Faculty publications from the Department of Theological Studies at LMU can be found here.


Works from 1988

Introduction to the Tantraloka, Christopher Chapple

Kapil Tiwari, ed. Suffering: Indian Perspectives. In RSR. Vol. 14, No. 1 (1988), p. 80. Bimal K. Matilal. Perception: An Essay on Classical Indian Theories of Perception. In RSR. Vol. 14, No. 2 (1988), p. 136., Christopher Chapple

Navjivan Rastogi. Introduction to the Tantraloka. In RSR. Vol. 14, No. 2 (1988), p. 180., Christopher Chapple

Paul Murphy. Triadic Mysticism: The Mystical Theology of the Saivism of Kashmir. In RSR. Vol. 14, No. 1 (1988), p. 90., Christopher Chapple


Perception: An Essay on Classical Indian Theories of Knowledge, Christopher Chapple

Perception: An Essay on Classical Indian Theories of Perception, Christopher Chapple

Suffering: Indian Perspectives, Christopher Chapple

Triadic Mysticism: The Mystical Theology of the Saivism of Kashmir, Christopher Chapple


Talking Back to Rome? J.R. Dionne on Papal Magisterium and the Church, Thomas P. Rausch

Works from 1987

Aurobindo's Philosophy of Brahman, Christopher Chapple

Foreword, Christopher Chapple

John Taber. Transformative Philosophy. In RSR. Vol. 13, No. 3 (1987), p. 239., Christopher Chapple

Kashmir Shaivism, Christopher Chapple

Stephen H. Phillips. Aurobindo's Philosophy of Brahman. In RSR. Vol. 13, No. 3 (1987), p. 280., Christopher Chapple

Transformative Philosophy, Christopher Chapple


Transformative Philosophy, Christopher Chapple


Authority and Credibility, Thomas P. Rausch


BEM: Moving Towards Accord in Faith, Thomas P. Rausch


Ecumenism and the Bishop of Rome, Thomas P. Rausch

Works from 1986

India and the West, Christopher Chapple

J.C. Chatterji. Kashmir Shaivism. In RSR. Vol. 13, No. 4, p. 364., Christopher Chapple

J.L. Mehta. India and the West. In RSR. Vol. 12, No. 3 (1986), p. 264, Christopher Chapple

Noninjury to Animals: Jaina and Buddhist Perspectives, Christopher Chapple


Dharma and Gospel: Two Ways of Seeing, Christopher Key Chapple


Karma and Creativity, Christopher Key Chapple

Works from 1985


Hinduism: A Beautiful Mosaic and Ego: Revealer-Concealer, Christopher Chapple

Hinduism: A Beautiful Mosaic and Ego: Revealer-Concealer, Christopher Chapple

The Jaina Path of Purification, Christopher Chapple

Yoga and Cross Cultural Understanding, Christopher Chapple


Religious Experience and Scientific Paradigms: Proceedings of the IASWR Conference, 1982, Christopher Key Chapple


Rome and Geneva: The Experience of Ecumenism, Thomas P. Rausch

Works from 1984

Introduction and Bibliography, Christopher Chapple


The Bhagavad Gita, Christopher Key Chapple


An Ecumenical Eucharist for a World Assembly, Thomas P. Rausch


Three Deaths in Bolivia, Thomas P. Rausch

Works from 1982


The Image of Mary: A Catholic Response, Thomas P. Rausch


The Image of Mary — II, Thomas P. Rausch

Works from 1981


The Concept of Will (Paurusa) in the Yogavasistha, Christopher Chapple


Book Review of Jeffrey Hopkins's "Tantra in Tibet" & Alex Wayman's "Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real: Buddhist Meditation and the Middle View", Christopher Key Chapple


Negative Theology of the Yogavasistha and the Lankavatara Sutra, Christopher Key Chapple


Lutherans and Catholics After the Augsburg Anniversary, Thomas P. Rausch


Women in the Church, Thomas P. Rausch

Works from 1980


Priesthood and Community: Reflections on the Vocation Crisis, Thomas P. Rausch

Works from 1979


Catholics, Lutherans and the Augsburg Confession, Thomas P. Rausch


Lutherans and Catholics on Infallibility, Thomas P. Rausch

Works from 1977


Ordination and the Ministry Willed by Jesus, Thomas P. Rausch

Works from 1971


The Piety of Jesus, Thomas P. Rausch