Works from 1998
Review of Poetry and Mysticism in Islam: The Heritage of Rumi, Amir Hussain
Review of Struggling to Surrender: Some Impressions of an American Convert to Islam, Amir Hussain
Excluded by the Logic of Control: Women in Medieval Society and Scholastic Theology, Marie Anne Mayeski
''The Right Occasion for the Words'': Situating Ælred's Homily on Saint Katherine, Marie Anne Mayeski
Archbishop Quinn’s Challenge: A Not Impossible Task, Thomas P. Rausch
Divisions, Dialogue, and the Catholicity of the Church, Thomas P. Rausch
Sexual Morality and Social Justice, Thomas P. Rausch
The Church and the Council, Thomas P. Rausch
Review of Dianne Bergant, Israel's Wisdom Literature: A Liberation-Critical Reading, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Justo L. Gonzalez, Santa Biblia:The Bible Through Hispanic Eyes, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Subverting Hatred: The Challenge of Nonviolence in Religious Traditions, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Works from 1997
-, Christopher Key Chapple
Animals and Environment in the Buddhist Birth Stories, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review of River of Compassion, Christopher Key Chapple
Renouncer Traditions of India: Jainism and Buddhism, Christopher Key Chapple
Yujraj Krishan. The Doctrine of Karma: Its Origin and Development in Brahmanical, Buddhist, and Jaina Traditions. In International Journal of Hindu Studies. Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 326-327., Christopher Key Chapple
Into the Labyrinth: Walking the Way of Wisdom, Douglas E. Christie
Living Between Two Worlds: Home, Journey and The Quest for Sacred Place, Douglas E. Christie
Review of Reading with a Passion : Rhetoric, Autobiography, and the American West in the Gospel of John, Douglas E. Christie
The Word in the Desert”: The Biblical Spirituality of Early Christian Monasticism, Douglas E. Christie
Revelation, History, and the Dialogue of Religions: A Study of Bhartrhari and Bonaventure, by D. Carpenter, James L. Fredericks
Salvations: Truth and Difference in Religion, by S.M. Heim, James L. Fredericks
"Let Women Not Despair": Rabanus Maurus on Women as Prophets, Marie Anne Mayeski
Catholicism at the Dawn of the Third Millennium, Thomas P. Rausch
Closing the Door on the School of the Assassins, Thomas P. Rausch
Infallible Teaching on Moral Issues? A Response, Thomas P. Rausch
Reassessing the Historical and Sociological Impact of the Babylonian Exile (597/586 - 539 BCE), Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Georg Steins, Die Chronik als kanonisches Abschlussphänomen: Studien zur Entstehung und Theologie von 1/2 Chronik, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Jon L. Berquist, Judaism in Persia's Shadow: A Social and Historical Approach, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Works from 1996
-, Christopher Key Chapple
Abhidharma as Paradigm for Practice, Christopher Key Chapple
Leonardo Boff. Ecology and Liberation: A New Paradigm. Jay B. McDaniel. With Roots and Wings: Christianity in an Age of Ecology and Dialogue. In America, November 23, 1996. Pp. 26-27., Christopher Key Chapple
Living Liberation in Sāṃkhya and Yoga, Christopher Key Chapple
Monist (Ekatvā) and Pluralist (Anekānta) Discourse in Indian Traditions, Christopher Key Chapple
Learning to See: Epiphany in the Ordinary, Douglas E. Christie
Nature, Spirit and Imagination in the Poetry of Mary Oliver, Douglas E. Christie
Review of Landscape and Memory, Douglas E. Christie
The Desert Fathers on Monastic Community (review), Douglas E. Christie
Catholic-Evangelical Relations: Signs of Progress, Thomas P. Rausch
Priest, Community, Eucharist, Thomas P. Rausch
Between Ezra and Isaiah: Exclusion, Transformation, and Inclusion of the `Foreigner' in Post-Exilic Biblical Theology, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Review of Wilfred Cantwell Smith, What is Scripture: A Comparative Approach, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Works from 1995
-, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review of Classifying the Universe: The Ancient Indian Varna System and the Origins of Caste, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review of The Sense of Adharma, Christopher Key Chapple
Frank R. Podgorski. Hinduism: A Beautiful Mosaic and Ego: Revealer-Concealer. In Journal of Indian Philosophy. Vol. 13, No. 3 (1985), pp. 305-307., Christopher Key Chapple
Haribhadra, "Mahāvīra," "Patañjali", Christopher Key Chapple
Jainism, Christopher Key Chapple
Kavis or Rishis: The Legacy of Radhakrishnan and the Discipline of Hindu Studies, Christopher Key Chapple
Kendall Folkert. Scripture and Community: Collected Essays on the Jains. Edited by John E. Cort. In Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Vol. LXIII No. 3, 1995. Pp. 646-647., Christopher Key Chapple
Michael Carrithers and Caroline Humphrey. The Assembly of Listeners: Jains in Society. In Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Vol. LXIII No. 3, 1995. Pp. 644- 645., Christopher Key Chapple
Organizing Jainism in India and England, Christopher Key Chapple
Scripture and Community: Collected Essays on the Jains, Christopher Key Chapple
The Assembly of Listeners: Jains in Society, Christopher Key Chapple
Review of Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time: The Historìcal Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith, Douglas E. Christie
The Judean Desert Monasteries in the Byzantine Period by Yizhar Hirschfeld (Review), Douglas E. Christie
The Letters of St. Antony: Origenist Theology, Monastic Tradition and the Making of a Saint by Samuel Rubenson (Review), Douglas E. Christie
We Already Have All That We Seek: Prayer as Radical Simplicity, Douglas E. Christie
Review of Five Innovative Egyptian Short Stories, Amir Hussain
Review of Wings of Lead: A Modern Egyptian Novella, Amir Hussain
Dhuoda: Ninth Century Mother and Theologian, Marie Anne Mayeski
The Unfinished Agenda of Vatican II, Thomas P. Rausch
Review of Mervin Breneman, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Text and Experience: Toward a Cultural Exegesis of the Bible, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Works from 1994
Aphorisms on Spiritual Method: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in Light of Mystical Experience, Christopher Key Chapple
Book Review of Paths to the Power of Myth: Joseph Campbell and the Study of Religion, Christopher Key Chapple
Contemporary Jaina and Hindu Responses to the Ecological Crisis, Christopher Key Chapple
Daniel C. Noel, ed. Paths to the Power of Myth: Joseph Campbell and the Study of Religion. In Horizons. Vol. 21, No. 2. Fall 1994. P. 38, Christopher Key Chapple
Ecological Prospects: Scientific, Religious, and Aesthetic Perspectives, Christopher Key Chapple
Gender and Salvation, Christopher Key Chapple
Hindu Environmentalism: Traditional and Contemporary Resources, Christopher Key Chapple
India's Earth Consciousness, Christopher Key Chapple
Reading Patañjali Without Vyàsa: A Critique of Four Yoga Sutra Passages, Christopher Key Chapple
Mapping the Sacred Landscape: Spirituality and the Contemporary Literature of Nature, Douglas E. Christie
Review of Ace of Freedoms: Thomas Merton's Christ, Douglas E. Christie
The Literature of Nature and the Quest for the Sacred, Douglas E. Christie
The Far Side of Nothingness: Reading Mitchell's Spirituality and Emptiness, James L. Fredericks
The Assumption as a Monastic Celebration: Ælred of Rievaulx' s Homilies for the Feast, Marie Anne Mayeski
The Promise of the New Ecumenical Directory, Thomas P. Rausch
Thomas Merton: Twenty-Five Years After, Thomas P. Rausch
The Book of Daniel, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
The Mixed Marriage Crisis in Ezra 9-10 and Nehemiah 13: A Study of the Sociology of the Postexilic Judean Community, Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Works from 1993
Book Review of World Religions: A Story Approach, Christopher Key Chapple
Flexible Fundamentalism: A Jaina Approach to Interreligious Dialogue, Christopher Key Chapple
Founders of India's Civilization: Lives of Ten Great Pre-Buddha Men of India, Christopher Key Chapple
Jaideva Singh. The Yoga of Delight, Wonder, and Astonishment: A Translation of the Vijñāna-Bhairava. In Religious Studies Review. Vol. 19, Number 2 (1993), p. 182., Christopher Key Chapple
Leonard J. Biallas. World Religions: A Story Approach. In Horizons. Vol. 20, No. 1, 1993. Pp. 191-192., Christopher Key Chapple
Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in Asian Traditions, Christopher Key Chapple
P.L. Bhargava. Founders of India's Civilization: Lives of Ten Great Pre-Buddha Men of India. In Religious Studies Review. Vol. 19, No. 4 (1993), p. 372., Christopher Key Chapple
The Jesuit Tradition in Education and Missions: A 450-Year Perspective, Christopher Key Chapple
Theology and the World Religions, Christopher Key Chapple
The Vision of Buddhism, Christopher Key Chapple
The Yoga of Delight, Wonder, and Astonishment: A Translation of the Vijñana-Bhairava, Christopher Key Chapple
Two Traditional Indian Models for Interreligious Dialogue: Monistic Accommodationism and Flexible Fundamentalism, Christopher Key Chapple
“A feeling for the natural world”: spirituality and contemporary nature writing, Douglas E. Christie
Review of Discordant Harmonies: A New Ecology for the Twenty-First Century, Douglas E. Christie
Review of For the Love of the World: Essays on Nature Writers, Douglas E. Christie
Review of Silent Lamp: The Thomas Merton Story, Douglas E. Christie
Review of The Wilderness of God, Douglas E. Christie
The Grace of Unknowing, Douglas E. Christie