of Sin: A Comparative Analysis of Christian, Buddhist, and Kashmiri Shaiva Doctrines, Viresh Hughes
Truth and Conflict in the Catholic Church: Catholic Jewish Dialogue, Nadia Pandolfo
Sewing New Theological Cloth on an Old Liturgical Cloak: New Theological Expressions & Tensions Created By The Liturgical Reforms of Vatican II in The Liturgy Of The Hours, Stephen J. Picard
Jesus and the Ethic of Love: A Critical Examination of a New Covenant, Jeffrey Stephen Sabol
The Call to Love: A Catholic’s Guide to New Understandings of Homosexual Inclusivity, Eddie-Joe Vieyra
Submissions from 2013
Biblical Hermeneutics and the Power of Story, Melissa Evans
Before and While you are a Leader...You are a Disciple! A Retreat for Pastoral Ministers in the Diocese of San Diego, María Olivia Galván
Implementation of Liberation Theology Method and Theory in Latino Immigrant Programs of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Susana C. Hernández
A Theology of Imagination & Creativity, Karen Lynn Huseby
Learning from Hunger: A Communal Recipe in Contextual Theology, Daniel Méndez
Fidelity, Conscience, and Dissent: Engaging the LCWR and Charles Curran on the Issue of Dissent in a Roman Catholic Context, Dennis Albert Pangindian
Young Adult Ministry: Challenge to Faith Formation and Leadership, Janella Rea
Living a Holistic and Integrated Life: Ignatian Spirituality and Conscience in the Public Sphere, Josephine Narciso Sioson
Kinship: A Pastoral Approach, Jan E. Sooter
As Yourself: A Guide to Self-Love in a Selfless World, Sarah Swisher
“...and he was known in the breaking of the bread.”, Michele Volz
Submissions from 2011
Towards An Indian Constructive Theology: Towards Making Indian Christians Genuinely Indians and Authentically Christians, Dominic K. Arputham
Submissions from 2010
Answering the Call of Deep Ecology: A Christian and Buddhist Response, Lorene Cangiano
Submissions from 2009
Christology of 1st Thessalonians, John L. Weitzel
Submissions from 2008
Re-Claiming Sacred Scripture: Retrieving Female Models of Discipleship in the Gospels, Jill Origer Tabit
Submissions from 2007
Framework for a Christian Common Good: Toward a Shared Ethic, Robert V. Doyle
Submissions from 2004
Preaching the Good News to the Poor: A Liberative Christology from the Stand of Dalit Christians, John Joseph Sundaram