Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2024
Promoting Equitable and Holistic Education: The Role of Arts Education and Whole Child Policy in Unleashing Potential and Advancing Progress, Collette Ain Williams Alleyne
Understanding University Support for Suicide Bereavement and Bereaved Experiences: A Phenomenological Study, Kristin May Anderson, Neishamia B. Kayizzi, Brittany M. Lee, and Addalee K. Lyon
Integrating Collective Art Healing Practices into Contemporary Art Therapy, Taleene Armen, Nicole Aviel, EJ Liao, Brianna Mitjans, and Mandy Schuster
Cultivating Resilience in Adolescence: How Educational Environments Can Support Positive Youth Development During Identity Exploration, Heather I. Arndt, Genesis G. Larin, Gladis Abigail Munguia, Henry WIlliam Perez, and Dianne Preciado
Hide, Calvin Bruhns
From Mandated Reporter to Community Supporter: Reimagining Schools and the Nexus to Address Intersectional Social Justice, Charity Chandler-Cole
An Exploration of Gifted Hispanic/Latino Students’ Educational Capital at One Title I Elementary School, Jasmin Solórzano Churchill
Exploring the Factors Involved to Support African American Males' Success in Mathematics During the Early Grades, Elmore Travis Collier
The Tale of Bunny, the Lamb, Keith Currivean Jr.
Developing an eBook for First Responders: Exploring Arts-Based Interventions to Counter Burnout and Build Resilience, Taysia De Mesa, Baylor Duncan, Emmanuelle Evans, Ashley Herbinger, Hannah Kent, and Olivia Waldorf
Reclaiming Black Spirit: Redefining Social Justice Leadership with and for Black Youth in Jesuit Secondary Schools, Jeremy Divinity
Reclaiming Black Spirit: Redefining Social Justice Leadership with and for Black Youth in Jesuit Secondary Schools, Jeremy Divinity
Addressing Student Mental Health During COVID-19: The Incredible Endeavors of One Group of Urban Elementary School Teachers, Caitlin Ferguson
Serving Gender-Expansive Students in Catholic High Schools: Understanding the Perspectives of Catholic School Leaders, Cassandra Elyse Gonzales
Accommodations, Carlton Davis Grant
NecronomiCops, Aaron Hluch
Revolutionizing Music Education for BIPOC Students––New Possibilities of Practice, Jan-Mitchell Ko
Smoke & Sons, Will Lebowitz
Hobby Horse, Kaitlyn Liu
Me Echan Porras: Understanding Latina Students’ Journeys of Persistence and Challenge in Community College, Carla Lopez-Valdes
Performing Trauma & Intimacy, Alexa Lowery
Mko, Simon Luedtke
Speak Easy, Christopher O. Lukens
The Potential to Be the Most Historic Higher Education Reform Effort of Our Time: Implementation of AB705, Kristina Martinez
"They're Not Used to Being Seen": Teacher Reflections on Building Community and Belonging with High-Need Students, Celine Massuger
Untangling Language Labeling and Mental Health: The Relationship between Middle School Students’ Language Acquisition Status and Self-Reported Mental Health, Lauren Judith McClearn
Disrupting the Status Quo: Narratives of Women of Color Leaders at California Community Colleges, Lesley Doricely Meza
Clear Waters, Joseph Mueller
Double Happiness, Lauren Nguyen
Dead Cat Bounce, John Norton
Keep You Safe, Nana Okamoto
“Personal, Relational, and Extraordinary”: Learning from the Spiritual Language of Gen Z, Gabrielle Poma
Combine Shapelets, Zeng Qingwen
A Salutogenic Program for Menopause - Enhancing Well-Being with Yoga Therapy, Donna Rachlin
Indigenous Ancestral Assets: The Ecology of Native Hawaiian Education Through Youth Perspectives, Claire Kēhaulani Ramirez
A Seat at the Table: Illuminating Student Voice in Restorative Justice Processes, Nicole J. Reda
“Wa Ya See?”: An Autoethnographic Exploration of The Nuanced Experiences of a Black, Quare, Afro-Caribbean, Asylum Seeker in the United States Higher Education., Travis A. Richards
A Space for Healing: Spiritual Direction with Justice-Minded Evangelicals and Ex-vangelicals, Erica Romero
Be With Her, Louisa Danger Rorschach
Mamás Metidas: Empowering Latinx Spanish-Dominant Parents in Independent Schools Through Culturally Responsive School Leadership, Silvia Salazar Rivera
Esta Carta de Amor es Para Ti: An Autoethnography of an Undocumented Student’s Survival in Higher Education, Cuauhtemoc Salinas Martell
Suffering as The Way to God, Marjorie Shahani
When School Was Not Designed for Your Family: A Culturally Responsive High School Parent Engagement Guide, Julia Straszewski
When School Was Not Designed for Your Family: A Culturally Responsive High School Parent Engagement Guide, Julia Straszewski
Levee, Keya Vance
Boat Dad, Scotty Villhard
Elementary Summer School: Culturally Responsive Practices and Academic Outcomes for English Learner Students in Grades 4–6, Laurie May Virtusio
You Think Your Hell is Worse Than Mine, Nathan Weinreich
The Venue, James Williams
When the Sun Rises, Kamiya Willoughby
Indigenous Practices in Head Start Classrooms— Toward Survivance and Indigenization in Policy and Practice, Liza Xet Smith
The Role of Equity Leaders in Implementing the Community School Policy Framework in California, Iris Zuniga
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2023
The System, Dave Abrahamson
Employed Desistance: Identifying Best Employment-Focused Interventions and Practices for Gang Desistance, Jacob Fergen Albert
Pushing Poppies, Diana Alokozai
Implementation of the Downlink Communication System of the LMU CubeSat, Mohammed Alrabeeah
The Resilience of a School Community During a Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study of the Trials and Tribulations of Bishop John Paul Academy, Christopher Aquino
We Do the Work. You Check the Box: Unearthing the Impact of Racialized Stress and Trauma on Black Women Community College Educators Leading DEI Work, Brandi Renee Avila
LIKE YOU Search, Gipson Bachman
Love & Hexes, Robyn Bankston
Community Mental Health Services: Evaluation of Responsiveness to Chronically Mentally Ill Populations in Seattle, Mary Bartow
Raising the Roar: A Case Study of Early Adolescent Student Voice on Service-Learning and Catholic Identity, April Beuder
It Takes a Lot to Laugh It Takes a Train to Cry, William Binette
Building Social & Emotional Competence in Early Education Classrooms through Art Therapy, Amber Bliss, Melissa Halici, Nadia Herman, Camille Jessie, Madeline Madison, Melissa Washington Cross, Gaea Ray, and Melanie Zarrow
Praying While White: Preparing the Soil for the Work of Antiracism, Laura Boysen-Aragon
Leather and Lace, Simón Chiles
BREAKOUT STAR, JMatthew Cummins
The Nature of Compassion in Yoga: Illuminating its Modern Role through an Examination of Historical Texts, Keren Eshed
Factors Influencing Juror Sentencing Decisions: Race, Social Economic Status, Attorney Credibility and the Relevance of Stereotype Attribution Theory, Nichole R. Force
Improving Multi-Modal Food Detection System with Transfer Learning, Shivani Gowda
MOMIM, Christopher Halligan
Incessant, Adesuwa Vanessa Hayble
Induction as a Means of Crafting Courage: Increasing New Teachers’ Understanding of Social Justice and Their Capacity to Address Inequities in the Classroom, Jill Hodges Gans
Universal Back-End Design, Jason Kalili
Moon Child, Zoe Katzen
Heretic, Olivia Kent
You Matter Here: Examining Black and Latine Student Sense of Belonging in a Community College Cinema/TV Department Using TikTok, Krystle Klein
Traditional Cultural Artmaking Practices and Their Impact on Wellness, Rochelle Le Heux, Isabel Maddahi, Christina McCue, Lala Minassian, Martha Orozco, Devika Parmar, Vivian Rodriguez, Ruth Sze, and Shannon Thomas
Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Project Management Methodologies, Adrian Leung
Amplifying Marginal Voices of the Global Movement for Deeper Learning: A Case Study of a Rural K-12 Mission School in Cambodia, Mark Peter L. Lopez S.J.
Creating and Teaching Script Analysis THEA 175 for Undergraduate Theatre Arts Majors and Minors at Loyola Marymount University, Candies Mary Frances
The Path to Full Reparations: A Community-Driven Model of Education Reparations for Black Youth in Los Angeles County, Phase I (Early Learners), Andrew S. Murphy
Is this Antiracist?: An Autoethnographic Evaluation of Professional Development, Allison Nava-Holstein
Debut, Dongwon Oh
The Role of Powers in Pādas III and IV in the Yogasūtra of Patañjali: Realities and Implications, Mathilde Peña
Teaching for Social Justice in the Secondary English Language Arts Classroom: Case Studies in Independent Schools, Alexandra Lyon Perelman
Making Worth, Making Sense of the Sacrifice: Examining the Career Education Trajectories of Economically Marginalized, First-Generation Latina Graduates, Alexia Fernanda Pineda Soto
Welcome to Stella, Gregory M. Pricoli
The Mountain Girl, Hailey Shannon