Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1975
The Pocket Hunter, John Dirk Arnold
God's Fools, Bruce D. Baker
Hai-Kuang, Paul Ch'en Chi-Tung
The Real Believers, Gerald Derloshon
A Time to Be, David J. Francesconi
Thank You, Mama, Michael Dale Frischer
Sleepy Lagoon, Janet Harris
Price of Riches, Bahram Heckmat
The Home Front, Jonathan Kavesh
Unfinished Business: Public Service Advertising in America, Michael P. Keelin
Let Me Be Me, Suzanne Davis Liberto
Harrison's Castle, Albert E. Locher
The Windsor Tournament, John Michael Marcus
The Bellows, Tom Neville
A Life to Love, Hector Gutierrez Pabon
Prison Without Walls, Geraldine Paulsen
Three of a Kind, Daniel A. Pietragallo
The Return of Ruben Sanchez, Carlos Alberto Saenz
RTD of Beverly Hills, Dennis Lee Salvaryn
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer: The Last Lot, Cynthia C. Santillo
Getting Support, Ilene Judy Segalove
Turned-On Educators, Robert Michael Smith
Arcanum, Joanne Mary Toppin
Exception To The Rule, Robert Arthur Villines
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1974
The Legend of the Countess Desdemona, Nathan R. Callahan
Fubars, Bill Eller
The Secretary of the Navy Takes Pride..., Michael Alan Humm
Sullivan, Virignia LeMay
Christmas Is Not Christmas Trees, Melroy J. Pereira
Be My Guest, Karen Rike
I Don't Remember Spring, Robert J. Sienicki
Ghouls Incorporated, Ramon H. Soriano
Romeo, Juliet, and Daniel, Ronald David Streicher
Jesus, of The Fourth Gospel, Terrance A. Sweeney
Mirrors in Hell, Jaques Bernard Williams
Hope and Despair, Juma Abdullah Yaseen
Edwin Forrest, Irene Zmurkevych
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1973
Gustov, Robert I. Cohen
A Day In The Life Of, Leonard Colton
Passport, Eugene B. Fischer
From the Pit, Dorothy Gravage
Flash Point, Stanley S. Greene
Dog Days in Nigger Heaven, Christopher Hoy
Politics, Allan P. Ides
To Disturb The Peace, George Laubender
Bits and Pieces, James Loren
The Desertion of Corporal Harris, Kurt D. Maxey
A Voice From the Mountain, Philip H. Notebaert S.J.
The Reel Thing, Roger R. Palmquist
The Sun Gazer, Antonia Concepcion P. Rios
Laura, Jerry L. Salvaggio
The Catalyst, James Wesly Smith Jr.
Homage, Georgia L. J. Snoke
The Dinner Line, Edward J. Welch
The New Beginning, Ridley Williams
Greek's Old Man, James Zimmerman
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1972
Sky Lab, William Mark Battersby
Space Age Bible, Catherine Eplett
Sam, John Leveque
Awareness, Michael J. Malak
Obviously A Rebel, John Sanchez
In Due Season, Luis O. Solis
The Masons, Alberto Vargas
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1971
English Equation: The Three- and Five-Gaited American Saddlebred Horse, Pamela Ellery
State of Emergency, Roger W. Knipp
Circles, Alan T. Kondo
Circles, Alan T. Kondo
Benjamin Arriving, John A. Meyer
Benjamin Arriving, John A. Meyer
Glass, Chuck Moran
Chicano Moratorium, Thomas Myrdahl
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1970
The Form, Not The Content, Douglas Arthur Armstrong
Has Anybody Here Seen My Old Friend, Jim Armstrong
The Trusting, James M. Bambrick
Tell Me a Simple Story, Judith Burdette
The Raven Must Die, Frank Farmer
Peter, Neil Frame
A Different Glory, Ray Gardina
Loser Takes All, Peter Germano
Dreams of Glass, Daniel Gruenberg
Tenpenny Circus, Kathryn Harter
Balloons, J. M. Hudson
Orwell, William J. Knittle Jr.
Riptide, Morry Lindros
The Goal, Daniel L. Milligan
L' Chayim!, Alan W. Mund
The Ceremonial Riuals Of Thai Life, Sman Ngamsnit
Dead Run, Charles Robert Perry
Microcosm, J. A. Pezko
Crusade, Charles L. Sheldon
Pariah, Hal Sitowitz
There, Peter G. Szondy
Ten Towns, Dennis Watson
Hidalgo, Jan Wuttken
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 1969
The Builder, Sister Teresina Contris
Watch For Falling Coconuts, Beth Daigle
Search For Precedent, Robert E. Godfrey
Cliff, Rob Narke
Industrial Applications for Closed Circuit Television, Frank J. Priest
Hanley's Lysistrata, William Thacker