Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2019
Arts-Based Assessments and Projective Tests: An Interpretation of Self, Hannah Bailey, Noelle M. Giacona, and Angel Yang
Kneeling Sheep, Jiali Bao
Polly, Melissa Bloomer
Art as Meaning Making, Zoe Brockway, Tim Cunningham, Lucia Hye Yoon Joo, Jessica Pedroza, and Michelle Plotkin
Breaking Boundaries, Dina Burlis
Culturally Responsive School Leadership in Catholic Education: Practices to Improve Tuition Assistance and Community Outreach for Latino Families, Michel-Anthony Castillo
Examining the Relationship between Educational Technology and Morality: A Case Study of an American Catholic Middle School, Joe Daccache
Impact, Implementation, and Insights of Peace Education: A Case Study of the M.A. in Peace Studies and Conflict Transformation Program at the University of Rwanda, Sarah M. Doerrer
The Sensory and Haptic Nature of Art Therapy Materials With Young Children Ages 0-5yrs Old of Complex Trauma, Sarah Duncan
Art Therapy Based Curriculums with Patients who Have or Had Cancer, Gabriela Espinoza
Optimizing 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand and Simulator, Stephen Estelle
We Wear the Mask: Stories of the Black Girl Middle School Experience in Predominantly White, Elite, Independent Schools, Tina B. Evans
The Green Motel, Jeanine Fiser
Brown Condor, Anand Fozard-McCall
A Systems Engineering Approach to Improving the National Weather Service, Joanna Fregoso
This Is How It Ends, Melia Gabriel
Qualitative Assessments used in Art Therapy Programs with Cancer Patients in a Medical Settings, Melissa Garcia
The Wedding War, Meredith Garcia-Painter
Feminist Ecclesiology: A Trinitarian Framework for Transforming the Church's Institutional and Spiritual LIfe, Stacy Geere
Breaking Up and Entering, Andrew Gioia
Talking about whiteness: The Stories of Novice white Female Educators, Stephanie Goodman
More Than Anything, Cassie Mae Hess
Critical Mentorship for Black Girls: An Autoethnography of Perseverance, Commitment, and Empowerment, Krystal Huff
Mark, Francisco Huzel
Understanding the Devil: A Comparative Examination of Dead Souls, The Master and Margarita, and Revelation 12-3, Thomas "TJ" Kennedy
Zero Line, Timothy Kontje
Children of the War, William Krauss
A Qualitative Analysis of Quantitative Assessments in Art Therapy Research with Patients with Cancer in a Medical Setting, Jill Levenberg
Winter Horse, Lance Liu
Critical Bicultural Masculinities: Reframing Community College Success Among Latino Immigrant Male Students, Rene Lozano Esquivel
Creating the Therapeutic Environment: An Exploration of Art Therapy and Sexuality, Allison Marx and Lia Verzatt
Addressing Teacher Shortage: A Historical Policy Study on Teacher Credentialing in California, Liza Moritz Mastrippolito
Exploring the Experiences of Black Teachers with School Administrators in Los Angeles County, Geneva D. Matthews
Self-Efficacy and STEM Career Interest in Black and Latino Middle School Students: A Study on the Next Generation Science Standards, Whitney McCormick
A People's History of Art Therapy, Jessie McCurdy, Alexandria Richardson, and Kathaleena Thirtle
Blink of an Eye, Collin Nelson
Spirituality, Mindfulness, and Art-Making in Mitigating Compassion Fatigue, Chau Nguyen
Of Fire, James C. Norris III
Fishbowl, Gaurav Pathak
A Heuristic Exploration of White Lesbian Identity and Cultural Humility Through Art Therapy, Jennifer Phelps
Art Therapists' Work with Textiles, Sarah Potter
The Windigo, Amanda Prentis
An Effective High School Inquiry-Based Physics First Curriculum: Student and Alumni Perceptions, Fawzia Bibi Qazi
Creating Creators Cinema Project: Transforming Lives through the Arts, Christian Quintero
Dear Prudence, Ben Robertson-Macleod
Cigar City, Rene T. Rodriguez
Effects of Art Therapy on Dissociation Related to a Veteran’s Experience with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Camacho Ronald
No Bad Days, Ivan Salinas
Toward a Unified Computer Learning Theory: Critical Techno Constructivism, Bryan Philip Sanders
Host City, Inishmore, Jordan Sandfer
Edifying the Spirit of Love and Liberation in the Education of Young Children: Lessons from Critical Pedagogy and Reggio Emilia Inspired Educators, Seyedeh Zahra Agha Seyed Yousef
It Rains in ClearSkies, Joshua Singer
African-American Male Perceptions on Public Schooling after Discipline: A Contextual Portrait from the Inner City, Kevin William Smith Jr.
The Experience of Empathy Within Law Enforcement: An Art Exploration, BriAnne Timmons and Isabella Williams
Pastoral Care, Mission, Tradition and Community: Alumnae Perceptions of a Catholic Female Single-sex High School, Samuel Torres
Beyond Colonizing Epistemicides: Toward a Decolonizing Framework for Indigenous Education, Samuel B. Torres
Art Exploration of Countertransference and Empathy Towards Clients with Substance Abuse, Mailynn Tran
This Won't Hurt, Chelsea Urech
Transformative School-Community-Based Restorative Justice: An Inquiry into Practitioners' Experiences, Ariane White
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2018
Teachers’ Knowledge, Perceptions and Practices Regarding Academic Literacy Development of Long-Term English Learners, Daniel William Alamo
Art Museums and Latino English Learners: Teaching Artists in the K-8 Classroom, Veronica Alvarez
Feet of Fire, Amanda Ayres Abicalaffe
Assisted Death: Historical, Moral and Theological Perspectives of End of Life Options, Catherine Bando
Transformative Youth Organizing: A Decolonizing Social Movement Framework, Emily Estioco Bautista
The Pleasure Center, Taylor Blackburn
Suggestion Box, Matthew R. Black
the perilous plight of the perplexing WILLIAM wilson, Roosevelt Brown II
Headcases, Mark Buenning
Water Infiltration and Pollutant Rentention Efficiencies in the Ballona Creek Rain Garden, Jamie Lynn Burkhard
The Intersection of Ethnic Studies and Public Policy: A Study of California High School Board Members' Perspectives, Russell Castañeda Calleros
River of Names, Kylie Chi
Bear with Me, Carlos Cortes
Missing in Action: A Critical Narrative Study of the Absence of Black Female Secondary Science Teachers, Nadia Despenza
Soul Count, Mia Dingle
Blunt Trauma, Alexandra Dudley and Amanda Pierson
Closing the Gap of the Educational Needs of Homeless Youth: A Case Study of a Mobile School and Youth Learning Center in Los Angeles, Tiffany G. Edwards
Glory Daze, Ailish Elzy and David Larkin
Flesh & Blood, Daril R. Fannin
Saffron 'n Rose, Sarah Fatemi
Transformative Urban Education Leaders in Los Angeles, Sarah Figueroa
Z-Man, David Fortune
Casual Affairs, Ana Gamundi
En Busca de un Futuro Mejor [In Search of a Better Future]: Understanding Charter School Selection by Immigrant Latina/o Families, Carlos Alberto Garcia
Writing Ourselves Into Existence: A Spoken Word Artist’s Autoethnography of a Liberatory Hip-Hop Pedagogy, Kahlil Almustafa Gasper
My Scarlet Letter, Brendan Gates
An Exploration of Art Therapy and Attunement in Treating Families with DCFS Involvement, Amanda Gonzalez
Trace, Colin Gray
House of the Rising Sun, Ben Gross
Scrap Metal, Bonnie L. Harris
Hablando de la herida: Honoring Spanish-Speaking Parents’ Experiences Obtaining School-Based Speech and Language Services for Their Children, Amalia W. Hernández
Social Justice and the Superintendency: A Study of Eight Los Angeles County Superintendents, Matthew Hill
Examining Relational Dynamics in Couples through an Art-Making Experience: A Replication Study, Kuangheng Hwang, Anna McNerney, Grace Palenik, and Kathleen Scheppe
Paul's View on Marriage and the Teaching of the Magisterium on Marriage: Towards an Inculturation of the Igbo Understanding of Marriage, Valentine Ibe
The Persian Art of Denial, Jasmine Jafari
Talking Shop, Karen Joseph Adcock
Quincy, Hunter Karas
Medical Art Therapy, Hope Kinney and Elizabeth Mueller
Navigating the Sexual Politics on the High School Campus: Testimonios of Young Chicana/Latinas, Mayra Alejandra Lara