Faculty publications from the Department of Theological Studies at LMU can be found here.


Works from 2023


A Child of the Father of Lies: A Sermon Given by Professor Cyril Hovorun, Cyril Hovorun


Invisibility, Anti-Asian Racism, and Feminist Studies in Religion, Tracy Sayuki Tiemeier

Works from 2022

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Perspectives from Contemporary India and 6th Century Jain Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple

Gandhi’s Philosophy of Swaraj (Self-Rule, Independence, Freedom): Gandhi, Thurman, and Lawson as a Way of Peace and Change, Christopher Key Chapple


“Thousands and Thousands of Lovers”: Sense of Community Among the Nuns of Helfta, Anna Harrison


What Remains of the Night? The Unbearable Burden of Grief, Anna Harrison


Segmeted Secrecy as Catholic Ecclesial Practice: The Case of Gay Priests, Brett C. Hoover


Liberation Theology: Integrity, Violence & the Theological Dilemma, Nancy Pineda-Madrid

Works from 2021

-, Christopher Key Chapple

David Hales, Kusumita Pedersen, Tatiana Brailovskaya, eds., Faith for Earth: A Call for Action. Nairobi and Chicago: United Nations Environment Programme. Parliament of the World’s Religions, 2020. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology. Vol. 25. No. 3, 2021. Pp. 257-258., Christopher Key Chapple

Religious Pluralism and Inter-religious Friendship in Los Angeles, Christopher Key Chapple

Textual Sources for Yoga Therapy, Christopher Key Chapple

The Role of Religions in Times of Ecological Crisis, Christopher Key Chapple

Thomas Merton and the Bhagavad Gita, Christopher Key Chapple

Tribute to Professor Jaini, Christopher Key Chapple

Yoga: Classical (Pātañjala), Christopher Key Chapple


‘A New and Special Joy’: Increasing the Happiness of Mary and the Saints in the Helfta Spirituality, Anna Harrison


Conscience and Confidence: Rebel Hearts, Anna Harrison


Evaluating the Moral Framing of Disaffiliation: Sociological and Pastoral Perspectives on the Rise of the “Nones”, Brett C. Hoover


Still Unaccommodated: Why Are Hispanic Catholics Treated Unequally?, Brett C. Hoover


‘Chickens coming home to roost’: American Muslims in the Aftermath, Amir Hussain

Works from 2020


Animal Rights, Christopher Key Chapple


Body, Mind, and Breath: Yoga as a Framework for Integrative Spiritual Care, Christopher Key Chapple


Dignity: A Hindu Perspective, Christopher Key Chapple

Ecology in a Time of Covid, Christopher Key Chapple

Four New Works on the Mahābhārata, Christopher Key Chapple

Free Will in Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple

History of Jain Academic Studies in North American Universities, Christopher Key Chapple

Honoring the Goddess: Padmāvatī, Lalitā, and Lakṣmī, Christopher Key Chapple

Jaina Philanthropic Support of Higher Education in the USA, Christopher Key Chapple

The Academic Study of Yoga in India, Christopher Key Chapple

The Dasgupta Review, Christopher Key Chapple

The World’s Religions in a Time of Pandemic, Christopher Key Chapple

Worlds of Dream in the Yogavāsiṣṭha, Christopher Key Chapple

Yoga and Meditation: Indoctrination or Integration of Body, Breath, and Emotions, Christopher Key Chapple


Jewish and Hindu Perspectives on Dignity, Christopher Key Chapple and Elliot N. Dorff


Mass in the Time of Quarantine, Anna Harrison


Joy and Strain in Shared Parishes: Look Who’s Here, Brett C. Hoover


Many Arts, One Body: Interview with Brett Hoover, Brett C. Hoover


The Disarray of Christmas, Brett C. Hoover


War and autocephaly in Ukraine, Cyril Hovorun


Interview, Amir Hussain


Muslims in America: Living up to the Ideals of the Greatest, Amir Hussain


Double review of Jean Bethke Elsthain, Augustine and the Limits of Politics and Debra Erickson and Michael Le Chevallier eds., Jean Bethke Elshtain: Politics, Ethics, and Society, Matthew R. Petrusek


Afterword, Matthew R. Petrusek and Johnathan Rothchild


Introduction, Matthew R. Petrusek and Johnathan Rothchild


Protestant and Orthodox Perspectives on Dignity: A Response, Matthew R. Petrusek and Johnathan Rothchild

Works from 2019


Activity, Cessation, and a Return to Origins in the Yoga Sūtra, Christopher Key Chapple


A Jain Ethic for the End of Life, Christopher Key Chapple

Devotion in Jain Song and Poetic Narrative, Christopher Key Chapple

Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple

Jeremy David Engels. The Art of Gratitude. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2018. In Reading Religion: A Publication of the American Academy of Religion. www.readingreligion.org Posted October 3, 2019., Christopher Key Chapple


Religious Experience and Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple


Religious Experience and Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple


Muslim, Jewish, and Catholic Perspectives on Sacred Spaces and Sacred Clothing: An Interfaith Panel Discussion, Reuven Firestone, Amir Hussain, and Pim Valkenberg


Practical Theology in the United States, Brett C. Hoover


Patristics and sociolinguistics, Cyril Hovorun


Review of Blinded by the Light directed by Gurinder Chadha, Amir Hussain


Review of Republic of Islamophobia: The Rise of Respectable Racism in France by Jim Wolfreys, and American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear by Khaled A. Beydoun, Amir Hussain


Seeking Understanding: Helping Graduate Students to Write for Scholarly Journals in Religion, Amir Hussain


Sexuality, Spirituality, and the Love of God, Amir Hussain


Review of Kevin M. Clark ed., The Seven Deadly Sins: Sayings of the Father of the Church (Washington DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2018) and Gail Ramshaw, Saints on Sunday: Voices from Our Past Enlivening Our Worship (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2018), Matthew Petrusek


The Mysticism of Encounter: How Pope Francis Provides Fresh Grounds for Solidarity by Transcending Postcolonial and Civilizational-Clash Paradigms of the Other, Matthew R. Petrusek

Works from 2018


Animal Ethics, Christopher Key Chapple


Animals, Vegetarianism, and Nonviolence, Christopher Key Chapple

Jaina Ethics and Moral Philosophy, Christopher Key Chapple

The Nonviolent Hero in the Bhagavad Gītā, Gandhi, and the Quakers, Christopher Key Chapple


‘Where Have You Vanished?’: Aelred of Rievaulx’s Lamentation on Simon, Anna Harrison


Parish M Ministry in a Multicultural Church: Where Are We?, Brett C. Hoover


Silent Majorities: Power Dynamics in Catholic Parishes Shared by Latinos, Brett C. Hoover


American Muslims in the Age of President Trump, Amir Hussain


Review of Muslim Americans in the Military: Centuries of Service by Edward E. Curtis IV, Amir Hussain


The Legacy of Wilfred Cantwell Smith, Amir Hussain


The Surprise of Reconciliation in the Catholic Tradition, Jonathan Rothchild

Works from 2017

-, Christopher Key Chapple

Contemplative Pedagogy: A Descriptive Account of Two Approaches to Student Engagement at Loyola Marymount University, Christopher Key Chapple

Ecological Considerations in Jainism and Modern Views, Christopher Key Chapple

Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple

India, Christopher Key Chapple

Jain Dharma: The Eternal Law of Ahimsa, Christopher Key Chapple

Jainisme et yoga: la purification karmique par la non-violence, Christopher Key Chapple

Lynn White Jr. and India: Romance? Reality?, Christopher Key Chapple

Reincarnation: Mechanics, Narratives, and Implications, Christopher Key Chapple

Tantric Yoga in the Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa of Hinduism and the Jñānārṇava of Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple

Thomas Berry and His Study of World Faiths, Christopher Key Chapple

Whitney A. Bauman, Richard Bohannon, Kevin J. O'Brien, eds. Grounding Religion: A Field Guide to the Study of Religion and Ecology, 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2017. http://readingreligion.org/books/grounding-religion, Christopher Key Chapple


The Uruly, Chaotic Wind of God: Imagining a Church and Ministry Stirred Up and Prodded by the Spirit, Brett C. Hoover


Ecumenism: Rapprochement through co-working to reconciliation, Cyril Hovorun


American Muslims in the Age of President Trump, Amir Hussain


Funerals and Death Rites: Honoring the Departed, Amir Hussain


Review of Before Orthodoxy: The Satanic Verses in Early Islam by Shahab Ahmed, Amir Hussain


‘The Most Beautiful of Stories’: A Muslim Reflection on the Qur’an and Moral Injury, Amir Hussain


Towards a Hermeneutic of Humanity: Wilfred Cantwell Smith and the Study of Muslims, Amir Hussain


Making the Fundamental Option Fully Free: How Human Capabilities Help Clarify Rahner’s Conception of Justice, Matthew Petrusek


Book Review of John J. Fitzgerald, The Seductiveness of Virtue: Abraham Joshua Heschel and John Paul II on Morality and Personal Fulfillment, Matthew R. Petrusek


Dialoguing from a Fixed Point: How Aristotle and Pope Francis Illuminate the Promise — and Limits — of Inclusion in Catholic Higher Education, Matthew R. Petrusek


Federalism, Subsidiarity, and Voting Rights: Critiquing the Shelby County decision through Johannes Althusius and Catholic Social Teaching, Jonathan Rothchild

Works from 2016


Ahiṁsā in the Mahābhārata: A Story, A Philosophical Perspective, and an Admonishment, Christopher Key Chapple

Establishing Yoga Studies, Christopher Key Chapple

Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple