Works from 2013
Interreligious Reading in the Context of Dialogue: When Interreligious Reading ‘Fails', Tracy Tiemeier
Works from 2012
Foreword, Christopher Key Chapple
Hinduism in Southern California: A Response to Francis C. Clooney, Christopher Key Chapple
Nandini Sinha Kapur. Environmental History of Early India. In Journal of the American Oriental Society. Vol,. 132, No. 3. 2012. P. 521., Christopher Key Chapple
New and Old in Conversation: Hinduism’s Balancing Act, Christopher Key Chapple
Sevenfold Yoga of the Yogavasistha, Christopher Key Chapple
Siddhis in the Yogasūtra, Christopher Key Chapple
Sidhis in the Yogasūtra, Christopher Key Chapple
The Sevenfold Yoga of the Yogavāsiṣṭha, Christopher Key Chapple
Early Monasticism, Douglas E. Christie
Practicing Paradise: Contemplative Awareness and Ecological Renewal, Douglas E. Christie
"Things that used to be familiar...become strange": de Certeau and the Possession at Loudun, Douglas E. Christie
The Art of Dying: Heaven, Hell, and Dying Well - Images of Death in the Middle Ages, James L. Fredericks
Confronting Misoislamia: Teaching Religion and Violence in Courses on Islam, Amir Hussain
Editor’s Note: Robert Davidson, Haida Artist, Amir Hussain
Editor’s Note: Something Observed, Amir Hussain
Foreword, Amir Hussain
Muslim Traditions, Amir Hussain
The Atheistic Imagination, Amir Hussain
Muslims, Amir Hussain and Jamie S. Scott
Torah in triclinia: the Rabbinic Banquet and the Significance of Architecture, Gil P. Klein
Putting on the Mind of Ælred: Reflections of a Translator, Marie Anne Mayeski
Catholic Anthropology, Thomas P. Rausch
Cattolici e Pentecostali: Riflessioni su una storia travagliata, Thomas P. Rausch
Eschatology, Liturgy, and Christology: Towards Recovering the Eschatological Imagination, Thomas P. Rausch
Who Speaks for the Church?, Thomas P. Rausch
Reading Exile Then: Reconsidering the Methodological Debates for Biblical Analysis in Dialogue with Sociological And Literary Analysis, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Michael S. Moore, Wealth Watch: A Study of Socioeconomic Conflict in the Bible, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Between Childhood and Adulthood, Tracy Tiemeier
Teaching World Religions without Teaching ‘World Religions’, Tracy Tiemeier
Varied Visions of God and the Good, Tracy Tiemeier
Works from 2011
-, Christopher Key Chapple
Asian Religions, Ecology, and the Integrity of Nature, Christopher Key Chapple
Constantina Rhodes. Invoking Lakshmi: The Goddess of Wealth in Song and Ceremony. In The Journal of Asian Studies. Vol. 70, No. 4. November 2011. Pp. 1197-1199., Christopher Key Chapple
Dark Green Religion: Nature Spirituality and the Planetary Future, by Bron Taylor, Christopher Key Chapple
Indic Traditions and Animals: Imitation, Reincarnation, and Compassion, Christopher Key Chapple
In Praise of Mother Earth : the Pṛthivī Sūkta of the Atharva Veda, Christopher Key Chapple
Invoking Lakshmi: The Goddess of Wealth in Song and Ceremony, Christopher Key Chapple
Mahatma Gandhi and Some Enduring Challenges for the 21st Century, Christopher Key Chapple
Peace, War, and Violence in Hinduism, Christopher Key Chapple
Religion and Environment, Christopher Key Chapple
Religious Environmentalism: Thomas Berry, the Bishnoi, and Satish Kumar, Christopher Key Chapple
Roots, Shoots, and Ahimsa: The Jain Yoga of Vegetarianism, Christopher Key Chapple
Saivism in the Diaspora: Contemporary Forms of Skanda Worship, by Ron Geaves, Christopher Key Chapple
The Dialectic of Violence in Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
The Practice of Modern Yoga: Sri Ramakrishna's Four Contributions, Christopher Key Chapple
The Practice of Modern Yoga: Sri Ramakrishna’s Four Contributions, Christopher Key Chapple
World of Philosophy: A Harmony, Christopher Key Chapple
Ecology in Hinduism, Christopher Key Chapple and Pankaj Jain
The blue sapphire of the mind: Christian contemplative practice and the healing of the whole, Douglas E. Christie
The Gift of Tears: Loss, Mourning and the Work of Ecological Restoration, Douglas E. Christie
View Finders: The Getty's 'In Search of Biblical Lands', James L. Fredericks
Gertrude of Helfta, Anna Harrison
Mechtild of Magdeburg, Anna Harrison
Comfort: An Atlas for the Body and Soul, Brett C. Hoover
Generations and Cultures: The Future of Parish Life in the United States, Brett C. Hoover
Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac: The Bonds of Family, Amir Hussain
Editor's Note, Amir Hussain
In Memoriam: Alan Franklin Segal (1945-2011), Amir Hussain
In the Decade after 9/11, Amir Hussain
Muslim Traditions, Amir Hussain
Prophetic Faith and the Critique of Tradition, Amir Hussain
Review of Common Ground: Islam, Christianity, and Religious Pluralism, Amir Hussain
World Religions: Western Traditions, Amir Hussain and Willard G. Oxtoby
Muslims and Sexual Diversity in North America, Amir Hussain and Momin Rahman
Bonhoeffer and King: Their Legacies and Import for Christian Social Thought, Jonathan Rothchild
Dispenser of the Mercy of the Government: Pardons, the Rule of Law, and Felony Disenfranchisement, Jonathan Rothchild
Fictions of Justice: The International Criminal Court and the Challenge of Legal Pluralism in Sub-Saharan Africa, Jonathan Rothchild
Hearing the Cries: Conversations with Luther and the Bishop, Jonathan Rothchild
Engendered Warfare and the Ammonites in Amos 1:13, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Reading Jeremiah as Frantz Fanon, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of John Rogerson, A Theology of the Old Testament: Cultural Memory, Communication, and Being Human, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Book explores religions and the significance of difference, Tracy Tiemeier
Viewpoint: Teaching Hinduism in Catholic High Schools, Tracy Tiemeier
Works from 2010
-, Christopher Key Chapple
Ātman, Christopher Key Chapple
Brahmā Vihāra, Emptiness, and Ethics, Christopher Key Chapple
Eternal Life, Death, and Dying in Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Hinduism, Christopher Key Chapple
Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Jainism, Ethics, and Ecology, Christopher Key Chapple
Jaïnsme, non-violence et écologie, Christopher Key Chapple
Meditation, Christopher Key Chapple
Sacrifice, Christopher Key Chapple
At the Limits: Raimundo Panikkar’s Long Theological Journey, James L. Fredericks
No Easy Answers: The Necessary Challenge of Interreligious Dialogue, James L. Fredericks
Memory and Ministry: Young Adult Nostalgia, Immigrant Amnesia, Brett C. Hoover
The Shared Parish, Brett C. Hoover
Transitions in the INSPIRE Research Project, Brett C. Hoover
When Work Culture and Ministry Collide, Brett C. Hoover
Amen and Amin: Faith and Muslims, Amir Hussain
Cham Muslims: A Marginalized Minority Within a Minority, Amir Hussain
Faith and Culture, Amir Hussain
Images of Muhammad in Literature, Art, and Music, Amir Hussain
“Interfaith Movements” and “Wrestlers”, Amir Hussain
North American Muslim Perspectives on Death and Dying, Amir Hussain
(Re)presenting: Muslims on North American Television, Amir Hussain
Terminological Problems for Muslim Lives, Amir Hussain
Current Issues, Amir Hussain and Roy C. Amore
Courageous Witness?: The Diplomacy of Interreligious Dialogue - Two Views, Robert P. Imbelli and James L. Fredericks