Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2016
An Exploration of Existential Group Art Therapy for Substance Abuse Clients with a History of Trauma, Sung Liskin
Impacts Of An Artist Residency Program Informed By Social Action Art Therapy, Jessica Bui Lo
Storage Unit, Erik Long IV
Sweet Spirit: The Pedagogical Relevance of the Black Church for African-American Males, Brandi Odom Lucas
Resiliency of Latino High School Students: The Impact of External and Internal Factors, Diana Marie Lucero
Exploration of the Process of an Altered Book Project With Women Cancer Survivors, Jillian E. Luz
Preferential Options and Palimpsests: Transferring the Founders’ Catholic Charism from Vowed Religious Educators to Lay Educators, Patrick Paschal Lynch
Exonerated, Adam Maksoad
Changing Food Consumption Behavior in Saudi Arabia, Rayan Malki
Male Chinese Student Transitions to Life in an American Secondary Catholic Boarding School, Matthew R. Mallon
The Triage Principal: An Autoethnographic Tale of Leadership in a Catholic Turnaround School, Corena Marasco
The Absence of Aspiration in the Era of Accountability, Mary R. Martinez
Rethinking Critical Consciousness: Latina Teachers, Latina Girls, and Alternative Educational Spaces, Salvador Martin
Mari, Ryan B. Massey
Maric Ruz, Christine McAulife
Children are the Messengers: A Case Study of Academic Success Through the Voices of High-Achieving Low-Income Elementary Students, Stephen Howard McCray
Brown v. Board of Education (1954) An Analysis of Policy Implementation, Outcomes, and Unintended Consequences, Carla M. McCullough
African American Parental Engagement in a Public Middle School: Contributing Factors, Laura J. McGowan-Robinson
“This is our life. We can’t drive home.” An Analysis of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy as Perceived by Elementary Teachers, Students and Families in an Urban Charter School, Elaine Azalia McNeil-Girmai
Make Time, Jonathan Paul Medici
Effective Instruction in the Blended Learning Classroom, Stepan Mekhitarian
Adolescent Mentors and the Latino Community, Arazeli L. Melendez
Smart Home Project in Saudi Arabia: Reduce the Power Waste and Increase the Efficiency, Controllability and Sustainability, Abdulmajeed Mesefir
The Avoidance of Race: White Teachers’ Racial Identities in Alternative Teacher Education Programs and Urban Under-Resourced Schools, Kelley Marie McCann Miller
Closing the Gap: The Effects of Alternative Certification Programs on Intern Self-Efficacy, Marianne Mitchell
Becoming Unionized in a Charter School: How Charter School Teachers Navigate the Culture of Choice, Elizabeth Montaño
Latino and Latina Urban Elementary Principals’ Entry into Educational Administration, José Montaño
The Biliteracy Achievement of Latino English Learners in Two-Way Immersion Elementary Programs, Olga Grimalt Moraga
Implementing Calendar Reform in a Suburban Catholic Elementary School: A Case Study, Catherine Cichocki Muzzy
An Information System for Health Care Quality Measures, Matthew Mycroft
Exploring Latinidad: Latina Voice and Cultural Awareness in a Catholic Female Single-Sex High School, Candy Navarro
Towards a Community College Pin@y Praxis: Creating an Inclusive Cultural Space, Atheneus C. Ocampo
A Case Study Examining the Implementation and Assessment of the Profile of the Graduate at Graduation in a Jesuit Secondary School, Daniel Joseph O'Connell
Literacy and Ideology: A Qualitative Research Study of a Language Arts Class of Language Minority Students Using the Scripted Curriculum High Point, Elizabeth Osorio-Arzate
Goliath, Nicholas C. Pangilinan
Funds of Knowledge that Support Teacher-Student Relationships: A Narrative Study of Effective Teachers, James Allan Pasto
From Inclusion for Some to Inclusion for All: A Case Study of the Inclusion Program at One Catholic Elementary School, Emily Marie Paz
Organizational Assimilation through Heritage Language Programming: Reconciling Justice and Bilingualism, Ricardo José Pedroarias
The Role of the Art Therapist: A Multi-Faceted Approach, Lauren E. Peña
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Obama Administration’s Education Speeches, Adriane Kayoko Peralta
Latinas’ Access to Advanced Placement Courses: A Case Study of a Catholic Female Single-Sex High School, Jennifer Maria Pérez Aguilar
Disability and Power: A Charter School Case Study Investigating Grade-Level Retention of Students with Learning Disabilities, Esther Lorraine Perez
Transformational Leadership: A Qualitative Study of Rural Elementary Schools in Fresno County, Xavier Piña
College Knowledge: How Immigrant Latino Parents Access Information, Ana F. Ponce
Changing Mindsets: A Case Study of a Community of Practice between Charter and Traditional Public School Leaders in the School Leaders Network, Manuel Nicolas Ponce Jr.
Investigating Collaborative Inquiry: A Case Study of a Professional Learning Community at Lennox Charter High School, Alyce H. Prentice
The Catholic School Principal and Inclusive Leadership: A Quantitative Study, Jayne M. Quinn
A Place to Belong: Critical Queer Pedagogy for Social Justice in Catholic Education, Roydavid Villanueva Quinto
Relational Aggression, Middle School Girls, and the Development of Critical Consciousness, Casey Quirarte
Factors Impacting Persistence for African-American and Latino Community College Students, Amy Radovčić
Afrocentric Pedagogy as a Transformative Educational Practice, Miranda L. Ra'oof
Defining Defiance: African-American Middle School Students’ Perspective on the Impact of Teachers’ Disciplinary Referrals, Patricia Ray
Building Spiritual Capital: The Effects of Kundalini Yoga on Adolescent Stress, Emotional Affect, and Resilience, Meliné Sarkissian
An Analysis of Fifth-Grade Teachers’ Mathematical Inputs on Eighth-Grade Students’ Mathematical Outputs, Neeraj Raj Satyal
Silencing the Critics: A Conceptual Framework in Teacher Preparation for Social Justice, Allison P. Schildts
Youth, Social Networking, and Resistance: A Case Study on a Multidimensional Approach to Resistance, David Scozzaro
Guerrilla, Jake TMT Sheets
A Systems Engineering Approach Towards Millennial Investment Strategies, Ethan L. Smith
Architecting an Online Social Resource for Amateur Filmmakers using a Hybrid Systems Engineering and Agile Approach, Thomas J. Smith II
Teacher Alienation: Reconceptualizing the Educational Work Environment, Jesse Robert Soza
Dreams Deferred: A Critical Narrative Analysis of African American Males in Pursuit of Higher Education, Martinique Starnes
Jail Bait, Jonathan Talbert
Monty and the Runaway Furance, Joe Taranto
Sacred Spaces: A Narrative Analysis of the Influences of Language and Literacy Experiences on the Self-Hood and Identity of High-Achieving African American Female College Freshmen, Michelle Flowers Taylor
Perceptions Regarding the Use and Experience of Information and Communication Technology from Female Students in a Catholic Middle School, Julio Cuauhtemoc Tellez
Media Literacy and the Common Good: A Link to Catholic Social Teaching, Maria Rosalia Tenorio de Azevedo
Vertical Take Off and Landing Robotic Mission on Mars, Kurian Thomas
Tie-Dyed Realities in a Monochromatic World: Deconstructing the Effects of Racial Microaggressions on Black-White Multiracial University Students, Claire Anne Touchstone
Heijunka Automation, Michael Trelinski
Counter Narrating the Media’s Master Narrative: A Case Study of Victory High School, Beth Trinchero
Toward a Pedagogy of Compassion: Extracting Principles of Education from Teaching a High School Multicultural Literature Class, Carlos Roberto Valverde
To Teach as Jesus Would: Inclusive Education in one Catholic Elementary School, Michelle Powell Wechsler
Effective Leadership Strategies: What Novice Catholic Elementary Principals Know, Do, And Want to Learn, Linda Rogers Wiley
Just for Today, James (Billy) Yates
“We’re Different because We’re Scholars”: A Case Study of a College Access Program in South Los Angeles, Lizette Zarate
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2015
Civil Affairs in Saudi Arabia, Salman Alahmed
Improving the Education for Undergraduate Students in Saudi Arabia Universities, Ahmed Aleisa
Adolescents, Social Media, and the Use of Self-Portraiture in Identity Formation, Sharee Nicole Allen
Implementing Health Information Exchange System: Saudi Arabia, Mussaad Almalohi
A Systems Approach to Groundwater Extension, Management and Replacement in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Almoslut
Saudi Arabia Future Female Engineers Program, Haya Alsamari
Congestion Management System (CMS), Musaab Alsayali
Increasing the Female Labor Participation Rate in Saudi Arabia: A Systems Approach to Solving Childcare Access Issues for Saudi Women, Najla AlSugair
Using Technology to Enhance Education in Saudi Arabian High Schools, Ali AlTuwaijri
Solution to the Shortage and High Costs of Homes in Saudi Arabia, Majed Alyabis
One Admission System for All Government Universities in Saudi Arabia, Ayman Alyoubi
Online Grocery Shopping in Saudi Arabia, Feras Alzamil
Sounds We Have No Letters For, Bernard Badion
How Women Use Art and Art Therapy to Cope With Breast Cancer: A Systematic Exploration of Published Literature, Diana C. Barnes
An Arts Based Exploration of Immigration and Acculturation through the Lenses of First, Second and Third Generation Clinical Art Therapists, Elizabeth Barraza, Christina Sanchez, and Carmen Solis
Art Therapy and Evidence-Based Practice: An Exploration of Interactions, Michael G. Bauer, Chauney Peck, Aubrey Studebaker, and Naomi Yu
A Cross-Cultural Exploration Into Kinetic Family Drawings, Kathleen Deanna Baxter, Sharon Brooke Uy, and Stella Mina Yun
Co-Responsible for the Kingdom of God: The Shared Ministry of Clergy and Laity, Pamela S. Bender
Expanding the Theoretical Lenses of Addiction Treatment Through Art Therapy Practice, Lily F. Braverman
All in the House, Karyn Casper
Promoting Higher Education in Catholic Latino Youth Through a Process of Acompañamiento, Marissa Cornejo