Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2015
Saudi-Egyptian Cross-Border Interconnection, Rafat Eed
Speak English, Pray in Spanish: Forming Cultural Bridges between Hispanic Teens and Parents, Dulce Flores
Catequesis Familiar: A Program of New Evangelization and Life-long Catechesis for the Family and through the Family, Alexander David Fontes
Blind Allegiance, Ebony P. Gilbert
Using the Systems Engineering Process for a Conceptual Mercury CubeSat Mission, Karen Grothe
Barnyard Slop Trough, Jack Gustafson
I'm Kind of a Big Deal, Emily Hale
E-Waste Recycling System for Computers and Mobile Devices Using Green Chemistry, Meshal Hamdi
Blood Night, Tasha Joi Henderson
Improving the F/A-18 Aft Tailfin Assembly, Brittany Henry
The Preserve, Daniel J. Hogan
Teacher Implementation and Impact of Academic Vocabulary Instructional Protocols for Long Term English Learners, Rosa I. Isiah
We Men are Lions, Jim Jacobi
HERE, THERE, EVERYWHERE: A Survey of the State of Yoga in K-12 Schools in The United States Today, Jake Jacobs
395 South, Chris Jones
System Engineering for Tribogenics: Startup Industry, David Kamkar
In Zugzwang, Daniel Kaumpungan
Sustainable Construction Waste Management System in Saudi Arabia (SCWMS), Hassan Khuris
The Closure Agency, Albert T. Leo
To Speak the Word of God with Our Hands for Those Who Hear with Their Eyes, Miriam Nancy Lopez
The Ladies, Edouard Marchand
A Heuristic Study of a Wounded Healer, Samantha McMullen
Systems Engineering Final, Erik Michel
Farewell My Bird, Ameneh Moghaddam
Exploring a Trainee's Response to Visiting Refugees in Jordan: A Bifocal Art Exploration, Daniela Marie Montañez
Brothers Under the Same God, Ed Morales
A Response to Poverty, Colleen R. Murray
Praxis of Mission: "Going Out" to Encounter Christ in Humanity, Lincoln Nguyen
The Snoops, Rigvedita Nigam
Generation Z (#Zombies), Jennevie A. Olivieri
The Blast-Off Inn, Danielle M. Ownbey
Understanding the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Southern California, Brianna Rita Pagan
Borderline, Elida Portillo
The Morning After, Irma Puzauskaite
The Debt Shadow, Elizabeth Quinn
Domestic Violence Against Women: Continuing the Struggle for Liberation, Cristina Ramos Robles
The Senator's Wife, Matthew Jay Schlissel
Art Therapy Considerations with Transgender Individuals, Bryan A. Schnebelt
The Role of Art Making in the Recovery from a Physical Disability due to Trauma, Erika Y. Schreefel
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) vs. Manned Aircraft System (MAS): A Military Aircraft Study, Ignacio Serrano
Unifying the Medical System in Saudi Arabia: Bringing Saudi Arabia to the forefront of Medical Technology in the Middle East, Yasser Shafei
An Exploration of the Utilization of Art Materials in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Resolution of Attachment Trauma, Susan Lorena Snodgrass
Applying Systems Engineering and Lean Healthcare Tactics to the Veterans Health Administration Enrollment System, Mike Sondheim
The Importance of a Sacramental Marriage, Susan Stankis
Residential Water Consumption in Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Sulaimani
Finders Keepers, Nicholas Jay Thacker
Spread, Joseph Toretti
Investigation of Non-Lethal Electric Shock on American Crows as a Predator Aversion Treatment for Reducing Depredation on California Least Tern Eggs, Vanessa Nicole Velasco
Bad Romance, Chad Edward Wellinger
Anatomy of a Pimp, Chantelle Wells
Utilizing SE, Lean, and Six Sigma to Create a Step-by-Step Guide to Homeownership, Christian A. Williams
Fostering a True Conversion of Heart and Mind, Grace Zambrana-Sutton
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2014
Modern Risk Management for Systems Engineering, Victor Abundez
Waiting Time at Airports, Saud Alayyadhi
A Classification Committee Approach for Improving the Accuracy of Image Query Systems, Abdulaziz Almaarik
A Systems Analysis of Energy Sources to Replace Oil in Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Almuhawwis
United Traffic Ticketing System in Gulf Countries: An Application of Systems Engineering, Abdulmajeed Mohammed Alobailan
An Efficient and Safe Online Purchasing Service in Saudi Arabia, Abdulmajeed Alqahtani
Enhancing the Voting System in Saudi Arabia Using Technology, Nasser Alsubaiei
Riyadh Blood Banks Distribution System, Abdulmajeed Binobaid
Agent Brownie, Andrew Michael Blanchette
Latino Cultural Implications for Art Therapy: The Influence of Cultural Risk Factors and Academic Performance in High School, Piera Lynn Carfagno
Visualizing Levels of Family Satisfaction and Quality of Life in Families with an Autistic Member(s), Sarah Christolini and Camille Werstler
First Mate, Kara Costello
Art Making for the Art Therapist: A Study on Clinical Insight, Therapist Identity, Self-Care, and Countertransference, Saira Crawford, Guadalupe Solis, and Eliza Ann Pfister
Spirituality, Creativity, Identity, and Art Therapy, Theresa Crooks
Envisioning Queer Culture: Toward a Theological Framework for Reimagining Sexuality and Sexual Orientation, Danielle Dempsey
Using Photography and Poetry in Group Therapy for People with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness: An Outcome Study, Sarah H. Eggers
Rediscovering Lasallian Education: An Ignatian Approach, Monique Gougeon
Three Bad Days, Carrie Baker Gutenberg
Response to 1 Timothy 2:11-12 or its parallel, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 by three sixteenth-century Protestant women theologians: Argula von Grumbach, Marie Dentiére, and Anne Askew, Katharine German Hall
Prayer in a Time of Sin: A Comparative Analysis of Christian, Buddhist, and Kashmiri Shaiva Doctrines, Viresh Hughes
Perceptions of Healing: Mind, Body and Spiritual Implications For Yoga Therapy and Art Therapy Students, Robin L. Kusilka
DEAD-BEET, Erika Lawson
Final Curtain, Holly N. Leveque
Art Therapy and Runaway Homeless Youth: An Exploration of Trauma and The Survival Response of "Flight", LeAnn K. Marschall
Early Support Engagement Interactive Intelligence, Amor Masry
Arena, Catlan McClelland
Self-Care: Exploring Well-Being Through Exercise, Yoga and Art, Erika J. Moreira and Wendy E. Rios
Post-Disaster Group Art Therapy Treatment for Children, Caitlin Frances Murphy
Social Media Systems Engineering for Businesses, Steve Huy Nguyen
Application of Satellite Data to Model Storm Runoff Into Rosamond Dry Lake, Mridul Oli
Truth and Conflict in the Catholic Church: Catholic Jewish Dialogue, Nadia Pandolfo
Sewing New Theological Cloth on an Old Liturgical Cloak: New Theological Expressions & Tensions Created By The Liturgical Reforms of Vatican II in The Liturgy Of The Hours, Stephen J. Picard
Vehicular CO2 Reduction in the United States, Julio C. Ramirez
Sometimes the Wolf, Myles Hendry Reid
Jesus and the Ethic of Love: A Critical Examination of a New Covenant, Jeffrey Stephen Sabol
The Contrast of Systems Engineering Application in Two Spacecraft Programs, Atash Soltani
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Anthony Stier
Stadium, Stephen D. Trzesniewski
The Call to Love: A Catholic’s Guide to New Understandings of Homosexual Inclusivity, Eddie-Joe Vieyra
Integrating Restorative Justice Approaches in an Art Therapy Group, Jenna Walters
The Golden Record, Danielle E. Weinberg
Fending off Vicarious Trauma Through Art Making, Laura M. Wong
Model-Based Systems Engineering: Status and Challenges, Lynda Wright
Theses, Research Projects and Dissertations from 2013
Has-Been, Katherine M. Adams
Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) using Systems Engineering, Irene Ahuja
Lean Supply Chain Systems Engineering, Abdulrahman AlMhana