Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2011
Identifying the Essential Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Tasks for Aerospace Systems, Daniel Cho
Systems Engineering Approach to Developing a Successful Business, Frank De Anda
The Meadow, Michael Dodd
Constructing Identity: An Art Therapy Exploration of Complex Trauma and Adolescent Development, Sarah C. Dunn
Technology Insertion on Satellite Platforms, Candace Givens
Action Jacksons, Derek Gordon and David Rogoff
Big Brat, Derek Gordon and David Rogoff
An Art Therapy Exploration of Complex Trauma and Addiction Treatment, Whitney Jade Gordy
Test Procedure Validation Process, Tony Hernandez
Integrated Scheduling Material Requirements Planning Lean Process, Alex Herrera
Applying Systems Engineering to Life, Jonathan Kaiser
Facing Complex Trauma as it Impacts Countertransference and Clinical Work: An Art Therapist’s Journey Through Art and Journaling, Sunset N. Karner
Strategies for Self-Care: A Case Study on the use of Mindfulness Meditation, Guided Imagery and Artistic Exploration, Hilary A. Kern
Can We Play A Game? Art Therapy with a Child Who is Reluctant to Make Art, Brooke E. Knaack
Spirituality and Healing: Multicultural Implications within Art Therapy, Jennifer L. Lively
Art After Death: A Heuristic Study of Death and Tradition, Emily S. Margolis
Peace of Glass, Colleen Marshall
The Wheel, Aditi Minda
Cookie VS. The Apocalypse, Jennifer Moscoso
Brown Xmas, Maria Ortiz
Medical Art Therapy: A Heuristic Exploration, Jacqueline Marie Pellicane
Picture Yourself: A Heuristic Exploration of Identity Development Through the Use of Photography, Malia P. Prietto
Art Therapy with Latino Immigrant Men, Paul Quezada
Client-Initiated Premature Termination: How Did the Art Therapists Feel and What Did the Client’s Last Art Reveal?, Nephthys Resurreccion
Beautiful Monkey, Sallua Sehk
The Somatic Experience of Trauma in Art Therapy, Heather Naomi Spann
Mapping The Neural Integration of Traumatic Memory: Art Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Complex Trauma, Melissa S. Susman
Exploration of Second Generation Hungarian American Identity Development Through Art and Personal Narratives, Erengo Suto
FRACAS: Don’t Cut - Invest!, Chia-fang Ann Torgeson
Latina Women Identity Formation Pre and Post Immigration, Melly Trochez
A Qualitative Sequential Design: An Art Therapy Exploration of the Felt-Sense & Self-Care, Kayla Trueit
Strike Price, Christopher Ulmer
Intergenerational Acculturation and Values in Chinese American Families: An Integrative Artistic Narrative Exploration, Kristen K. Wang
A Case Exploration of Art Therapy from Three Theoretical Perspectives with a Non-Public School Student, Kristen Dara Wright
Metamorphosis Journey: Voices of Asian Domestic Violence Survivors Through Art Exploration, Jessica Michelle Yuen
An Exploration of Language Acculturation as Reflected in the Art of Latino American Families, Elena Zúñiga
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2010
The Stolen Child, James Michael Bogdanski
The Man Who Knew Absolutely Nothing; Or, South by Southwest, Emiliano Flores Burillo
Answering the Call of Deep Ecology: A Christian and Buddhist Response, Lorene Cangiano
Creating an Air-Cleaning Cat Litter Box, Leo Chan
Building Revenue Assurance Capabilities in the Telecom Enterprise, Vasil Danchev
Apartment 422, Cliff H. Fleck
The Kicker, Tim Guest
Impression: Sunrise, Rory Heffernan
3-D Model System, TaShanna K. Houston
The Implementation of Total System Performance Responsibility to Avoid a Weakened Systems Engineering Department, Ashley Johnson
Developing a Profitable Photography Business Based on System Engineering Principles & Processes, Mukaila Kazeem
Christian Crash Course, Michael T. Martin
NYE: A Fractured Fairytale, Marcos Moreno
Providing Voice through Art: An Immigrant Adolescent’s Identity Development, Eunsun Elaine Oh
Loyola Marymount University Online Graduate Program, Kellye Randle
High Definition (HD) Local Channel Project, John R. Stuart
Dead Reckoning, Esperanza Villegas
A Systems Engineering Approach to Complex Tool Realization, Jude Zils
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2009
How Teachers Use Culturally Responsive Pedagogy with Latino Students: A Case Study of Three Latina Teachers, Santa Gabriela Acuña
Implementation of a 500 KV Solar System for Commerical Use, Winston R. Demmin
Leaders' Perceptions of the Role of Leadership in Catholic High Schools Through a Generational Lens, Rodgers K. Fikwamo
Determining Leverage Points: A Program Design for a University/K12 Partnership, Andrew Leo Furedi
Improving the Raw Stock Process, Zaree Kradjian
Rethinking the Schoolhouse Boundaries: A Program Design for Urban District Transformation, Kathi Littmann
Catholic School Leadership and the Role of Consultative School Boards in Catholic Elementary Schools, Kathleen A. Meyer
"If you don't read, it is like you don't exist": The Transformative Power of Critical Literacy at an Alternative Charter High School, Jesse Sage Noonan
Systems Engineering Self Assessment of an Air Force Acquisition Unit, David Sharp
An Inquiry of Instructional Coaching in an Urban High School, Jonathan M. Sison
Implementing the Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering in a Spacecraft Design/Development Company, Larry Souverielle
Lean Initiative in the Program Office (LIPO): Applying Lean Thinking to the Livelink Database System, Jason A. Spindler
Commercially Hosted Orbiting Carbon Observatory (CHOCO) Concept, Robert Thompson
Christology of 1st Thessalonians, John L. Weitzel
Applying Systems Engineering Practices to Project A, Eric Wild
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2008
Why Katahdin Runs: A play in three acts, Jaisey Bates
A Case Study of Student Leadership and Service in a Catholic Female Single-Sex High School, Jill Patricia Bickett
Leadership in Systems Engineering: Building High Performance Teams, Kevin Buie
Catholic Elementary School Leadership: What Does the Future Hold?, Shannon M. Gomez
Latino Middle School Students Read to Learn Critical Literacy: Social Justice through Action Research, Jennifer Grenardo
Systems Engineering Analysis of 35 mm Film Conversion to Digital, Anan Hamdan
Walking the Labyrinthine Pathway: An Ethnographic Perspective on Forming Persons-In-Community in a Catholic Secondary School, Ann Louise Conley Holmquist
The Miseducation of the Underclass: A Historical Political Analysis of No Child Left Behind, Bryan Michael Johnson
Test Set Development System Engineering Process, Phillip A. Kimble
Emergent Readers and Open Court Reading: A Case Study of Second Grade Students in an Urban School, Joanna Lynne Niles
Using the UML and Object Oriented Programming Paradigms to Create a Lean Software Environment, Antar A. Spearmon
Re-Claiming Sacred Scripture: Retrieving Female Models of Discipleship in the Gospels, Jill Origer Tabit
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2007
A Systems Engineering Approach to An Emulator Definition Methodology (EDM), Richard A. Acevedo
Mass Public Transportation System Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Naif Alobaid
Surface Equity: A Case Study of Gender Equity and Inequity in Elementary Classrooms, Kimberly J. Bevan
African American Female Educators and African American Male Students: The Intersection of Race and Gender in Urban Elementary Classrooms, Kia A. Billingsley
A Systems Approach to Prognostics and Health Management Requirements Defect Reduction, Richard Deka
Systems Engineering Applied to CycleSimulator, Caskey L. Dickson
Framework for a Christian Common Good: Toward a Shared Ethic, Robert V. Doyle
Methodologies and Value of using SYSML in a Spacecraft Development Environment, Janis Hebermehl
Unmasking Title I Spending Practices in Public Elementary Schools in California, Helen Kim
Integrating ISSE and SE Processes in Information System Development, Rosaly Lam
Designing and Implementing an Inclusive Small School : A Case Study of Transformational Leadership, Diana M. Limón
Implementing Strategic Change Using the Systems Engineering Model, Howen Mak
Assessing the Sustainability and Possibility for Transformation of the Catholic School: A Case Study of St. Leo School, Frank Montejano
Small School Reform in a Large Urban High School: Does it Make a Difference in Student Outcomes?, Lori Pawinski
System Integration Programs: The Role of Subcontracts in Assessing and Managing Suppliers, Salvatore Achille Petrelli
Response to Mission: Students' Experience of Catholic Social Teaching in an Inner City Catholic Elementary School, Neil Quinly
Integrating Systems Engineering Departments, Pankaj Roy Sharma