Works from 2016
L’India, tra sviluppo e attenzione per la Terra, Christopher Key Chapple
Prasenjit Duara. The Crisis of Global Modernity: Asian Traditions and a Sustainable Future. In Journal of Religion. University of Chicago Press, 2016. Vol. 96, No. 2, pp. 272-273., Christopher Key Chapple
Religion and Nonviolence, Christopher Key Chapple
Blaming the Stranger: Parishes Must Resist the Myth of the Latino Threat, Brett C. Hoover
Emerging Adults’ Religiousness and Spirituality: Meaning-Making in an Age of Transition, Brett C. Hoover
Help My Unbelief, Brett C. Hoover
How Islam became 'American', Amir Hussain
Longing and Gender: A Response to Holly Hillgardner and Tracy Sayuki Tiemeier, Amir Hussain
Muslims and the Making of America, Amir Hussain
Professor Joseph T. O’Connell: A Remembrance, Amir Hussain
The Future of Islam and Jesuit Universities, Amir Hussain
Book Review of E. Christian Brugger, Capital Punishment and Roman Catholic Moral Tradition, second edition, Matthew R. Petrusek
Book Review: University Ethics: How Colleges Can Build and Benefit from a Culture of Ethics. By James F. Keenan, Matthew R. Petrusek
Human Capacities and the Problem of Universally Equal Dignity: Two Philosophical Test Cases and a Theistic Response, Matthew R. Petrusek
The Image of God and Moral Action: Challenging the Practicality of the Imago Dei, Matthew R. Petrusek
Systematic Theology: A Roman Catholic Approach, Thomas P. Rausch
Go Into the Streets: the Welcoming Church of Pope Francis, Thomas P. Rausch and Richard R. Gaillardetz
Comparative Theology at the Intersections of (Multi)Racial and (Multi)Religious Identities, Tracy Tiemeier
Women’s Virtue, Church Leadership, and the Problem of Gender Complementarity, Tracy Tiemeier
Works from 2015
Asian Religions and Ecology, Christopher Key Chapple
Ecology in the Mahābhārata and the Bhagavad Gītā, Christopher Key Chapple
Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple
Hinduism, Jainism, and Ecology, Christopher Key Chapple
Interreligiueuze evaring, Christopher Key Chapple
Mahābhūta Dhāraṇās in Śubhacandra’s Jñānārṇava and the Practice of Kasiṇas in Buddhaghosa’s Viśuddhimagga, Christopher Key Chapple
Religion and Ecology: Jesuit Contributions, Christopher Key Chapple
Spirituality Today, Christopher Key Chapple
Engaged Emancipation: Mind, Morals, and Make-Believe in the Mokṣopāya (Yogavāsiṣṭha), Christopher Key Chapple and Arindam Chakrabarti
Survey of Catholic Social Teaching, James L. Fredericks
Watered Down or Dried Up?, Brett C. Hoover
Editor’s Note: Adiós, Amir Hussain
Muslim Traditions, Amir Hussain
Muslim Traditions, Amir Hussain
(Re)presenting: Muslims on North American Television, Amir Hussain
A Concise Introduction to World Religions, Amir Hussain, Willard G. Oxtoby, Roy C. Amore, and Alan F. Segal
Squaring the City: Between Roman and Rabbinic Urban Geometry, Gil P. Klein
The Relevance of Karl Rahner’s View of Human Dignity for the Catholic Social Thought Tradition, Matthew R. Petrusek
Faith, Hope, and Charity: Benedict XVI on the Theological Virtues, Thomas P. Rausch
Theology’s New Turn: A Survey of Contemporary Movements, Thomas P. Rausch
Micah: A Commentary, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Thinking on Islands, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Toddlers and Teas: Parenting in a Multireligious World, Tracy Tiemeier
Works from 2014
About Religion, Roy C. Amore and Amir Hussain
-, Christopher Key Chapple
Antonio T. De Nicolás: Poet of Eternal Return, Christopher Key Chapple
Antonio T. deNicolás: Poet of Eternal Return, Christopher Key Chapple
Bioethics in Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Hinduism: Many Paths, Many Births, Christopher Key Chapple
Jainism: The Good Life and the Transcendence of Death, Christopher Key Chapple
Life All Around: Soul in Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Nonhuman Animals and the Question of Rights from an Asian Perspective, Christopher Key Chapple
Pankaj Jain. Dharma and Ecology of Hindu Communities: Sustenance and Sustainability. In International Journal of Dharma Studies. 2014. 2:3,, Christopher Key Chapple
ree Will and Voluntarism in Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Thomas Berry on Yoga, Buddhism, and Carl Jung, Christopher Key Chapple
American Innocence: Niebuhr and the Ironies of History, An Exchange, James L. Fredericks
Confucianism, Catholic Social Teachings, and Human Rights, James L. Fredericks
Francis's Interreligious Friendships: Soccer and Lunch, Followed by Dialogue, James L. Fredericks
Best Practices for Shared Parishes, Brett C. Hoover
Blood and Ink: Ignacio Ellacuría, Jon Sobrino, and the Jesuit Martyrs of the University of Central America, Brett C. Hoover
Faith from Nowhere: Feminist Ecclesiological Reflections on the ‘Liquid Catholicism’ of New Media, Brett C. Hoover
Lost and Found: Immigrant Conversion Stories, the New Evangelization, and Parish Life, Brett C. Hoover
Review of Memory and Honor: Cultural and Generational Ministry with Korean American Communities, Brett C. Hoover
Review of The Faith of Girls: Children’s Spirituality and Transition to Adulthood, Brett C. Hoover
The Shared Parish: Latinos, Anglos, and the Future of U.S. Catholicism, Brett C. Hoover
Editor’s Note: "God bless Elijah / With the feather in his hand", Amir Hussain
Toward a Muslim Theology of Migration, Amir Hussain
Current Issues, Amir Hussain and Roy C. Amore
In Memoriam: Jean Bethke Elshtain (1941–2013), Matthew R. Petrusek
Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker, Thomas P. Rausch
This is our Faith: An Introduction to Catholicism, Thomas P. Rausch
A Postcolonial Reading of Apocalyptic Literature: On Mixing Monsters, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Reading the Christian Old Testament in the Contemporary World, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Singing Lamentations and Reading the Blues, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Works from 2013
Asian Religions in the United States, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review: Hindu Perspectives on Evolution: Darwin, Dharma, and Design, Christopher Key Chapple
Elephants in Religious Consciousness, Christopher Key Chapple
Ethics of Synthetic Life: A Jaina Perspective, Christopher Key Chapple
Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple
Introduction, Christopher Key Chapple
Jain Yoga: Nonviolence for Karmic Purification, Christopher Key Chapple
Reading the Fourth Pāda of the Yoga Sūtra, Christopher Key Chapple
The Eternal Present: Slow Knowledge and the Renewal of Time, Douglas E. Christie
The Joy of Feeling Close to God: The Practice of Prayer and the Work of Accompaniment, Douglas E. Christie
Betrayal of Mission: Union Busting on Catholic Campuses, Anna Harrison
‘Jesus Wept’: Mourning as Imitation of Christ in Bernard’s Sermon Twenty-Six on the Song of Songs, Anna Harrison
The Nuns of Helfta, Anna Harrison
Christian Hospitality and Muslims, Amir Hussain
Naming God, Amir Hussain
Religious Diversity and Public Education: The Example of American Muslims, Amir Hussain
Book Review of Franklin I. Gamwell, Existence and the Good: Metaphysical Necessity in Morals and Politics, Matthew R. Petrusek
A Humble, Bold Scholar, Thomas P. Rausch
Termi di Benedetto XVI per Il Prossimo Futuro, Thomas P. Rausch
A World for All? Global Civil Society in Political Theology and Trinitarian Theology and Hainsworth and Public Theology for a Global Society: Essays in Honor of Max L. Stackhouse, Jonathan Rothchild
Childhood without Life, Life without Childhood: Theological and Legal Critiques of Current Juvenile Justice Policies, Jonathan Rothchild
Daniel and Diaspora, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Immigrants and Foreigners in the Bible, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
The River Jordan in Early African American Spirituals, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Asian Participation in Interreligious Dialogue, Tracy Tiemeier